- 积分
- 1079
- 明经币
- 个
- 注册时间
- 2011-2-22
- 在线时间
- 小时
- 威望
- 金钱
- 个
- 贡献
- 激情
1 界面
2 代码如下:
Dim top1 As Single
Dim top2 As Single
Dim top3 As Single
Dim top4 As Single
Dim top5 As Single
Dim top6 As Single
Dim dizengyinzi As Integer '定义递增因子,说明是递增还是递减
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
On Error Resume Next
quxiao '调用取消命令
Dim zigao As Double
Dim denggaoju As Double
zigao = ComboBox1.Text
denggaoju = ComboBox2.Text
Dim gaocheng As Double
Dim pickbox1 As Integer
Dim currentcolor As String
Dim currenttextstyle As String
Dim currentlayername As String
Dim currentosmode As Integer
Dim layerobj As AcadLayer
pickbox1 = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("pickbox")
currentcolor = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("cecolor")
currenttextstyle = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("textstyle")
currentlayername = ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer.name
currentosmode = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("OSMODE")
Dim filtertype(3) As Integer '定义选择过滤器类型的dsf组码
Dim filterdata(3) As Variant '定义过滤器的值
filtertype(0) = -4
filterdata(0) = "<or"
filtertype(1) = 0
filterdata(1) = "lwpolyline"
filtertype(2) = 0
filterdata(2) = "POLYLINE"
filtertype(3) = -4
filterdata(3) = "or>"
Dim sset1 As AcadSelectionSet
Set sset1 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("ss1")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set sset1 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("ss1")
End If
newtextstyle2 '调用新建字体样式程序
If OptionButton1.value Then '如果是单选
Dim plineobj As AcadObject
Dim base As Variant
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "pickbox", 5
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "cmdecho", 0
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity plineobj, base, "请点选等高线:" & vbCrLf
sset1.SelectAtPoint base, filtertype, filterdata
If sset1.count = 0 Then
ThisDrawing.Utility.prompt "-----等高线获取错误,请重新操作------" & vbCrLf
chongzhi pickbox1, currentcolor, currenttextstyle, currentlayername, currentosmode
Exit Sub
ThisDrawing.Utility.prompt "当前等高线高程为:" & plineobj.Elevation & vbCrLf
gaocheng = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetReal(vbCr & "请输入高程:")
If gaocheng = 0 Then
GoTo redo1 '如果为输入高程为0,则重新选择等高线
plineobj.Elevation = gaocheng
gaocheng = 0
End If
If CheckBox1.value Then
Set layerobj = ThisDrawing.Layers.Add("高程文字")
ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = layerobj
currenttextstyle = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("textstyle")
layerobj.color = acRed
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "cecolor", "256"
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "textstyle", "wh_lkx"
addgaocheng plineobj.Elevation, base, zigao
chongzhi pickbox1, currentcolor, currenttextstyle, currentlayername, currentosmode
End If
GoTo redo1
End If
Else '如果是选择多条等高线 栏选等高线
Dim pt1 As Variant
Dim pt2 As Variant
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "osmode", 0
pt1 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "拾取第一点:")
pt2 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(pt1, "拾取第二点:")
Dim linelist(0 To 5) As Double
linelist(0) = pt1(0): linelist(1) = pt1(1): linelist(2) = 0
linelist(3) = pt2(0): linelist(4) = pt2(1): linelist(5) = 0
Dim line1 As AcadLine
Set line1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(pt1, pt2)
line1.Highlight True
Dim boundary1 As Variant
Dim boundary2 As Variant
line1.GetBoundingBox boundary1, boundary2
ThisDrawing.Application.ZoomWindow boundary1, boundary2
sset1.SelectByPolygon acSelectionSetFence, linelist, filtertype, filterdata '栏选对象
ThisDrawing.Application.ZoomPrevious '返回上一个屏幕
If sset1.count = 0 Then
ThisDrawing.Utility.prompt "-----等高线获取错误,请重新操作------" & vbCrLf
chongzhi pickbox1, currentcolor, currenttextstyle, currentlayername, currentosmode
Exit Sub
gaocheng = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetReal("请输入起始高程:")
