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- 2022-4-4
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本帖最后由 枫叶棋语 于 2023-7-21 20:43 编辑
- from math import pi
- from time import time
- import System.Windows.Forms as Winforms
- def Polar(center: Point3d, angle: float, distance: float):
- import math
- v1 = Vector3d(distance, 0, 0)
- v1 = v1.RotateBy(angle * math.pi / 180, Vector3d.ZAxis) # 将角度转换为弧度
- return center + v1
- def muti_polar (cir: Entity,center:Point3d,angle: float):
- import math
- matrix =Matrix3d.Rotation(angle=angle*180/math.pi,axis=Vector3d.ZAxis,center=center)
- cir.TransformBy(matrix)
- @Command(lock= False)
- def ts01(doc:Document):
- res = getpoint()
- if not res.ok:
- return
- center = res.value
- angle_list = [0, 120,240]
- pts = [Polar(center,x,100) for x in angle_list]
- cir_ids = []
- color =1
- with dbtrans(doc) as tr:
- btr = tr.opencurrspace()
- for x in pts :
- cir:Entity =Circle()
- cir.Center =x
- cir.Radius =20
- cir.ColorIndex =color
- color +=1
- tr.addentity(btr,cir)
- tr.flush(cir)
- cir_ids.append(cir.ObjectId)
- T0 =time()
- timer =Winforms.Timer()
- def on_timer_tick(sender,event):
- doc:Document =Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
- with doc.LockDocument():
- with dbtrans (doc)as tr:
- try:
- T1 =time()
- if T1 -T0 >20:#5秒后结束定时器
- timer.Stop()
- timer.Dispose()
- for objid in cir_ids:
- cir = tr.getobject(objid,OpenMode.ForWrite)
- muti_polar(cir,center,10)
- tr.flush(cir)
- except Exception as ex:
- prinf (ex.Message)
- timer.Stop()
- timer.Dispose()
- timer =Winforms.Timer()
- timer.Interval =50
- timer.Tick += System.EventHandler(on_timer_tick)
- timer.Start()