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发表于 2023-4-4 18:44:25
 - ;;--------------=={ Count.lsp - Advanced Block Counter }==--------------;;
- ;; ;;
- ;; This program enables the user to record the quantities of a ;;
- ;; selection or all standard or dynamic blocks in the working drawing. ;;
- ;; The results of the block count may be displayed at the AutoCAD ;;
- ;; command-line, written to a Text or CSV file, or displayed in an ;;
- ;; AutoCAD Table, where available. ;;
- ;; ;;
- ;; Upon issuing the command syntax 'count' at the AutoCAD ;;
- ;; command-line, the user is prompted to make a selection of standard ;;
- ;; or dynamic blocks to be counted by the program. At this prompt, ;;
- ;; the user may right-click or press 'Enter' to automatically count ;;
- ;; all blocks in the drawing. ;;
- ;; ;;
- ;; Depending on the output setting, the results may then be printed ;;
- ;; to the AutoCAD command-line and displayed in the Text Window, or ;;
- ;; the user will be prompted to specify an insertion point for the ;;
- ;; table, or a filename & location for the Text or CSV output file. ;;
- ;; ;;
- ;; The program settings may be configured using the 'countsettings' ;;
- ;; command; this command will present the user with a dialog interface ;;
- ;; through which the data output, table & file headings, displayed ;;
- ;; columns, sorting field & sort order may each be altered. ;;
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- ;; Author: Lee Mac, Copyright ?2014 - www.lee-mac.com ;;
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- ;; Version 1.0 - 2010-06-05 ;;
- ;; ;;
- ;; - First release. ;;
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- ;; Version 1.1 - 2010-06-06 ;;
- ;; ;;
- ;; - Updated code to include Settings dialog. ;;
- ;; - Added Undo Marks. ;;
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- ;; Version 1.2 - 2010-06-06 ;;
- ;; ;;
- ;; - Fixed bug with 64-bit systems. ;;
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- ;; Version 1.3 - 2011-03-02 ;;
- ;; ;;
- ;; - Program completely rewritten. ;;
- ;; - Updated code to work without error on 64-bit systems by fixing ;;
- ;; bug with ObjectID subfunction - my thanks go to member 'Jeff M' ;;
- ;; at theSwamp.org forums for helping me solve this problem. ;;
- ;; - Added ability to write block count to Text/CSV Files. ;;
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- ;; Version 1.4 - 2014-06-15 ;;
- ;; ;;
- ;; - Program completely rewritten. ;;
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (setq
- count:version "1-4"
- count:defaults
- '(
- (out "tab")
- (tg1 "1")
- (tg2 "1")
- (tg3 "1")
- (ed1 "Block Data")
- (ed2 "Preview")
- (ed3 "Block Name")
- (ed4 "Count")
- (srt "blk")
- (ord "asc")
- )
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:fixdir ( dir )
- (vl-string-right-trim "\" (vl-string-translate "/" "\" dir))
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:getsavepath ( / tmp )
- (cond
- ( (setq tmp (getvar 'roamablerootprefix))
- (strcat (count:fixdir tmp) "\\Support")
- )
- ( (setq tmp (findfile "acad.pat"))
- (count:fixdir (vl-filename-directory tmp))
- )
- ( (count:fixdir (vl-filename-directory (vl-filename-mktemp))))
- )
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (setq count:savepath (count:getsavepath) ;; Save path for DCL & Config files
- count:dclfname (strcat count:savepath "\\LMAC_count_V" count:version ".dcl")
- count:cfgfname (strcat count:savepath "\\LMAC_count_V" count:version ".cfg")
