;;; LPLACE.LSP made by piggy ;;; ;;; DESCRIPTION ;;; Place and connect lights ;;; ;;; DATE: 12/18/98; ;;; ;;; HISTORY: NONE ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; GLOBALS: ; light_layer -- layer of light ; wire_layer -- layer of wire ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun lplace(/ m n insblk insang inspt olyr) (if (and (not undo_init) (equal -1 (load "undo.lsp" -1))) (progn (alert "Error:\n Cannot find UNDO.LSP.") (exit)) );if ;;; (err_init '("CMDECHO" "OSMODE" "BLIPMODE" "REGENMODE") T '(setq l_s nil)) ;;; (var_set '(("CMDECHO" 0) ("OSMODE" 0) ("BLIPMODE" 0) ("REGENMODE" 0))) (setvar "osmode" (logior (getvar "osmode") 16384));关辅捉 ;; Get information (cond ((numberp light_scale)) (T (setq light_scale 1))) (cond (light_layer) (T (setq light_layer (getvar "CLAYER")))) (prompt (strcat "\n默认图层:\"" light_layer "\"。" )) (prompt (strcat "\n默认比例:\"" (rtos light_scale 2 2) "\"。")) (cond ((= (cdar (laychk light_layer)) "No") (laychk (setq light_layer (getvar "CLAYER"))) (prompt (strcat "\n图层被设为当前层:\"" light_layer "\"。" )) ) ); cond (while (not insblk) (initget "Layer Scale Name") (setq insblk (getkword "\n图层 L / 比例 S / 图块名 N:")) (cond ((= "Scale" insblk) (initget 6) (setq light_scale (cond ((getreal (strcat "\n请输入图块比例:<" (rtos light_scale 2 2) "> "))) (T light_scale) ); cond insblk nil ); setq ) ((= "Layer" insblk) (setq olyr light_layer insblk nil) (setq light_layer (getstring (strcat "\n请选择图层:<" light_layer "> "))) (cond ((= light_layer "") (setq light_layer olyr))) (cond ((= (cdar (laychk light_layer )) "No") (setq light_layer olyr) (prompt (strcat "\n图层仍为:\"" light_layer "\"。" ))) ); cond ) (T (cond ((= (getvar "INSNAME") "") (setq insblk (getstring "\n请输入图块名:")) (cond ((tblsearch "BLOCK" insblk) (setvar "INSNAME" insblk)) (T (setq insblk nil))); cond ) (T (setq insblk (getstring (strcat "\n请输入图块名:<" (getvar "INSNAME") "> "))) (cond ((= insblk "") (setq insblk (getvar "INSNAME")))); cond (cond ((tblsearch "BLOCK" insblk) (setvar "INSNAME" insblk)) (T (setq insblk nil))); cond ) ); cond (cond (insblk) (T (prompt "\n无效的图块!"))); cond ) ); cond ); while (setq insang (getangle "\n请输入图块的角度:<0> ")) (cond ((not insang) (setq insang 0))) (setq inspt (gettrs)) (setq n 0) (while (< n (length inspt)) (setq m 0) (while (< m (length (car inspt))) (apply '(lambda (iname ilayer ipoint iscale iangle) (entmake (list (cons 0 "INSERT") (cons 2 iname) (cons 8 ilayer) (cons 10 ipoint) (cons 41 iscale) (cons 42 iscale) (cons 43 iscale) (cons 50 iangle) ) ); entmake ); lambda (list insblk light_layer (nth m (nth n inspt)) light_scale insang) ); apply (setq m (1+ m)) ); while (setq n (1+ n)) ); while (initget 1 "Yes No") (cond ((= "Yes" (getkword "\n是否需要连线 ?(Y/N) ")) (connect insblk insang light_scale inspt)) ); cond (layres) ;;; (err_restore) (princ) ); defun lplace (defun gettrs(/ ulpt lrpt row col inspt deltax deltay n) (initget 1) (setq ulpt (getpoint "\n请选择右上角:")) (initget 1) (setq lrpt (getcorner ulpt "\n请选择左下角:")) (grdraw ulpt (list (nth 0 lrpt) (nth 1 ulpt)) 2 1) (grdraw (list (nth 0 lrpt) (nth 1 ulpt)) lrpt 2 1) (grdraw lrpt (list (nth 0 ulpt) (nth 1 lrpt)) 2 1) (grdraw (list (nth 0 ulpt) (nth 1 lrpt)) ulpt 2 1) (initget 7) (setq row (getint "\n请输入行数:")) (initget 7) (setq col (getint "\n请输入列数:")) (setq deltax (/ (- (car lrpt) (car ulpt)) col) deltay (/ (- (cadr ulpt) (cadr lrpt)) row) ); setq ;; Try to find the transformer of points (repeat col ; new_first_row = (cons ((old_point) - deltax) old_first_row (cond (inspt ((lambda (x) (setq inspt (subst (cons (list (- (nth 0 (car x)) deltax) (nth 1 (car x)) (nth 2 (car x))) x) x inspt)) ); lambda (car inspt)) ) (T (setq inspt (list (list (list (- (nth 