- 积分
- 4481
- 明经币
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- 注册时间
- 2015-1-16
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- [CommandMethod("AAP")]
- public void CreateAssocArrayPath()
- {
- Database db =
- Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database;
- Transaction tr =
- db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction();
- using (tr)
- {
- BlockTable bt =
- (BlockTable)tr.GetObject(
- db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead
- );
- BlockTableRecord btr =
- (BlockTableRecord)tr.GetObject(
- bt[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace],
- OpenMode.ForWrite
- );
- // Add profile entities: a Circle and a Line
- Circle cir =
- new Circle(
- new Point3d(-10, 0, 0),
- new Vector3d(0, 0, 1),
- 1.0
- );
- cir.ColorIndex = 3; // Green
- btr.AppendEntity(cir);
- tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(cir, true);
- Line ln =
- new Line(
- new Point3d(-11, -1, 0),
- new Point3d(-9, 1, 0)
- );
- ln.ColorIndex = 3; // Green
- btr.AppendEntity(ln);
- tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(ln, true);
- // Add path entity: a Spline, in this case
- double fitTol = 0.0;
- int order = 4;
- // An array of doubles to define the points
- // in our spline
- double[] ptAr =
- new double[]{
- -6.8447, 0.9430, 0,
- -5.1409, -3.0562, 0,
- -2.4095, 2.1049, 0,
- 3.4590, -3.9479, 0,
- 7.1370, 6.3472, 0
- };
- // We'll add the points to a collection
- Point3dCollection pts = new Point3dCollection();
- for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < ptAr.Length / 3; i++)
- {
- pts.Add(new Point3d(ptAr[j++], ptAr[j++], ptAr[j++]));
- }
- // Create the spline path and add it to the database
- Spline sp = new Spline(pts, order, fitTol);
- btr.AppendEntity(sp);
- tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(sp, true);
- // Offset the Circle, Line and Spline by a fixed amount
- Matrix3d offset =
- Matrix3d.Displacement(new Vector3d(60, 10, 0));
- cir.TransformBy(offset);
- ln.TransformBy(offset);
- sp.TransformBy(offset);
- ObjectIdCollection srcEnts = new ObjectIdCollection();
- srcEnts.Add(cir.ObjectId);
- srcEnts.Add(ln.ObjectId);
- // Take the base point as the center of our Circle
- VertexRef basePt = new VertexRef(cir.Center);
- // Set some variables to define parameters for our path
- int itemCount = 6;
- double itemSpacing =
- sp.GetDistanceAtParameter(sp.EndParam) / itemCount;
- double rowSpacing = 0.0;
- double levelSpacing = 0.0;
- int rowCount = 0;
- int levelCount = 0;
- double rowElevation = 0.0;
- // Create the parameters for our associative path array
- //为关联路径数组创建参数
- AssocArrayPathParameters pars =
- new AssocArrayPathParameters(
- itemSpacing,
- rowSpacing,
- levelSpacing,
- itemCount,
- rowCount,
- levelCount,
- rowElevation
- );
- pars.Method =
- AssocArrayPathParameters.MethodType.Measure;
- pars.Path = new EdgeRef(sp);
- // Create the associative array itself
- AssocArray array =
- AssocArray.CreateArray(
- srcEnts,
- basePt,
- pars
- );
- // Evaluate the array
- AssocManager.EvaluateTopLevelNetwork(db, null, 0);
- tr.Commit();
- }
- }