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun c:count
- (
- /
- *error*
- all
- col
- des dir
- ed1 ed2 ed3 ed4
- fil fnm fun
- hgt
- idx ins
- lst
- ord out
- row
- sel srt
- tab tg1 tg2 tg3 tmp
- xrf
- )
- (defun *error* ( msg )
- (if (= 'file (type des))
- (close des)
- )
- (if (and (= 'vla-object (type tab))
- (null (vlax-erased-p tab))
- (= "AcDbTable" (vla-get-objectname tab))
- (vlax-write-enabled-p tab)
- )
- (vla-put-regeneratetablesuppressed tab :vlax-false)
- )
- (if (and (= 'vla-object (type count:wshobject))
- (not (vlax-object-released-p count:wshobject))
- )
- (progn
- (vlax-release-object count:wshobject)
- (setq count:wshobject nil)
- )
- )
- (count:endundo (count:acdoc))
- (if (and msg (not (wcmatch (strcase msg t) "*break,*cancel*,*exit*")))
- (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))
- )
- (princ)
- )
- (if (not (findfile count:cfgfname))
- (count:writecfg count:cfgfname (mapcar 'cadr count:defaults))
- )
- (count:readcfg count:cfgfname (mapcar 'car count:defaults))
- (foreach sym count:defaults
- (if (not (boundp (car sym))) (apply 'set sym))
- )
- (if (and (= "tab" out) (not (vlax-method-applicable-p (vla-get-modelspace (count:acdoc)) 'addtable)))
- (setq out "txt")
- )
- (count:startundo (count:acdoc))
- (while (setq tmp (tblnext "block" (null tmp)))
- (if (= 4 (logand 4 (cdr (assoc 70 tmp))))
- (setq xrf (vl-list* "," (cdr (assoc 2 tmp)) xrf))
- )
- )
- (if xrf
- (setq fil (list '(0 . "INSERT") '(-4 . "<NOT") (cons 2 (apply 'strcat (cdr xrf))) '(-4 . "NOT>")))
- (setq fil '((0 . "INSERT")))
- )
- (cond
- ( (null (setq all (ssget "_X" fil)))
- (count:popup
- "No Blocks Found" 64
- (princ "No blocks were found in the active drawing.")
- )
- )
- ( (and (= "tab" out) (= 4 (logand 4 (cdr (assoc 70 (tblsearch "layer" (getvar 'clayer)))))))
- (count:popup
- "Current Layer Locked" 64
- (princ "Please unlock the current layer before using this program.")
- )
- )
- ( (progn
- (setvar 'nomutt 1)
- (princ "\nSelect blocks to count <all>: ")
- (setq sel
- (cond
- ( (null (setq sel (vl-catch-all-apply 'ssget (list fil))))
- all
- )
- ( (null (vl-catch-all-error-p sel))
- sel
- )
- )
- )
- (setvar 'nomutt 0)
- (null sel)
- )
- )
- ( (or (= "com" out)
- (and (= "tab" out) (setq ins (getpoint "\nSpecify point for table: ")))
- (and (/= "tab" out)
- (setq fnm
- (getfiled "Create Output File"
- (cond
- ( (and (setq dir (getenv "LMac\\countdir"))
- (vl-file-directory-p (setq dir (count:fixdir dir)))
- )
- (strcat dir "\")
- )
- ( (getvar 'dwgprefix))
- )
- out 1
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (repeat (setq idx (sslength sel))
- (setq lst (count:assoc++ (count:effectivename (ssname sel (setq idx (1- idx)))) lst))
- )
- (if (= "blk" srt)
- (setq fun (eval (list 'lambda '( a b ) (list (if (= "asc" ord) '< '>) '(strcase (car a)) '(strcase (car b))))))
- (setq fun (eval (list 'lambda '( a b ) (list (if (= "asc" ord) '< '>) '(cdr a) '(cdr b)))))
- )
- (setq lst (vl-sort lst 'fun))
- (cond
- ( (= "com" out)
- (defun prinn ( x ) (princ "\n") (princ x))
- (prinn (count:padbetween "" "" "=" 60))
- (if (= "1" tg1)
- (progn
- (prinn ed1)
- (prinn (count:padbetween "" "" "-" 60))
- )
- )
- (prinn (count:padbetween ed3 ed4 " " 55))
- (prinn (count:padbetween "" "" "-" 60))
- (if (= "1" tg3)
- (foreach itm lst
- (prinn (count:padbetween (car itm) (itoa (cdr itm)) "." 55))
- )
- (foreach itm lst (prinn (car itm)))
- )
- (prinn (count:padbetween "" "" "=" 60))
