- 积分
- 23852
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- 注册时间
- 2003-7-8
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发表于 2004-6-3 21:58:00
参考:- void chkints()
- {
- ads_point pickPt;
- ads_name ent; AcDbObjectId entId1, entId2;
- AcDbEntity *pEnt1, *pEnt2;
- AcGePoint3dArray intPoints; // This array holds the intersecting points
- AcGePoint3d intPt;
- AcGePoint3d r1, r2, r3, r4;
- AcGeVector3d transVec(-0.1, 0.1, 0.0); // Point translation vector
- AcGeMatrix3d transMat; // Translation matrix
- char kw[10];
- int extVal = 0; // Extend value, 0 = no, 1 = fist entitity,
- // 2 = second entity, 3 = both entities
- // see intersectWith() function below int rc; rc = acedEntSel("\nSelect first entity to test for intersection: ",
- ent, pickPt);
- switch(rc)
- {
- case RTCAN:
- acutPrintf("\nUser canceled.");
- return;
- break; case RTERROR:
- acutPrintf("\nNothing selected.");
- return;
- break;
- }// switch acdbGetObjectId(entId1, ent); // Is the entity a line, arc or circle?
- // Here we limit ourselves to lines, arcs
- // and circles, because that is what we created
- // in the last application.
- acdbOpenAcDbEntity(pEnt1, entId1, AcDb::kForRead);
- if(!(pEnt1->isKindOf(AcDbLine::desc()) ||
- pEnt1->isKindOf(AcDbCircle::desc()) ||
- pEnt1->isKindOf(AcDbArc::desc())
- )
- )
- {
- acutPrintf("\nNot a line, arc or circle entity.");
- pEnt1->close();
- return;
- } // Now get the second entity
- rc = acedEntSel("\nSelect second entity to test for intersection: ",
- ent, pickPt);
- switch(rc)
- {
- case RTCAN:
- acutPrintf("\nUser canceled.");
- return;
- break; case RTERROR:
- acutPrintf("\nNothing selected.");
- return;
- break;
- }// switch acdbGetObjectId(entId2, ent);
- acdbOpenAcDbEntity(pEnt2, entId2, AcDb::kForRead); // Is the second entity the same as the first?
- if(entId1 == entId2)
- {
- acutPrintf("\nSame entity selected!");
- pEnt1->close();
- pEnt2->close();
- return;
- } // Is the second entity a line, arc or circle?
- if(!(pEnt2->isKindOf(AcDbLine::desc()) ||
- pEnt2->isKindOf(AcDbCircle::desc()) ||
- pEnt2->isKindOf(AcDbArc::desc())
- )
- )
- {
- acutPrintf("\nNot a line, arc or circle entity.");
- pEnt1->close();
- pEnt2->close();
- return;
- } // If the first entity is not a circle
- // ask if the user wants to extend the entity
- // for apparent intersection
- if(!pEnt1->isKindOf(AcDbCircle::desc()))
- {
- pEnt1->highlight(); acedInitGet(NULL, "Yes No");
- rc = acedGetKword("\nExtend the highlighted entity - [Yes/No]<No>: ", kw); pEnt1->unhighlight(); switch(rc)
- {
- case RTCAN:
- case RTERROR:
- acutPrintf("\nError with acedGetKword(). ");
- pEnt1->close();
- pEnt2->close();
- return;
- break; case RTNONE:
- break; case RTNORM:
- if(strcmp(kw, "Yes") == 0)
- {
- extVal = 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- } // If the second entity is not a circle
- // ask if the user wants to extend the entity
- // for apparent intersection
- if(!pEnt2->isKindOf(AcDbCircle::desc()))
- {
- pEnt2->highlight(); acedInitGet(NULL, "Yes No");
- rc = acedGetKword("\nExtend the highlighted entity - [Yes/No]<No>: ", kw); pEnt2->unhighlight(); switch(rc)
- {
- case RTCAN:
- case RTERROR:
- acutPrintf("\nError with acedGetKword(). ");
- pEnt1->close();
- pEnt2->close();
- return;
- break; case RTNONE:
- break; case RTNORM:
- if(strcmp(kw, "Yes") == 0)
- {
- if(extVal == 1)
- {
- extVal = 3; // Both
- }
- else
- {
- extVal = 2; // Second only
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- // Does the first selected entity
- // intersect with the second enity?
- switch(extVal)
- {
- case 0 :
- pEnt1->intersectWith(pEnt2, AcDb::kOnBothOperands, intPoints);
- // No extension on either entity
- break; case 1 :
- pEnt1->intersectWith(pEnt2, AcDb::kExtendThis, intPoints);
- // Extend the first entity
- break; case 2 :
- pEnt1->intersectWith(pEnt2, AcDb::kExtendArg, intPoints);
- // Extend the second entity
- break; case 3 :
- pEnt1->intersectWith(pEnt2, AcDb::kExtendBoth, intPoints);
- // Extend both entities
- break; } pEnt1->close();
- pEnt2->close(); // Here is an example of the AcGePoint3dArray class
- // as well as a demonstration of how to use translation
- // matricies AcGeMatrix3d
- if(! intPoints.isEmpty())
- {
- for(int i = 0; i < intPoints.length(); i++)
- {
- intPt = intPoints.at(i); transMat = AcGeMatrix3d(transVec);
- r1 = intPt;
- r1.transformBy(transMat);
- transVec.set(0.0, -0.2, 0.0);
- transMat = AcGeMatrix3d(transVec);
- r2 = r1;
- r2.transformBy(transMat); acedGrDraw((double*)(&r1), (double*)(&r2), 3, 0); transVec.set(0.2, 0.0, 0.0);
- transMat = AcGeMatrix3d(transVec);
- r3 = r2;
- r3.transformBy(transVec); acedGrDraw((double*)(&r2), (double*)(&r3), 3, 0); transVec.set(0.0, 0.2, 0.0);
- transMat = AcGeMatrix3d(transVec);
- r4 = r3;
- r4.transformBy(transVec); acedGrDraw((double*)(&r3), (double*)(&r4), 3, 0);
- acedGrDraw((double*)(&r4), (double*)(&r1), 3, 0); transVec.set(-0.1, 0.1, 0.0); acutPrintf("\nIntersection point = (%.2lf %.2lf %.2lf)",
- intPt.x, intPt.y, intPt.z);
- }
- }
- }
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