如下代码可以实现 void clone3() { AcDbObjectId id; AcDbObjectIdArray list; AcDbDatabase extDatabase( Adesk::kFalse ); char dwgName[_MAX_PATH]; if (RTNORM != getFile( "Enter DWG name", "Select Drawing", "dwg", dwgName )) { return; } if (Acad::eOk != extDatabase.readDwgFile( dwgName )) { acedAlert( "Error reading DWG!" ); return; } extDatabase. AcDbBlockTable* pBT; if (Acad::eOk != extDatabase.getSymbolTable( pBT, AcDb::kForRead )) { acedAlert( "Error getting BlockTable of DWG" ); return; } AcDbBlockTableRecord* pBTR; Acad::ErrorStatus es = pBT->getAt( ACDB_MODEL_SPACE, pBTR, AcDb::kForRead ); pBT->close(); if (Acad::eOk != es) { acedAlert( "Error getting model space of DWG" ); return; } AcDbBlockTableRecordIterator* pIT; if (Acad::eOk != pBTR->newIterator( pIT )) { acedAlert( "Error iterating model space of DWG" ); pBTR->close(); return; } for ( ; !pIT->done(); pIT->step()) { if (Acad::eOk == pIT->getEntityId( id )) { list.append( id ); // There is a bug in ARX that causes extension dictionaries // to appear to be soft owners of their contents. This causes // the contents to be skipped during wblock. To fix this we // must explicitly tell the extension dictionary to be a hard // owner of it's entries. // AcDbEntity *pEnt; if ( Acad::eOk == pIT->getEntity(pEnt, AcDb::kForRead)) { AcDbObjectId obj; if ((obj = pEnt->extensionDictionary()) != AcDbObjectId::kNull) { AcDbDictionary *pDict = NULL; acdbOpenObject(pDict, obj, AcDb::kForWrite); if (pDict) { pDict->setTreatElementsAsHard(Adesk::kTrue); pDict->close(); } } pEnt->close(); } } } delete pIT; pBTR->close(); if (list.isEmpty()) { acedAlert( "No entities found in model space of DWG" ); return; } AcDbDatabase *pTempDb; if (Acad::eOk != extDatabase.wblock( pTempDb, list, AcGePoint3d::kOrigin )) { acedAlert( "wblock failed!" ); return; } if (Acad::eOk != acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase() ->insert( AcGeMatrix3d::kIdentity, pTempDb )) acedAlert( "insert failed!" ); delete pTempDb; }