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发表于 2022-4-24 11:03:08
本帖最后由 landsat99 于 2022-4-24 11:04 编辑
Github另一位小哥的 Alisp-Json的读写函数。
The functions included in json_util.lsp:
_ json_to_list: Return a list with the elements of a string in json format
_ list_to_json: Return a string in json format from a list
- ;*************************************************************************************************
- ;* INICIO json_util.lsp
- ;*************************************************************************************************
- ;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;;str_replace function.
- ;;Replace all aparisions of "patt" by "repl_to"
- ;;
- ;;Params:
- ;; -str: The original string
- ;; -patt: The pattern which will be replaced
- ;; -repl_to: The string which will replace the pattern
- ;;
- ;;Original Code by: diegomcas, 2020/03/25
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (defun dmc:json:str_replace (str patt repl_to / pos inc init_search)
- (if (not str) (setq str ""))
- (if (and (not patt) (< (strlen patt) 1)) (setq patt " "))
- (if (and (not repl_to) (< (strlen repl_to) 1)) (setq repl_to " "))
- (setq pos (vl-string-search patt str))
- (setq inc (1+ (- (strlen repl_to) (strlen patt))))
- ; (princ "pos= ") (princ pos) (princ "\n")
- ; (princ "inc= ") (princ inc) (princ "\n")
- (while pos
- (setq str (vl-string-subst repl_to patt str pos))
- (setq init_search (+ pos inc))
- (if (< init_search 0)
- (setq init_search 0)
- )
- (setq pos (vl-string-search patt str init_search))
- )
- str
- )
- ;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;;json_parser function (To be executed by json_to_list)
- ;;Make a list of list with all data of the json string.
- ;;One list for each of:
- ;; -pairs name:value
- ;; -arrays
- ;; -objets
- ;;
- ;;Params:
- ;; -lst_json: The list prepared by (json_to_list) function
- ;; -state: for the use of the States Machine
- ;;
- ;;Original Code by: diegomcas, 2020/03/25
- ;;Modified 2021/03/09
- ;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (defun dmc:json:json_parser (lst_json state array_lvl quote_array / lst str_name res)
- (setq lst '())
- (setq lst_pair '())
- (if (not state)
- (setq state 'Obj)
- )
- (if (not array_lvl)
- (setq array_lvl 0)
- )
- (foreach res lst_json
- ; (princ "res= ") (princ res) (princ "\n")
- ; (princ "state= ") (princ state) (princ "\n")
- ; (princ "str_name= ") (princ str_name) (princ "\n")
- ; (princ "array_lvl= ") (princ array_lvl) (princ "\n")
- ; (princ "--------------------------------------------") (princ "\n")
- (cond
- ;Case -> reading '<ARRAY>
- ((eq res (quote <ARRAY>))
- (setq array_lvl (1+ array_lvl))
- (setq state 'Array)
- (if quote_array
- (setq lst (append lst (list res)))
- )
- )
- ;Case -> reading '</ARRAY>
- ((eq res (quote </ARRAY>))
- (setq array_lvl (1- array_lvl))
- (setq state 'Obj)
- (if quote_array
- (setq lst (append lst (list res)))
- )
- )
- ;Case -> { null/true/false }
- ((and (eq state 'Obj) (or (eq res 'null) (eq res 'false) (eq res 'true)))
- (setq lst (append lst (list res)))
- )
- ;Case -> {name : value} / value = 'null or 'false or 'true or 'STR or 'INT or 'REAL
- ((and (eq state 'Obj_Value) (or (eq res 'null) (eq res 'false) (eq res 'true) (eq (type res) 'STR) (eq (type res) 'INT) (eq (type res) 'REAL)))
- (if (eq 'STR (type res))
- (progn
- (setq res (dmc:json:str_replace res " , " "," ))
- (setq res (dmc:json:str_replace res " : " ":" ))
- (setq res (dmc:json:str_replace res "( <ARRAY> " "["))
