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楼主 |
发表于 2022-11-11 16:01:12
''Public Const acWindow As Integer = 4
'Public Const acMillimeter As Integer = 1
'Public Const ac0degrees As Integer = 0
'Public Const ac90degrees As Integer = 1
'Public Const acScaleToFi As Integer = 0
'Public Const acAllViewports As Integer = 1
'Public Const acModelSpace As Integer = 1
'cadDoc - 打开的cad文件
'kuainame - 打印图框名称
'PrinterName -打印机名称
'Styles -样式表名称
'MediaName -纸张大小
'AutoMedia -自动纸张开关
'AutoRotate -自动旋转, 纵向 / 横向
Function PlotFunction(cadDoc As Object, kuainame As String, PrinterName As String, Styles As String, MediaName As String, AutoMedia As Boolean, AutoRotate As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
Rem 根据图框位置排序后进行打印
Dim sel_block As Object
Set sel_block = add_ss(cadDoc, "sel_block") '调用函数,创建选择集
Dim tknum
If InStr(1, kuainame, ";") Then
matches = Split(kuainame, ";")
tknum = UBound(matches)
Select Case tknum
Case 1
BuildFilter pType1, pData1, -4, "<OR", 2, matches(0), 2, matches(1), -4, "OR>"
Case 2
BuildFilter pType1, pData1, -4, "<OR", 2, matches(0), 2, matches(1), 2, matches(2), -4, "OR>"
Case 3
BuildFilter pType1, pData1, -4, "<OR", 2, matches(0), 2, matches(1), 2, matches(2), 2, matches(3) - 4, "OR>"
End Select
BuildFilter pType1, pData1, 2, kuainame
End If
sel_block.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , pType1, pData1
On Error Resume Next
Dim blockarry() As BlockArray
Dim blocknow As BlockArray
Dim inPt As Variant '获取块的插入位置坐标
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
For Each t In sel_block
inPt = t.InsertionPoint
With blocknow
Set .blockObj = t
.blockX = inPt(0)
.blockY = inPt(1)
End With
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve blockarry(1 To i)
With blockarry(i)
Set .blockObj = blocknow.blockObj
.blockX = blocknow.blockX
.blockY = blocknow.blockY
'Debug.Print blockarry(1).blockObj.Name
End With
Call MaopaoBlockArry(blockarry())
Next t
'Dim Ent As Object
'Dim PlotCount As Integer
'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Dim Osmode As Integer
' Osmode = cadDoc.GetVariable("osmode")
' cadDoc.SetVariable "osmode", 0
' Dim Blipmode As Integer
' Blipmode = cadDoc.GetVariable("blipmode")
' cadDoc.SetVariable "blipmode", 0
' Dim Cmdecho As Integer
' Cmdecho = cadDoc.GetVariable("cmdecho")
' cadDoc.SetVariable "cmdecho", 0
Dim ptMin As Variant, ptMax As Variant
' 检查当时空间是否为模型空间
'If objDoc.ActiveSpace = acPaperSpace Then
' objDoc.MSpace = True
' objDoc.ActiveSpace = acModelSpace
'End If
'Set objLayout = cadDoc.Layouts.Item("模型")
Set objLayout = cadDoc.Layouts.Item("Model") '打印空白的内容
'Set ActiveLayout = cadDoc.Layouts.Item("Model") 'ActiveLayout对应的旋转命令有效
'Set ActiveLayout = objDoc.ModelSpace.Layout
'Set ActiveLayout = cadDoc.Layouts.Item("模型") '使用图纸默认的模型布局,而且后面的选择无效
Set objPlot = cadDoc.Plot
' 设置打印机
If Not Trim(PrinterName) = "" Then
objLayout.ConfigName = PrinterName
'ActiveLayout.ConfigName = PrinterName
