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ictionaries provide a mechanism for storing and retrieving objects with associated string keywords.
The objects in a dictionary may be referenced by their keywords. A dictionary can contain any type of object, including other dictionaries. A dictionary does not perform type checking of entries.
You can create new dictionaries, add entries to an existing dictionary, and get the keyword for a given object or the object for a given keyword. You can change the object that is associated with a given keyword, or rename the keyword for a given object.
This dictionary is similar to a collection in AutoCAD, and is used for custom object implementation. This object does not represent the spellchecking dictionary. The spellchecking dictionary is specified in the MSITStore:C:\Program%20Files\Autodesk%20Map%202004\help\acadauto.chm::/idh_preferences_object.htm" target="_blank" >Preferences object. |