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发表于 2006-8-18 20:41:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 作者 于 2006-8-20 20:55:58 编辑

Sub Example_SetXRecordData()
    ' This example creates a new XRecord if one doesn't exist,
    ' appends data to the XRecord, and reads it back.  To see data being added,
    ' run the example more than once.
    Dim TrackingDictionary As AcadDictionary, TrackingXRecord As AcadXRecord
    Dim XRecordDataType As Variant, XRecordData As Variant
    Dim ArraySize As Long, iCount As Long
    Dim DataType As Integer, Data As String, msg As String
    ' Unique identifiers to distinguish our XRecordData from other XRecordData
    Const TYPE_STRING = 1
    Const TAG_DICTIONARY_NAME = "ObjectTrackerDictionary"
    Const TAG_XRECORD_NAME = "ObjectTrackerXRecord"
    ' Connect to the dictionary in which the XRecord is stored
    On Error GoTo CREATE
    Set TrackingDictionary = ThisDrawing.Dictionaries(TAG_DICTIONARY_NAME)
    Set TrackingXRecord = TrackingDictionary.GetObject(TAG_XRECORD_NAME)
    On Error GoTo 0
    ' Get current XRecordData
    TrackingXRecord.GetXRecordData XRecordDataType, XRecordData
    ' If there is no array already, create one
    If VarType(XRecordDataType) And vbArray = vbArray Then
        ArraySize = UBound(XRecordDataType) + 1       ' Get the size of the data elements returned
        ArraySize = ArraySize + 1                        ' Increase to hold new data
        ReDim Preserve XRecordDataType(0 To ArraySize)
        ReDim Preserve XRecordData(0 To ArraySize)
        ArraySize = 0
        ReDim XRecordDataType(0 To ArraySize) As Integer
        ReDim XRecordData(0 To ArraySize) As Variant
    End If
    ' Append new XRecord Data
    ' For this sample, we only append the current item to the XRecord
    XRecordDataType(ArraySize) = TYPE_STRING: XRecordData(ArraySize) = CStr(Now)
    TrackingXRecord.SetXRecordData XRecordDataType, XRecordData
    ' Read back all XRecordData entries
    TrackingXRecord.GetXRecordData XRecordDataType, XRecordData
    ArraySize = UBound(XRecordDataType)
    ' Retrieve and display stored XRecordData
    For iCount = 0 To ArraySize
        ' Get information for this element
        DataType = XRecordDataType(iCount)
        Data = XRecordData(iCount)
        If DataType = TYPE_STRING Then
            msg = msg & Data & vbCrLf
        End If
    MsgBox "The data in the XRecord is: " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & msg, vbInformation
    Exit Sub
    ' Create the objects that hold the XRecordData
    If TrackingDictionary Is Nothing Then  ' Make sure the tracking object is there
        Set TrackingDictionary = ThisDrawing.Dictionaries.Add(TAG_DICTIONARY_NAME)
        Set TrackingXRecord = TrackingDictionary.AddXRecord(TAG_XRECORD_NAME)
    End If
End Sub
    ' Get current XRecordData
    TrackingXRecord.GetXRecordData XRecordDataType, XRecordData
    ' If there is no array already, create one
    If VarType(XRecordDataType) And vbArray = vbArray Then
        Dim return_date() as Variant
        Dim array1() as Variant
完整定义Public function search_date(xrecorddata() as Variant ,array1() as Variant)
可是按照我的想法是If VarType(XRecordDataType) And vbArray = vbArray Then这个语句不是已经判别XRecordDataType 


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