Exit Function
End If
' 设置打印样式表
If Not Trim(Styles) = "" Then
objLayout.StyleSheet = Styles
'ActiveLayout.StyleSheet = Styles
objLayout.StyleSheet = "acad.ctb"
'ActiveLayout.StyleSheet = "acad.ctb"
End If
' 设置图纸尺寸
If AutoMedia Then
objLayout.CanonicalMediaName = "A4"
'ActiveLayout.CanonicalMediaName = "A4"
If Not Trim(MediaName) = "" Then
objLayout.CanonicalMediaName = MediaName
'ActiveLayout.CanonicalMediaName = MediaName
objLayout.CanonicalMediaName = "A4"
'ActiveLayout.CanonicalMediaName = "A4"
End If
End If
' 设置图纸单位
objLayout.PaperUnits = acMillimeters
'ActiveLayout.PaperUnits = acMillimeters
' 设置默认图纸打印方向
'objLayout.PlotRotation = ac0degrees '纵向
objLayout.PlotRotation = ac90degrees '横向
'ActiveLayout.PlotRotation = ac90degrees
' 设置图纸打印比例
objLayout.StandardScale = acScaleToFit
'ActiveLayout.StandardScale = acScaleToFit
objLayout.UseStandardScale = True '使用标准打印比例
'ActiveLayout.UseStandardScale = True
'objLayout.UseStandardScale = False '使用自定义打印比例
' 设置自定义打印比例
'objLayout.SetCustomScale txtNumerator.Value, txtDenominator.Value
' 设置图纸是否居中打印
objLayout.CenterPlot = True
'ActiveLayout.CenterPlot = True
' 打印时使用图形文件中的线宽
objLayout.PlotWithLineweights = True
'ActiveLayout.PlotWithLineweights = True
' 设置是否应用打印样式
objLayout.PlotWithPlotStyles = True
'ActiveLayout.PlotWithPlotStyles = True
' 打印时隐藏图纸空间对象
objLayout.PlotHidden = False
'ActiveLayout.PlotHidden = False
' 设置图纸打印份数
objPlot.NumberOfCopies = 1
' 将打印错误报告切换为静默错误模式,以便不间断地执行打印任务
objPlot.QuietErrorMode = True
' 设置前台打印,使打印任务按打印顺序依次发送到打印机
cadDoc.SetVariable "BACKGROUNDPLOT", 0
' 重新生成当前图形
cadDoc.Regen acAllViewports
' 根据图块的左下角及右上角坐标设置打印窗口
Dim a, b, c As Integer
a = 0
' b = 0
' c = 1
For a = 1 To i
blockarry(a).blockObj.GetBoundingBox ptMin, ptMax
Debug.Print blockarry(a).blockObj.Name
' ReDim Preserve ptMin(0 To 1) ' 将三维点转化为二维点坐标
' ReDim Preserve ptMax(0 To 1)
Debug.Print ptMin(0) & "--" & ptMin(1)
Debug.Print ptMax(0) & "--" & ptMax(1)
' 设置打印窗口
' objLayout.SetWindowToPlot ptMin, ptMax
' ActiveLayout.SetWindowToPlot ptMin, ptMax
' cadDoc.acModelSpace.SetWindowToPlot ptMin, ptMax
objLayout.SetWindowToPlot ptMin, ptMax
' ActiveLayout.SetWindowToPlot ptMin, ptMax
Dim pptMin As Variant, pptMax As Variant
objLayout.GetWindowToPlot pptMin, pptMax
Debug.Print pptMin(0) & "--" & pptMin(1)
Debug.Print pptMax(0) & "--" & pptMax(1)
objLayout.PlotType = acWindow
' ActiveLayout.PlotType = acWindow'起作用会导致选区为空
' objLayout.PlotType = acExtents
If Abs(ptMax(0) - ptMin(0)) < Abs(ptMax(1) - ptMin(1)) And AutoRotate Then '纵图不旋转
objLayout.PlotRotation = ac0degrees
' ActiveLayout.PlotRotation = ac90degrees
objLayout.PlotRotation = ac90degrees '旋转命令无效
' ActiveLayout.PlotRotation = ac0degrees '旋转命令有效
End If
' objDoc.Plot.DisplayPlotPreview acFullPreview ' 完全预览并提示打印
' objDoc.Plot.SetLayoutsToPlot = objLayout
' objPlot.PlotToDevice 'objLayout.ConfigName
Next a
If Err <> 0 Then
End If
On Error GoTo 0
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Function