object.SetCustomScale(Numerator, Denominator)
Layout, PlotConfiguration 使用该方法的对象。
Double[双精度]; 仅用于输入 用正数表示的比率中的分子。该值表示比例的英寸或毫米数。
Double[双精度]; 仅用于输入 用正数表示的比率中的分母。该值表示比例的图形单位数。
Numerator 参数的单位可在 PaperUnits 属性中查到。
Numerator 和 Denominator 值必须大于 0。
该方法的产生的改动在图形重生成时不会显示。使用 Regen 方法重生成图形。
Sub Example_SetCustomScale() ' This example will access the Layouts collection for the current drawing ' and list basic information about the custom scale for each Layout. ' It will then change the custom scale information for model space and re-display ' the scale information.
Dim Layouts As AcadLayouts, Layout As ACADLayout Dim msg As String Dim Numerator As Double, Denominator As Double Dim Measurement As String ' Display current scale information GoSub DISPLAY_SCALE_INFO ' Modify scale Numerator = 1 Denominator = 1 ThisDrawing.Layouts("Model").SetCustomScale Numerator, Denominator ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports ' Display new scale information GoSub DISPLAY_SCALE_INFO Exit Sub
' Get layouts collection from document object
Set Layouts = ThisDrawing.Layouts
msg = vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' Start with a space
' Get the scale information of every layout in this drawing
For Each Layout In Layouts
msg = msg & Layout.name & vbCrLf
' Get scale information
Layout.GetCustomScale Numerator, Denominator
' Identify whether inches or millimeters are being used.
Measurement = IIf(Layout.PaperUnits = acInches, " inch(es)", " millimeter(s)")
' Format for display
msg = msg & vbTab & "Contains " & Numerator & Measurement & vbCrLf
msg = msg & vbTab & "Contains " & Denominator & " drawing units" & vbCrLf
msg = msg & "_____________________" & vbCrLf
' Display custom scale information
MsgBox "Custom scale information for the current drawing is: " & msg
End Sub |