- (textpage)
- )
- ( (= "tab" out)
- (if (= "1" tg3)
- (setq lst (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (list (car x) (itoa (cdr x)))) lst))
- (setq lst (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (list (car x))) lst))
- )
- (setq hgt
- (vla-gettextheight
- (vla-item
- (vla-item (vla-get-dictionaries (count:acdoc)) "acad_tablestyle")
- (getvar 'ctablestyle)
- )
- acdatarow
- )
- )
- (setq tab
- (vla-addtable
- (vlax-get-property (count:acdoc) (if (= 1 (getvar 'cvport)) 'paperspace 'modelspace))
- (vlax-3D-point (trans ins 1 0))
- (+ (length lst) 2)
- (+ 1 (atoi tg2) (atoi tg3))
- (* 2.5 hgt)
- (* hgt
- (max
- (apply 'max
- (mapcar 'strlen
- (append
- (if (= "1" tg2) (list ed2))
- (if (= "1" tg3) (list ed4))
- (cons ed3 (apply 'append lst))
- )
- )
- )
- (if (= "1" tg1) (/ (strlen ed1) (+ 1 (atoi tg2) (atoi tg3))) 0)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (vla-put-regeneratetablesuppressed tab :vlax-true)
- (vla-put-stylename tab (getvar 'ctablestyle))
- (setq col 0)
- (mapcar
- '(lambda ( a b ) (if (= "1" a) (progn (vla-settext tab 1 col b) (setq col (1+ col)))))
- (list tg2 "1" tg3)
- (list ed2 ed3 ed4)
- )
- (setq row 2)
- (foreach itm lst
- (if (= "1" tg2)
- (count:setblocktablerecord tab row (setq col 0) (car itm))
- (setq col -1)
- )
- (foreach txt itm
- (vla-settext tab row (setq col (1+ col)) txt)
- )
- (setq row (1+ row))
- )
- (if (= "1" tg1)
- (vla-settext tab 0 0 ed1)
- (vla-deleterows tab 0 1)
- )
- )
- ( (setenv "LMac\\countdir" (count:fixdir (vl-filename-directory fnm)))
- (if
- (
- (if (= "txt" out)
- count:writetxt
- count:writecsv
- )
- (append
- (if (= "1" tg1)
- (list (list ed1))
- )
- (if (= "1" tg3)
- (cons (list ed3 ed4) (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (list (car x) (itoa (cdr x)))) lst))
- (cons (list ed3) (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (list (car x))) lst))
- )
- )
- fnm
- )
- (princ (strcat "\nBlock data written to " fnm))
- (count:popup "Unable to Create Output File" 48
- (princ
- (strcat
- "The program was unable to create the following file:\n\n"
- fnm
- "\n\nPlease ensure that you have write-permissions for the above directory."
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (*error* nil)
- (princ)
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun c:countsettings
- (
- /
- *error*
- dch des
- ord out out-fun
- srt
- tg1 tg1-fun tg2 tg2-fun tg3 tg3-fun
- )
- (defun *error* ( msg )
- (if (= 'file (type des))
- (close des)
- )
- (if (and (= 'int (type dch))
- (< 0 dch)
- )
- (unload_dialog dch)
- )
- (if (and (= 'vla-object (type count:wshobject))
- (not (vlax-object-released-p count:wshobject))
- )
- (progn
- (vlax-release-object count:wshobject)
- (setq count:wshobject nil)
- )
- )
- (if (and msg (not (wcmatch (strcase msg t) "*break,*cancel*,*exit*")))
- (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))
- )
- (princ)
- )
- (if (not (findfile count:cfgfname))
- (count:writecfg count:cfgfname (mapcar 'cadr count:defaults))
- )
- (count:readcfg count:cfgfname (mapcar 'car count:defaults))
- (foreach sym count:defaults
- (if (not (boundp (car sym))) (apply 'set sym))
- )
- (cond
- ( (not (count:writedcl count:dclfname))
- (count:popup "DCL file could not be written" 48
- (princ
- (strcat
- "The DCL file required by this program could not be written to the following location:\n\n"
- count:dclfname
- "\n\nPlease ensure that you have write-permissions for the above directory."