dizengyinzi = 1 '默认表示递增
dizengyinzi = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetInteger(vbCr & "递增(1)或递减(-1)默认是递增:")
' If gaocheng = 0 Then
' line1.Delete
' sset1.Clear
' 'GoTo redo2 '如果输入高程为0,则重新选择等高线
' End If
Dim i As Integer
If CheckBox1.value Then '是否显示标高文字
Set layerobj = ThisDrawing.Layers.Add("高程文字")
currenttextstyle = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("textstyle")
layerobj.color = acRed
ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = layerobj
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "textstyle", "wh_lkx"
Dim jiaodian As Variant
Dim intpoint(0 To 2) As Double
For i = 0 To sset1.count - 1
sset1.Item(i).Elevation = 0
jiaodian = sset1.Item(i).IntersectWith(line1, acExtendNone)
intpoint(0) = jiaodian(0)
intpoint(1) = jiaodian(1)
addgaocheng gaocheng + i * denggaoju * dizengyinzi, intpoint, zigao
chongzhi pickbox1, currentcolor, currenttextstyle, currentlayername, currentosmode
End If
For i = 0 To sset1.count - 1
sset1.Item(i).Elevation = gaocheng + i * denggaoju * dizengyinzi
'GoTo redo2
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
On Error Resume Next
quxiao '调用取消命令
Dim zigao As Double
Dim denggaoju As Double
zigao = ComboBox1.Text
denggaoju = ComboBox2.Text
Dim gaocheng As Double
Dim pickbox1 As Integer
Dim currentcolor As String
Dim currenttextstyle As String
Dim currentlayername As String
Dim layerobj As AcadLayer
Dim currentosmode As Integer
pickbox1 = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("pickbox")
currentcolor = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("cecolor")
currenttextstyle = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("textstyle")
currentlayername = ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer.name
currentosmode = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("OSMODE")
Dim filtertype(3) As Integer '定义选择过滤器类型的dsf组码
Dim filterdata(3) As Variant '定义过滤器的值
filtertype(0) = -4
filterdata(0) = "<or"
filtertype(1) = 0
filterdata(1) = "lwpolyline"
filtertype(2) = 0
filterdata(2) = "POLYLINE"
filtertype(3) = -4
filterdata(3) = "or>"
Dim sset1 As AcadSelectionSet
Set sset1 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("ss1")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set sset1 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("ss1")
End If
newtextstyle2 '调用新建字体样式程序
If OptionButton1.value Then '如果是单选
Dim plineobj As AcadObject
Dim base As Variant
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "pickbox", 5
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "cmdecho", 0
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity plineobj, base, "请点选等高线:" & vbCrLf
sset1.SelectAtPoint base, filtertype, filterdata
If sset1.count = 0 Then
ThisDrawing.Utility.prompt "-----等高线获取错误,请重新操作------" & vbCrLf
chongzhi pickbox1, currentcolor, currenttextstyle, currentlayername, currentosmode
Exit Sub
If CheckBox1.value Then
ThisDrawing.Utility.prompt "当前等高线高程为:" & plineobj.Elevation & vbCrLf
Set layerobj = ThisDrawing.Layers.Add("高程文字")
ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = layerobj
currenttextstyle = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("textstyle")
layerobj.color = acRed
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "cecolor", "256"
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "textstyle", "wh_lkx"
addgaocheng plineobj.Elevation, base, zigao
chongzhi pickbox1, currentcolor, currenttextstyle, currentlayername, currentosmode
GoTo redo1
ThisDrawing.Utility.prompt "当前等高线高程为:" & plineobj.Elevation & vbCrLf
GoTo redo1
End If
End If
Else '如果是选择多条等高线
Dim pt1 As Variant
Dim pt2 As Variant
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "osmode", 0
pt1 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "拾取第一点:")
pt2 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(pt1, "拾取第二点:")
Dim linelist(0 To 5) As Double
linelist(0) = pt1(0): linelist(1) = pt1(1): linelist(2) = 0
