难度:B 标准作图时间:10分钟
Quiz 5
1. Ra之半径值为何? a. 60.3853 b. 60.8333 c. 60.8535 2. Rd之半径值为何? a. 61.8103 b. 62.0134 c. 62.3140 3. 不含3个小圆之面积为何? a. 2952.7561 b. 2966.7651 c. 2976.5671 4. 不含3个小圆之 形心之作标为何? a. x=-30.5673 y= 22.8545 b. x=-33.5760 y= 24.5285 c. x=-35.7653 y= 25.8425
Ra & Rb的画法 (Rc & Rd 的画法相同)
Comm.: ARC Arc specify start point of arc or (CEnter)→point A specify second point of arc or[CEnter/End]→E specify end point of Arc→point B specify center point of Arc or [Angle/Direction/Radius]→D specify tangent direction for the start point of Arc→0 Comm.:ENTER Arc specify start point of arc or (CEnter)→ENTER specify end point of Arc→point C