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vb中创建CAD TOOLBAR出错,请高手指点

发表于 2006-9-15 03:04:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 作者 于 2006-9-16 2:01:38 编辑


Private Sub AddToolbar()
    ' This example creates a new toolbar called TestToolbar and inserts a
    ' toolbar button into it. The toolbar is then displayed.
    ' To remove the toolbar after execution of this macro, use the Customize Menu
    ' option from the Tools menu.
    Dim currMenuGroup As AcadMenuGroup
    Set currMenuGroup = acadDoc.Application.MenuGroups.Item(0)  '调试后此行出错
    ' Create the new toolbar
    Dim newToolBar As AcadToolbar
    Set newToolBar = currMenuGroup.Toolbars.Add("TestToolbar")
    ' Add a button to the new toolbar
    Dim newButton As AcadToolbarItem
    Dim openMacro As String
    ' Assign the macro string the VB equivalent of "ESC ESC _open "
    openMacro = Chr(3) & Chr(3) & Chr(95) & "open" & Chr(32)
    Set newButton = newToolBar.AddToolbarButton("", "NewButton", "Open a file.", openMacro)
    ' Display the toolbar
    newToolBar.Visible = True

End Sub

在VB中运行后 提示 :

实时错误 ‘91’


Set currMenuGroup = acadDoc.Application.MenuGroups.Item(0)  '调试后此行出错

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发表于 2006-9-15 12:59:00 | 显示全部楼层
把acadDoc改为 thisdrawing 试试
 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-15 14:22:00 | 显示全部楼层

晕~~~ 是在VB6.0里面啊 不是VBA

mccad 在吗?能指点一下吗?

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