- (setq res (dmc:json:str_replace res " </ARRAY> )" "]"))
- )
- )
- (setq lst_pair (cons str_name res))
- (setq lst (append lst (list lst_pair)))
- (setq str_name nil)
- )
- ;Case -> finish reading VALUE
- ((and (eq state 'Obj_Value) (eq res ',))
- (setq state 'Obj)
- )
- ;Case -> Reading a name {NAME : value}
- ((and (eq state 'Obj) (eq (type res) 'STR))
- (setq res (dmc:json:str_replace res " , " "," ))
- (setq res (dmc:json:str_replace res " : " ":" ))
- (setq res (dmc:json:str_replace res "( <ARRAY> " "["))
- (setq res (dmc:json:str_replace res " </ARRAY> )" "]"))
- (setq str_name res)
- (setq state 'Obj_Name)
- )
- ;Case -> Reading a new Object
- ((and (eq state 'Obj) (eq (type res) 'LIST))
- (setq lst_temp (dmc:json:json_parser res state array_lvl quote_array))
- (setq lst_pair (cons str_name lst_temp))
- (setq lst (append lst (list lst_pair)))
- )
- ;Case -> Reading a value = {Object}
- ((and (eq state 'Obj_Value) (eq (type res) 'LIST))
- (setq lst_temp (dmc:json:json_parser res 'Obj array_lvl quote_array))
- (if str_name
- (setq lst_pair (cons str_name (list lst_temp)))
- (setq lst_pair lst_temp)
- )
- (setq lst (append lst (list lst_pair)))
- )
- ;Case -> Reading a complete name {NAME : value} -> Preparing to read value
- ((and (eq state 'Obj_Name) (eq res ':))
- (setq state 'Obj_Value)
- )
- ;Case -> Reading an Array
- ((and (eq state 'Array) (eq (type res) 'LIST))
- (setq lst_temp (dmc:json:json_parser res nil array_lvl quote_array))
- (if str_name
- (setq lst_pair (cons str_name (list lst_temp)))
- (setq lst_pair lst_temp)
- )
- (setq lst (append lst (list lst_pair)))
- )
- ;Case -> ARRAY value = 'null or 'false or 'true or 'STR or 'INT or 'REAL without name
- ((and (and (> array_lvl 0) (eq state 'Array)) (or (eq res 'null) (eq res 'false) (eq res 'true) (eq (type res) 'STR) (eq (type res) 'INT) (eq (type res) 'REAL)))
- ; (princ res) (princ "\n")
- (setq lst (append lst (list res)))
- )
- )
- )
- lst
- )
- ;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;;json_to_list function
- ;;Make a list of list with all data of the json string.
- ;;One list for each of:
- ;; -pairs name:value
- ;; -arrays
- ;; -objets
- ;;
- ;;Params:
- ;; -json: The json string (Strings values must not contain "(" ")")
- ;;
- ;;Original Code by: diegomcas, 2020/03/25
- ;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (defun dmc:json:json_to_list (json quote_array / strtransf stread)
- (if (not (eq 'STR (type json)))
- (setq json "{}")
- )
- ;Lists of lists for registers/arrays/objects of the json
- (setq strtransf (vl-string-translate "{}" "()" json))
- (setq strtransf (dmc:json:str_replace strtransf "[" "( <ARRAY> "))
- (setq strtransf (dmc:json:str_replace strtransf "]" " </ARRAY> )"))
- ;add spaces before "," / Repairing bad read of numbers
- (setq strtransf (dmc:json:str_replace strtransf "," " , "))
- (setq strtransf (dmc:json:str_replace strtransf ":" " : "))
- (setq stread (read strtransf))
- ;(princ "json -> ")(princ json) (princ "\n")
- ;(princ "stread -> ")(princ stread) (princ "\n")
- (dmc:json:json_parser stread nil 0 quote_array)
- )
- ;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;;list_to_json function
- ;;Make a json string with all data of the json list.
- ;;
- ;;Not complete testing!!! Testing for use it!!!
- ;;Params:
- ;; -lst: The list of which will be written the json
- ;;
- ;;Autolisp don't have Arrays, so it is impossible to rebuild a json that contains them.
