我逛一个国外汽车设计论坛的时发现了这个作品,其实如其说这个作品是如何的棒不如说人家大一学生的设计修养是何等的高! 我们我在惊叹他作品的同时更需要反思我们的设计现状 他的作品榨一看,真的以为是宝马公司的新产品,但确实人家的原创,他把他命名位Bmw E89,用RHINO建模,3DAMX的VRAY渲染! As i am only a first year student my design education includes drawing cars for about 1 month. drawing cubes, sphers and cilinders, sthraigh lines, circles and ovals for 6 months.(i'm good at spelling ) So pretty much no design education. (大致是说他学习绘画和汽车设计只有一年左右的时间) 下面是他的设计意图和感想 Starting a new project. . I've decided to do a concept as usual, but this time very realistic one. The goal of the project is to create a car which appears that it can be or already is produced. (是说他这次想设计一台比较现实主义的宝马车,就象市面上的宝马车一样) 设计规格和定位: I've decided on the shape and size and type of vehicle. Length: 4650mm Width: 1870mm Height: 1520mm Makes it bigger than the 3-series, smaller than the 5. Got the spline cage built nothing worth showing. (他的车尺寸在宝马3系和5系之间)