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发表于 2006-5-12 23:58:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-13 00:14:00 | 显示全部楼层

Option Explicit


Global lineobject(0 To 11) As AcadLine
Global regionobject As Variant
Global solidobject As Acad3DSolid

Global beamwidth As Double
Global beamheight As Double
Global beamwebthickness As Double
Global solidlength As Double
Global beammi As Double
Global beamsectmod As Double
Global beamexists As Boolean
Global buffblock As AcadBlock

Public Sub createibeam(width As Double, height As Double, webthickness As Double, solcdlength As Double)

   definebeam width, height, webthickness
   regionobject = buffblock.AddRegion(lineobject)
   Set solidobject = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddExtrudedSolid(regionobject(0), solidlength, 0)
   beamexists = True
   Dim vportobj As Object
   Set vportobj = ThisDrawing.Viewports.Add("IBEAMVIEWPORT")
   ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport = vportobj
   Dim newdirection(0 To 2) As Double
       newdirection(0) = 1#
       newdirection(1) = -1#
       newdirection(2) = 1#
    vportobj.Direction = newdirection
    ThisDrawing.ActiveViewport = vportobj
End Sub

Public Function checkrules(width As Double, height As Double, webthickness As Double) As Boolean
    Dim webheight As Double
       If (width > 0) And (height > 0) And (webthickness > 0) Then
           webheight = height - 2 * webthickness
              If webheight <= 0 Then
                  Exit Function
              End If
              If (width > webthickness) And (height > webheight) And (webthickness >= width / 6) And (webheight >= width / 4) Then
              checkrules = True
              End If
       End If
End Function

End Sub
Private Sub definebeam(width As Double, height As Double, webthickness As Double)
   Dim x(0 To 11) As Double
   Dim y(0 To 11) As Double
   Dim z As Double
      z = 0
   Dim halfflange As Double
      halfflange = (width - webthickness) / 2
   Dim halfht As Double
      halfht = height - 2 * webthickness
     x(0) = 0
     y(0) = 0
     x(1) = x(0) + width
     y(1) = y(0)
     x(2) = x(1)
     y(2) = y(1) + webthickness
     x(3) = x(2) - halfflange
     y(3) = y(2)
     x(4) = x(3)
     y(4) = y(3) + halfht
     x(5) = x(2)
     y(5) = y(4)
     x(6) = x(5)
     y(6) = y(5) + webthickness
     x(7) = x(0)
     y(7) = y(6)
     x(8) = x(0)
     y(8) = y(5)
     x(9) = x(8) + halfflange
     y(9) = y(4)
     x(10) = x(9)
     y(10) = y(2)
     x(11) = x(0)
     y(11) = y(2)
  Dim inspt(0 To 2) As Double
      inspt(0) = 0
      inspt(1) = 0
      inspt(2) = 0
  Set buffblock = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Add(inspt, "buffblock")
  Dim startpoint(0 To 2) As Double
  Dim endpoint(0 To 2) As Double
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim j As Integer
  For i = 0 To 11
      startpoint(0) = x(i)
      startpoint(1) = y(i)
      startpoint(2) = 0
        j = i + 1
          If i = 11 Then
             j = 0
          End If
          endpoint(0) = x(j)
          endpoint(1) = y(j)
          endpoint(2) = 0
            If beamexists Then
               lineobject(i).startpoint = startpoint
               lineobject(i).endpoint = endpoint
               Set lineobject(i) = buffblock.AddLine(startpoint, endpoint)
            End If
End Sub

Public Sub updatabeam(width As Double, height As Double, webthickness As Double, solidlength As Double)
    definebeam width, height, webthickness
    regionobject = buffblock.AddRegion(lineobject)
    Set solidobject = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddExtrudedSolid(regionobject(0), solidlenght, 0)
       beamexists = True
End Sub

Public Function momentofinteria(width As Double, height As Double, webthickness As Double) As Double
     Dim webht As Double
         webht = height - 2 * webthickness
         momentofinteria = (width * height * height - webthickness * webht * webht * webht) / 12
End Function

Public Function sectionmodulus(width As Double, height As Double, webthickness As Double) As Double
   Dim mi As Double
       mi = momentofinteria(width, height, webthickness)
       sectionmodulus = (mi * 12) / (6 * height)

End Function


 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-13 00:16:00 | 显示全部楼层

'Sub rotate_3Dbox()
'   Dim boxobj As Acad3DSolid
'   Dim length As Double
'   Dim width As Double
'   Dim height As Double
'   Dim center(0 To 2) As Double
'   center(0) = 5
'   center(1) = 5
'   center(2) = 0
'   length = 5
'   width = 7
'   height = 9
'   Set boxobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddBox(center, length, width, height)
'End Sub

Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdcreatebeam_Click()

   beamwidth = Scrlwidth.Value
   beamheight = Scrlheight.Value
   beamwebthickness = Scrlthickness.Value
   solidlength = scrllength.Value
   If checkrules(beamwidth, beamheight, beamwebthickness) Then
      createibeam beamwidth, beamheight, beamwebthickness, solidlength
      updatamomentandsection beamwidth, beamheight, beamwebthickness
      MsgBox "sorry,the beam cannot be created with your settings.", vbExclamation
  If Not (beamexists) Then
     MsgBox "defult setting restored.", vbInformation
    Scrlwidth.Value = 650
    Scrlheight.Value = 650
    Scrlthickness.Value = 125
    scrllength.Value = 200
  End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdquit_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Label8_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Scrlheight_Change()
   If beamexists = True Then
      If checkrules(beamwidth, Scrlheight.Value, beamwebthickness) Then
         beamheight = Scrlheight.Value
         updatabeam beamwidth, beamheight, beamwebthickness, solidlength
         updatamomentandsection beamwidth, beamheight, beamwebthickness
        Scrlheight.Value = beamheight
      End If
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub scrllength_Change()
  If beamexists Then
     solidlength = scrllength.Value
     updatabeam beamwidth, beamheight, beamwebthickness, solidlength
     updatamomentandsection beamwidth, beamheight, beamwebthickness
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub Scrlthickness_Change()
    If beamexists Then
       If checkrules(beamwidth, beamheight, Scrlthickness.Value) Then
          beamwebthickness = Scrlthickness.Value
        updatabeam beamwidth, beamheight, beamwebthickness, solidlength
        updatamomentandsection beamwidth, beamheight, beamwebthickness
         Scrlthickness.Value = beamwebthickness
       End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Scrlwidth_Change()
     If beamexists Then
         If checkrules(Scrlwidth.Value, beamheight, beamwebthickness) Then
            beamwidth = Scrlwidth.Value
            updatabeam beamwidth, beamheight, beamwebthickness, solidlength
            updatamomentandsection beamwidth, beamheight, beamwebthickness
           Scrlwidth.Value = beamwidth
         End If
     End If
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
   Scrlwidth.Value = 650
   Scrlheight.Value = 650
   Scrlthickness.Value = 125
   scrllength.Value = 200
End Sub


Private Sub updatamomentandsection(beamwidth#, beamheight#, beamwebthickness#)
   beammi = momentofinteria(beamwidth, beamheight, beamwebthickness)
   beamsectmod = sectionmodulus(beamwidth, beamheight, beamwebthickness)
   Label8.Caption = Format(beammi, "0.0000E+00")
   Label7.Caption = Format(beamsectmod, "0.0000E+00")
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
   Set solidobject = Nothing
   Dim entry As Object
   For Each entry In ThisDrawing.Blocks
       If entry.Name = "BUFFBLOCK" Then
        End If
    beamexists = False
End Sub


发表于 2006-5-13 08:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-13 13:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
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