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发表于 2003-4-9 09:54:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2003-4-9 09:59:00 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2003-4-15 15:47:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2003-4-15 15:56:00 | 显示全部楼层



Group code        Description
100        Subclass marker (AcDbMText)
10        Insertion point
DXF: X value; APP: 3D point
20, 30        DXF: Y and Z values of insertion point
40        Nominal (initial) text height
41        Reference rectangle width
71        Attachment point:
1 = Top left; 2 = Top center; 3 = Top right;
4 = Middle left; 5 = Middle center; 6 = Middle right;
7 = Bottom left; 8 = Bottom center; 9 = Bottom right
72        Drawing direction:
1 = Left to right;
3 = Top to bottom;
5 = By style (the flow direction is inherited from the associated text style)
1        Text string. If the text string is less than 250 characters, all characters appear in group 1. If the text string is greater than 250 characters, the string is divided into 250 character chunks, which appear in one or more group 3 codes. If group 3 codes are used, the last group is a group 1 and has fewer than 250 characters.
3        Additional text (always in 250 character chunks) (optional)
7        Text style name (STANDARD if not provided) (optional)
210        Extrusion direction (optional; default = 0, 0, 1)
DXF: X value; APP: 3D vector
220, 230        DXF: Y and Z values of extrusion direction (optional)
11        X-axis direction vector (in WCS)
DXF: X value; APP: 3D vector

NOTE  A group code 50 (rotation angle in radians) passed as DXF input is converted to the equivalent direction vector (if both a code 50 and codes 11, 21, 31 are passed, the last one wins). This is provided as a convenience for conversions from text objects.
21, 31        DXF: Y and Z values of X-axis direction vector (in WCS)
42        Horizontal width of the characters that make up the mtext entity. This value will always be equal to or less than the value of group code 41. (read-only, ignored if supplied)
43        Vertical height of the mtext entity (read-only, ignored if supplied)
50        Rotation angle in radians
73        Mtext line spacing style (optional):
1 = At least (taller characters will override)
2 = Exact (taller characters will not override)
44        Mtext line spacing factor (optional):
Percentage of default (3-on-5) line spacing to be applied. Valid values range from 0.25 to 4.00.
发表于 2003-4-15 21:26:00 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2003-4-17 16:51:00 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2003-4-17 17:17:00 | 显示全部楼层


(command "mtext" pt1 pt2 "你要输入的文字\\P现在是第二行。" "")
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