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ( (<= (setq dch (load_dialog count:dclfname)) 0)
- (count:popup "DCL file could not be loaded" 48
- (princ
- (strcat
- "The following DCL file required by this program could not be loaded:\n\n"
- count:dclfname
- "\n\nPlease verify the integrity of this file."
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ( (not (new_dialog "dia" dch))
- (count:popup "DCL file contains an error" 48
- (princ
- (strcat
- "The program dialog could not be displayed as the following DCL file file contains an error:\n\n"
- count:dclfname
- "\n\nPlease verify the integrity of this file."
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ( t
- (set_tile "dcl"
- (strcat
- "Count.lsp Version "
- (vl-string-translate "-" "." count:version)
- " \\U+00A9 Lee Mac "
- (menucmd "m=$(edtime,0,yyyy)")
- )
- )
- (if (and (= "tab" out) (not (vlax-method-applicable-p (vla-get-modelspace (count:acdoc)) 'addtable)))
- (progn
- (mode_tile "tab" 1)
- (setq out "txt")
- )
- )
- ( (setq tg1-fun (lambda ( val ) (mode_tile "ed1" (- 1 (atoi (setq tg1 val)))))) (set_tile "tg1" tg1))
- (action_tile "tg1" "(tg1-fun $value)")
- ( (setq tg2-fun (lambda ( val ) (mode_tile "ed2" (- 1 (atoi (setq tg2 val)))))) (set_tile "tg2" tg2))
- (action_tile "tg2" "(tg2-fun $value)")
- ( (setq tg3-fun (lambda ( val ) (mode_tile "ed4" (- 1 (atoi (setq tg3 val)))))) (set_tile "tg3" tg3))
- (action_tile "tg3" "(tg3-fun $value)")
- (foreach key '("ed1" "ed2" "ed3" "ed4")
- (set_tile key (eval (read key)))
- (action_tile key (strcat "(setq " key " $value)"))
- )
- (set_tile out "1")
- ( (setq out-fun
- (lambda ( val )
- (if (= "tab" (setq out val))
- (progn
- (mode_tile "tg2" 0)
- (mode_tile "ed2" (- 1 (atoi tg2)))
- )
- (progn
- (mode_tile "tg2" 1)
- (mode_tile "ed2" 1)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- out
- )
- (foreach key '("tab" "txt" "csv" "com")
- (action_tile key "(out-fun $key)")
- )
- (set_tile srt "1")
- (foreach key '("blk" "qty")
- (action_tile key "(setq srt $key)")
- )
- (set_tile ord "1")
- (foreach key '("asc" "des")
- (action_tile key "(setq ord $key)")
- )
- (if (= 1 (start_dialog))
- (count:writecfg count:cfgfname (mapcar 'eval (mapcar 'car count:defaults)))
- )
- )
- )
- (*error* nil)
- (princ)
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:popup ( ttl flg msg / err )
- (setq err (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-invoke-method (list (count:wsh) 'popup msg 0 ttl flg)))
- (if (null (vl-catch-all-error-p err))
- err
- )
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:wsh nil
- (cond (count:wshobject) ((setq count:wshobject (vlax-create-object "wscript.shell"))))
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:tostring ( arg / dim )
- (cond
- ( (= 'int (type arg))
- (itoa arg)
- )
- ( (= 'real (type arg))
- (setq dim (getvar 'dimzin))
- (setvar 'dimzin 8)
- (setq arg (rtos arg 2 15))
- (setvar 'dimzin dim)
- arg
- )
- ( (vl-prin1-to-string arg))
- )
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:writecfg ( cfg lst / des )
- (if (setq des (open cfg "w"))
- (progn
- (foreach itm lst (write-line (count:tostring itm) des))
- (setq des (close des))
- t
- )
- )
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:readcfg ( cfg lst / des itm )
- (if
- (and
- (setq cfg (findfile cfg))
- (setq des (open cfg "r"))
- )
- (progn
- (foreach sym lst
- (if (setq itm (read-line des))
- (set sym (read itm))
