



查看: 3414|回复: 1


发表于 2002-4-2 22:12:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第三问题 :务必请南Sir回忆一下,能够提供简单示例代码最好,提供具体参考地址也可。
第一问题 :南Sir可以做一个最简单的示例。在窗体的事件中仅仅建立选择集,不作任何其他工作,你试一下,可以发现单步运行正常,F5运行跳过selectOnScreen.

第二问题 :请在cad中预先画出任意图元
Option Explicit
Dim A2000 As AcadApplication
Dim SSET As AcadSelectionSet

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Integer
On Error Resume Next
If A2000.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets.Count <> 0 Then
  For i = 0 To A2000.ActiveDocument.slelctionset.Count - 1
    Set SSET = A2000.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets(i)
  Next i
End If

Set SSET = A2000.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets.Add("AAA")

Dim STR1 As String
STR1 = InputBox("请输入需要查询标高的桩号", "根据桩号查询标高")

AppActivate AutoCAD.Application.Caption
AppActivate Form1.Caption

Dim ENT1 As AcadEntity, ENT2 As AcadLine
Dim SP(0 To 2) As Double, EP(0 To 2) As Double
Dim N As Integer

SP(0) = CDbl(STR1): SP(1) = 0: SP(2) = 0
EP(0) = CDbl(STR1): EP(1) = 10: EP(2) = 0
Set ENT2 = A2000.ActiveDocument.ModelSpace.AddLine(SP, EP)

Set ENT1 = SSET.Item(0)

Dim IntPoints As Variant
IntPoints = ENT1.IntersectWith(ENT2, acExtendOtherEntity)

If VarType(IntPoints) <> vbEmpty Then
  For N = LBound(IntPoints) To UBound(IntPoints) Step 3
    STR1 = STR1 & vbCrLf & "桩号" & STR1 & "的高程为:" & IntPoints(N + 1)
  Next N
'STR1 = "图元没有交点"
End If
MsgBox STR1
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim i As Integer
On Error Resume Next
If A2000.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets.Count <> 0 Then
  For i = 0 To A2000.ActiveDocument.slelctionset.Count - 1
    Set SSET = A2000.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets(i)
  Next i
End If

Set SSET = A2000.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets.Add("AAA")

Dim STR1 As String, STR2 As String
STR1 = InputBox("请输入需要查询桩号的标高", "根据标高查询桩号")

AppActivate Application.Caption
AppActivate Form1.Caption

Dim ENT1 As AcadEntity, ENT2 As AcadLine
Dim SP(0 To 2) As Double, EP(0 To 2) As Double
Dim N As Integer

SP(0) = 0: SP(1) = CDbl(STR1): SP(2) = 0
EP(0) = 10: EP(1) = CDbl(STR1): EP(2) = 0
Set ENT2 = A2000.ActiveDocument.ModelSpace.AddLine(SP, EP)

Set ENT1 = SSET.Item(0)

Dim IntPoints As Variant
IntPoints = ENT1.IntersectWith(ENT2, acExtendOtherEntity)

If VarType(IntPoints) <> vbEmpty Then
  For N = LBound(IntPoints) To UBound(IntPoints) Step 3
    STR2 = STR2 & vbCrLf & "高程" & STR1 & "的桩号为:" & CStr(IntPoints(N))
  Next N
'STR1 = "图元没有交点"
End If
MsgBox STR2
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Set A2000 = Nothing
Set SSET = Nothing
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set A2000 = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application")
End Sub
发表于 2002-4-4 12:48:00 | 显示全部楼层


1、您测试时用了ON ERROR RESUME NEXT,他使您跳过了问题,没有发现.
2、If A2000.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets.Count <> 0 Then
  For i = 0 To A2000.ActiveDocument.slelctionset.Count - 1
    Set SSET = A2000.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets(i)
  Next i
End If
3、A2000.ActiveDocument.slelctionset.Count - 1应该加括号

:Option Explicit
Dim A2000 As AcadApplication
Dim SSET As AcadSelectionSet
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Integer
If A2000.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets.Count <> 0 Then
  For i = 0 To (A2000.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets.Count - 1)
    Set SSET = A2000.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets(i)
  Next i
End If

Set SSET = A2000.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets.Add("AAA")
AppActivate AutoCAD.Application.Caption
AppActivate Form1.Caption
MsgBox "selectonscreen ok!"
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set A2000 = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application")
End Sub
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