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发表于 2022-9-30 08:55:52
Gets the points where one object intersects another object in the drawing.
VBA : RetVal = object.IntersectWith(IntersectObject, ExtendOption)
VL : RetVal = (vla-IntersectWith object IntersectObject, ExtendOption)
(vla-IntersectWith obj1 obj2 acExtendBoth)
Object : All Drawing Objects (Except Pviewport and PolygonMesh)
The object or objects this method applies to.
IntersectObject : Object, input-only;
The object can be one of All Drawing Objects.
ExtendOption : AcExtendOption enum; input-only
This option specifies if one or the other, both, or none of the entities are to be extended in order to attempt an intersection.
Does not extend either object.
Extends the base object.
Extends the object passed as an argument.
Extends both objects.
RetVal : Variant (array of doubles)
The array of points where one object intersects another object in the drawing.
If the two objects do not intersect, no data is returned. You can request the point of intersection that would occur if one or both of the objects were extended to meet the other.
Example :
(defun c:al-intersectwith ()
(setq util (vla-get-utility
(vla-getentity util 'obj1 'ip "\nSelect First Object: ")
(vla-getentity util 'obj2 'ip "\nSelect Second Object: ")
(setq int (vla-IntersectWith obj1 obj2 acExtendBoth))
(princ int)