0 lrpt) (/ deltax 2.0)) (- (nth 1 ulpt) (/ deltay 2.0)) (nth 2 ulpt))))); setq ) ); cond (setq n 0) (while (< n (1- row)) ; new_row_information = (cons new_list old_row_information) ; or (subst new_row_information old_row_information) ; new_list = (car old_row_information) - deltay (apply '(lambda (x y) (cond ( y (setq inspt (subst (cons (list (nth 0 (car x)) (- (nth 1 (car x)) deltay) (nth 2 (car x))) y) y inspt)) ) (T (setq inspt (append inspt (list (cons (list (nth 0 (car x)) (- (nth 1 (car x)) deltay) (nth 2 (car x)) ) y)))) ) ); cond ); lambda (list (nth n inspt) (nth (1+ n) inspt)) ) (setq n (1+ n)) ); while ); repeat inspt ); defun gettrs (defun turntrs(otrs / ntrs m n) (setq n 0) (while (< n (length otrs)) ((lambda (x) (setq m (1- (length x))) (while (>= m 0) (cond (ntrs ((lambda (y) (if y (setq ntrs (subst (cons (nth m x) y) y ntrs)) (setq ntrs (append ntrs (list (cons (nth m x) y)))) ); if ); lambda (nth (- (length x) m 1) ntrs) ; new row information ) ) (T (setq ntrs (list (list (nth m x))))) ); cond (setq m (1- m)) ); while ); lambda (nth n otrs) ) (setq n (1+ n)) ); while ntrs ); defun turntrs (defun connect(insblk insang inscale inspt / fp blkinf flag temp ppair hor m n offset ) ; fetch available information of blocks ((lambda (f) (cond (f (setq fp (open f "r") temp (read-line fp)) (while (and temp (not blkinf)) ((lambda(x) (if (and (listp x) x) (if (= (strcase (cdr (assoc 0 x))) (strcase insblk)) (setq blkinf x)) ); if ); lambda (read temp) ) (setq temp (read-line fp)) ); while (close fp) ) (T (alert "无法打开文件 \"LIGHT.INI\" !")) ); cond ); lambda (findfile "LIGHT.INI") ) (cond (blkinf (cond (wire_layer) (T (setq wire_layer (getvar "CLAYER")))) (prompt (strcat "\n默认图层:\"" wire_layer "\"。" )) (cond ((= (cdar (laychk wire_layer)) "No") (laychk (setq wire_layer (getvar "CLAYER"))) (prompt (strcat "\n图层被设为当前层:\"" wire_layer "\"。" )) ) ); cond (while (not flag) (initget 1 "Layer Hor Ver") (setq flag (getkword "\n图层 L / 垂直 V / 水平 H:")) (cond ((= "Layer" flag) (setq temp wire_layer flag nil) (setq wire_layer (getstring (strcat "\n请选择图层:<" wire_layer "> "))) (cond ((= wire_layer "") (setq wire_layer temp))) (cond ((= (cdar (laychk wire_layer )) "No") (setq wire_layer temp) (prompt (strcat "\n图层仍为:\"" wire_layer "\"。" )) ) ); cond ) ((= "Hor" flag) (setq hor T)) ((= "Ver" flag) (setq inspt (turntrs inspt)) (setq hor nil)) ); cond ); while (setq offset '(1 2 3 4)) (repeat (fix (+ (/ (* insang 2) pi) 0.1)) ; Ajust offset according (setq offset (reverse (cdr (reverse (cons (last offset) offset))))) ; to angle ); repeat (setq offset (mapcar '(lambda (x) (cdr (assoc x blkinf)) ); lambda (cond (hor (list (nth 0 offset) (nth 2 offset))) (T (list (nth 1 offset) (nth 3 offset)))) ; cond ); mapcar ); setq (setq offset (list (* inscale (nth 0 offset)) (* -1 inscale (nth 1 offset)))) ((lambda (y) (cond (hor (setq m 0)) (T (setq m 1))); cond (cond ((> (nth m (nth 0 y)) (nth m (nth 1 y))) (setq offset (mapcar '(lambda (x) (* -1.0 x) ); lambda offset ); mapcar ); setq ) ); cond ); lambda (car inspt)) (mapcar '(lambda (x) (setq m 0) (while (< m (1- (length x))) (setq ppair (mapcar '(lambda (x dx) (cond (hor (list (+ (nth 0 x) dx) (nth 1 x) (nth 2 x))) (T (list (nth 0 x) (+ (nth 1 x) dx) (nth 2 x))) ); cond ); lambda (list (nth m x) (nth (1+ m) x)) offset ); mapcar ); setq (apply '(lambda (llayer spoint epoint) (entmake (list (cons 0 "LINE") (cons 8 llayer) (cons 10 spoint) (cons 11 epoint) ) ); entmake ); lambda (list wire_layer (car ppair) (cadr ppair)) ); apply (setq m (1+ m)) ); while ); lambda inspt ); mapcar ) (T (alert "该图块未被正确配置!")) ); cond ); defun connect (defun c:lp() (lplace)) (defun c:lplace() (lplace))