- ;;This function assume the list is Array Quote
- ;;
- ;;If you run (list_to_json (json_to_list "{your_json}"))
- ;;you probably lose data (type of data)
- ;;
- ;;Original Code by: diegomcas, 2020/03/25
- ;;Modified 2021/03/09
- ;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (defun dmc:json:list_to_json (lst / lst_element json reading_val init_state value_to_string is_value is_attribute_simple is_attribute_complex is_array)
- ; (defun is_object (lst / )
- ; (and (eq (length lst) 2) (eq 'STR (type (car lst))) (not (is_array lst)))
- ; )
- (defun value_to_string (element / )
- (cond
- ((eq 'STR (type element))
- (strcat """ element """)
- )
- ((eq 'REAL (type element))
- (rtos element 2 8)
- )
- ((eq 'INT (type element))
- (itoa element)
- )
- ((eq 'NULL element)
- "null"
- )
- ((eq 'FALSE element)
- "false"
- )
- ((eq 'TRUE element)
- "true"
- )
- )
- )
- (defun is_value (val / )
- (or
- (= (type val) 'STR)
- (= (type val) 'REAL)
- (= (type val) 'INT)
- (= 'NULL val)
- (= 'FALSE val)
- (= 'TRUE val)
- )
- )
- (defun is_attribute_simple (lst / )
- (and (is_value (cdr lst)) (eq 'STR (type (car lst))) (not (is_array lst)))
- )
- (defun is_attribute_complex (lst / )
- (and (= 'LIST (type (cdr lst))) (eq 'STR (type (car lst))) (not (is_array lst)))
- )
- (defun is_array (lst / res)
- (eq (QUOTE <ARRAY>) (car lst))
- )
- (defun read_list (lst json state / )
- (foreach lst_element lst
- ; (princ "---------------------------------------------------------\n")
- ; (princ "IN state -> ") (princ state) (princ "\n")
- ; (princ "lst_element -> ") (princ lst_element) (princ "\n")
- (if (eq 'LIST (type lst_element)) ; Set of data
- (progn
- ; (princ "Is LIST")(princ "\n")
- (cond
- ; ARRAY -> Read any value (Objects, Arrays, strings, numbers, 'true, 'false, 'null)
- ((is_array lst_element)
- ; (princ "-> INIT ARRAY.") (princ "\n")
- (setq reading_val nil)
- (setq json (strcat json "["))
- (setq json (read_list lst_element json 'ARRAY))
- (setq json (strcat json "],"))
- )
- ((is_attribute_complex lst_element)
- ; (princ "-> ATTRIBUTE COMPLEX IN AN OBJECT.") (princ "\n")
- (setq reading_val nil)
- ; (princ "-> ATTRIBUTE complex.") (princ "\n")
- (setq json (strcat json (value_to_string (car lst_element)) ":"))
- (setq json (read_list (cdr lst_element) json 'OBJECT))
- )
- ((is_attribute_simple lst_element)
- (setq reading_val nil)
- ; (princ "-> ATTRIBUTE simple.") (princ "\n")
- (setq json
- (strcat
- json
- (value_to_string (car lst_element)) ":"
- (value_to_string (cdr lst_element)) ","
- )
- )
- )
- ; NO ARRAY / NO ATTRIBUTE -> Read Object
- (T
- ; (princ "-> INIT OBJECT.") (princ "\n")
- (setq reading_val nil)
- (setq json (strcat json "{"))
- (setq json (read_list lst_element json 'OBJECT))
- (setq json (strcat json "},"))
- )
- )
- )
- (progn ;not is list / is name or value
- ; (princ "not is list / is name or value.") (princ "\n")
- (if (not (or (eq lst_element '<ARRAY>) (eq lst_element '</ARRAY>)))
- (cond
- ((eq state 'ARRAY)
- (setq json (strcat json (value_to_string lst_element) ","))
- )
- ((eq state 'ATTRIB)
- (if reading_val
- (progn
- (setq json (strcat json (value_to_string lst_element) ","))
- (setq reading_val nil)
- )
- (progn
- (setq json (strcat json (value_to_string lst_element) ":"))
- (setq reading_val T)
- )
- )
- )
- ((eq state 'OBJECT)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; (princ "OUT state -> ") (princ state) (princ "\n")
- ; (princ "JSON -> ") (princ json) (princ "\n")
- ; (princ "---------------------------------------------------------\n")
- )
- json
- )
- (if (is_array lst)
- (progn
- (setq init_state 'ARRAY)
- (setq init_string "[")
- )
- (progn
- (setq init_state 'OBJECT)
- (setq init_string "{")
- )
- )
- (setq json (read_list lst init_string init_state))
- (if (eq "[" init_string)
- (setq json (strcat json "]"))
- (setq json (strcat json "}"))
- )
- ;Clean the string
- (setq json (dmc:json:str_replace json ",}" "}"))
- (setq json (dmc:json:str_replace json ",]" "]"))
- )
- ;*************************************************************************************************
- ;* FIN json_util.lsp
- ;*************************************************************************************************