Public Sub tt1() '以下是变为各种螺丝调用程式 Dim r As Double On Error Resume Next Dim sr As String Dim zm As String Dim shuz As Double
sr = InputBox("请输入人要变的东东", "变变", "") zm = Mid(sr, 1, 1) shuz = Mid(sr, 2) If zm = "m" Then If shuz = 5 Then yj = 4.3 End If If shuz = 6 Then yj = 5.2 End If If shuz = 8 Then yj = 6.8 End If If shuz = 10 Then yj = 8.6 End If If shuz = 12 Then yj = 10.5 End If If shuz = 14 Then yj = 12.5 End If Call gy1(shuz) End If
If zm = "u" Then '以下是正面沉头的调用公式 Call u(shuz)
Else Call gy(Val(sr)) '这是变为圆的调用程式 End If End Sub
Public Sub gy1(ls As Double) On Error Resume Next Dim ssetobj1 As AcadSelectionSet '以下是画螺丝的共用程式 Dim icount1 As Integer Dim i1 As Integer Dim selobj1 As AcadObject Dim blockobj As AcadBlock Dim insertpoint(0 To 2) As Double Dim i As Integer Dim blockrefobj As AcadBlockReference
icount1 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Count While (icount1 > 0) If ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item(icount1 - 1).Name = "yuan" Then ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item(icount1 - 1).Delete End If icount1 = icount1 - 1 Wend Set ssetobj1 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("yuan") ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt "please select object" ssetobj1.SelectOnScreen Const pi = 3.141592654 insertpoint(0) = 0 insertpoint(1) = 0 insertpoint(2) = 0 i = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Count While (i > 0) If ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i - 1).Name = "luosi" Then ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i - 1).Delete End If i = i - 1 Wend
Set blockobj = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Add(insertpoint, "luosi") Set arc1 = blockobj.AddArc(insertpoint, ls / 2, pi, pi / 2) Set circ1 = blockobj.AddCircle(insertpoint, yj / 2)
For i1 = 0 To ssetobj1.Count - 1 Set selobj1 = ssetobj1.Item(i1) If selobj1.ObjectName = "AcDbCircle" Or selobj1.ObjectName = "AcDbCrc" Then
pt1 = selobj1.Center Else
pt1 = selobj1.InsertionPoint End If
Set blockrefobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(pt1, "luosi", 1#, 1#, 1#, 0) selobj1.Delete Next
End Sub |