- )
- )
- (setq des (close des))
- t
- )
- )
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:writedcl ( dcl / des )
- (cond
- ( (findfile dcl))
- ( (setq des (open dcl "w"))
- (foreach itm
- '(
- "//--------------------=={ Count Dialog Definition }==-------------------//"
- "// //"
- "// Dialog definition file for use in conjunction with Count.lsp //"
- "//----------------------------------------------------------------------//"
- "// Author: Lee Mac, Copyright ?2014 - www.lee-mac.com //"
- "//----------------------------------------------------------------------//"
- ""
- "b15 : edit_box"
- "{"
- " edit_width = 16;"
- " edit_limit = 1024;"
- " fixed_width = true;"
- " alignment = centered;"
- " horizontal_margin = none;"
- " vertical_margin = none;"
- "}"
- "b30 : edit_box"
- "{"
- " edit_width = 52;"
- " edit_limit = 1024;"
- " fixed_width = true;"
- " alignment = centered;"
- " horizontal_margin = none;"
- " vertical_margin = none;"
- "}"
- "tog : toggle"
- "{"
- " vertical_margin = none;"
- " horizontal_margin = 0.2;"
- "}"
- "rwo : row"
- "{"
- " fixed_width = true;"
- " alignment = centered;"
- "}"
- "rrw : radio_row"
- "{"
- " fixed_width = true;"
- " alignment = centered;"
- "}"
- "dia : dialog"
- "{"
- " key = "dcl";"
- " spacer_1;"
- " : boxed_column"
- " {"
- " label = "Output";"
- " : rrw"
- " {"
- " : radio_button { key = "tab"; label = "Table"; }"
- " : radio_button { key = "txt"; label = "Text File"; }"
- " : radio_button { key = "csv"; label = "CSV File"; }"
- " : radio_button { key = "com"; label = "Command line"; }"
- " }"
- " spacer;"
- " }"
- " : boxed_column"
- " {"
- " label = "Headings";"
- " spacer_1;"
- " : rwo"
- " {"
- " : tog { key = "tg1"; }"
- " : b30 { key = "ed1"; }"
- " : spacer"
- " {"
- " fixed_width = true;"
- " vertical_margin = none;"
- " width = 2.5;"
- " }"
- " }"
- " : rwo"
- " {"
- " spacer;"
- " : tog { key = "tg2"; }"
- " : b15 { key = "ed2"; }"
- " : b15 { key = "ed3"; }"
- " : b15 { key = "ed4"; }"
- " : tog { key = "tg3"; }"
- " spacer;"
- " }"
- " spacer_1;"
- " }"
- " : row"
- " {"
- " : boxed_column"
- " {"
- " label = "Sort By";"
- " : rrw"
- " {"
- " : radio_button { key = "blk"; label = "Block Name"; }"
- " : radio_button { key = "qty"; label = "Quantity"; }"
- " }"
- " spacer;"
- " }"
- " : boxed_column"
- " {"
- " label = "Sort Order";"
- " : rrw"
- " {"
- " : radio_button { key = "asc"; label = "Ascending"; }"
- " : radio_button { key = "des"; label = "Descending"; }"
- " }"
- " spacer;"
- " }"
- " }"
- " spacer_1; ok_cancel;"
- "}"
- ""
- "//----------------------------------------------------------------------//"
- "// End of File //"
- "//----------------------------------------------------------------------//"
- )
- (write-line itm des)
- )
- (setq des (close des))
- (while (not (findfile dcl))) ;; for slow HDDs
- dcl
- )
- )
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:writecsv ( lst csv / des sep )
- (if (setq des (open csv "w"))
- (progn
- (setq sep (cond ((vl-registry-read "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\International" "sList")) (",")))
- (foreach row lst (write-line (count:lst->csv row sep) des))
- (close des)
- t
- )
- )
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:lst->csv ( lst sep )
- (if (cdr lst)
- (strcat (count:csv-addquotes (car lst) sep) sep (count:lst->csv (cdr lst) sep))
- (count:csv-addquotes (car lst) sep)
- )