linelist(3) = pt2(0): linelist(4) = pt2(1): linelist(5) = 0
Dim line1 As AcadLine
Set line1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(pt1, pt2)
line1.Highlight True
Dim boundary1 As Variant
Dim boundary2 As Variant
line1.GetBoundingBox boundary1, boundary2
ThisDrawing.Application.ZoomWindow boundary1, boundary2
sset1.SelectByPolygon acSelectionSetFence, linelist, filtertype, filterdata '栏选对象
ThisDrawing.Application.ZoomPrevious '返回上一个屏幕
If sset1.count = 0 Then
ThisDrawing.Utility.prompt "-----等高线获取错误,请重新操作------" & vbCrLf
chongzhi pickbox1, currentcolor, currenttextstyle, currentlayername, currentosmode
Exit Sub
End If
Set layerobj = ThisDrawing.Layers.Add("高程文字")
currenttextstyle = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("textstyle")
layerobj.color = acRed
ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = layerobj
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "textstyle", "wh_lkx"
ThisDrawing.SetVariable "osmode", 0
Dim jiaodian As Variant
Dim intpoint(0 To 2) As Double
For i = 0 To sset1.count - 1
gaocheng = sset1.Item(i).Elevation
sset1.Item(i).Elevation = 0
jiaodian = sset1.Item(i).IntersectWith(line1, acExtendNone)
intpoint(0) = jiaodian(0)
intpoint(1) = jiaodian(1)
addgaocheng gaocheng, intpoint, zigao
sset1.Item(i).Elevation = gaocheng
chongzhi pickbox1, currentcolor, currenttextstyle, currentlayername, currentosmode
End If
End Sub
Private Sub OptionButton1_Click()
Label2.Visible = False
ComboBox2.Visible = False
Label1.top = top1
ComboBox1.top = top2
CheckBox1.top = top3
CommandButton1.top = top4
CommandButton2.top = top5
CommandButton3.top = top6
Me.height = 166
End Sub
Private Sub OptionButton2_Click()
Label2.Visible = True
ComboBox2.Visible = True
Label1.top = top1 + 18
ComboBox1.top = top2 + 18
CheckBox1.top = top3 + 18
CommandButton1.top = top4 + 18
CommandButton2.top = top5 + 18
CommandButton3.top = top6 + 18
Me.height = 184
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim i As Single
For i = 1 To 19 '设置字体高度
ComboBox1.AddItem Format(i / 2 + 0.5, "0.0")
For i = 15 To 95 Step 5 '15---95
ComboBox1.AddItem i
For i = 100 To 1000 Step 50 '100---500
ComboBox1.AddItem i
ComboBox2.AddItem Format(0.5, "0.0")
For i = 1 To 10 Step 0.5
ComboBox2.AddItem Format(i, "0.0")
ComboBox2.AddItem Format(10, "0.0")
ComboBox2.AddItem Format(20, "0.0")
ComboBox2.AddItem Format(40, "0.0")
ComboBox2.AddItem Format(50, "0.0")
ComboBox2.AddItem Format(100, "0.0")
top1 = Label1.top
top2 = ComboBox1.top
top3 = CheckBox1.top
top4 = CommandButton1.top
top5 = CommandButton2.top
top6 = CommandButton3.top
End Sub
'Private Sub newtextstyle() '创建新的字体样式
' Dim typeFace As String
' Dim SavetypeFace As String
' Dim Bold As Boolean
' Dim Italic As Boolean
' Dim charSet As Long
' Dim PitchandFamily As Long
' Dim lkxtextstyle As AcadTextStyle
' Dim currenttextstyle As AcadTextStyle
' Set currenttextstyle = ThisDrawing.ActiveTextStyle
' '获取当前字体样式的参数
' currenttextstyle.GetFont typeFace, Bold, Italic, charSet, PitchandFamily
' Set lkxtextstyle = ThisDrawing.TextStyles.Add("wh_lkx")
' With lkxtextstyle
' .SetFont "宋体", False, False, charSet, PitchandFamily
' .width = 0.8 '设置宽度比例
' End With
'End Sub
Private Sub addgaocheng(gaocheng As Double, pt As Variant, zigao As Double)
Dim textobj As AcadText
Set textobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(Format(gaocheng, "0.0"), pt, zigao)
With textobj
.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
.TextAlignmentPoint = pt
End With
End Sub
Private Sub chongzhi(pickbox1 As Integer, currentcolor As String, currenttextstyle As String, currentlayername As String, currentosmode As Integer)
With ThisDrawing
.SetVariable "pickbox", pickbox1
.SetVariable "cmdecho", 0
.SetVariable "cecolor", currentcolor '恢复绘图颜色
.SetVariable "textstyle", currenttextstyle
.SetVariable "osmode", currentosmode
End With
ThisDrawing.ActiveLayer = ThisDrawing.Layers.Item(currentlayername)
End Sub
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