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:csv-addquotes ( str sep / pos )
- (cond
- ( (wcmatch str (strcat "*[`" sep ""]*"))
- (setq pos 0)
- (while (setq pos (vl-string-position 34 str pos))
- (setq str (vl-string-subst """" """ str pos)
- pos (+ pos 2)
- )
- )
- (strcat """ str """)
- )
- ( str )
- )
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:writetxt ( lst txt / des )
- (if (setq des (open txt "w"))
- (progn
- (foreach itm lst (write-line (count:lst->str itm "\t") des))
- (close des)
- t
- )
- )
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:lst->str ( lst del )
- (if (cdr lst)
- (strcat (car lst) del (count:lst->str (cdr lst) del))
- (car lst)
- )
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:padbetween ( s1 s2 ch ln )
- (
- (lambda ( a b c )
- (repeat (- ln (length b) (length c)) (setq c (cons a c)))
- (vl-list->string (append b c))
- )
- (ascii ch)
- (vl-string->list s1)
- (vl-string->list s2)
- )
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:setblocktablerecord ( obj row col blk )
- (eval
- (list 'defun 'count:setblocktablerecord '( obj row col blk )
- (cons
- (if (vlax-method-applicable-p obj 'setblocktablerecordid32)
- 'vla-setblocktablerecordid32
- 'vla-setblocktablerecordid
- )
- (list
- 'obj 'row 'col
- (list 'count:objectid (list 'vla-item (vla-get-blocks (count:acdoc)) 'blk))
- ':vlax-true
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (count:setblocktablerecord obj row col blk)
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:objectid ( obj )
- (eval
- (list 'defun 'count:objectid '( obj )
- (cond
- ( (not (wcmatch (getenv "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") "*64*"))
- '(vla-get-objectid obj)
- )
- ( (= 'subr (type vla-get-objectid32))
- '(vla-get-objectid32 obj)
- )
- ( (list 'vla-getobjectidstring (vla-get-utility (count:acdoc)) 'obj ':vlax-false))
- )
- )
- )
- (count:objectid obj)
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:assoc++ ( key lst / itm )
- (if (setq itm (assoc key lst))
- (subst (cons key (1+ (cdr itm))) itm lst)
- (cons (cons key 1) lst)
- )
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:effectivename ( ent / blk rep )
- (if (wcmatch (setq blk (cdr (assoc 2 (entget ent)))) "`**")
- (if
- (and
- (setq rep
- (cdadr
- (assoc -3
- (entget
- (cdr
- (assoc 330
- (entget
- (tblobjname "block" blk)
- )
- )
- )
- '("AcDbBlockRepBTag")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (setq rep (handent (cdr (assoc 1005 rep))))
- )
- (setq blk (cdr (assoc 2 (entget rep))))
- )
- )
- blk
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:startundo ( doc )
- (count:endundo doc)
- (vla-startundomark doc)
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:endundo ( doc )
- (while (= 8 (logand 8 (getvar 'undoctl)))
- (vla-endundomark doc)
- )
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (defun count:acdoc nil
- (eval (list 'defun 'count:acdoc 'nil (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))))
- (count:acdoc)
- )
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- (vl-load-com)
- (princ
- (strcat
- "\n:: Count.lsp | Version "
- (vl-string-translate "-" "." count:version)
- " | \\U+00A9 Lee Mac "
- (menucmd "m=$(edtime,0,yyyy)")
- " www.lee-mac.com ::"
- "\n:: "count" - Main Program | "countsettings" - Settings ::"
- )
- )
- (princ)
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;
- ;; End of File ;;
- ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;