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发表于 2008-5-6 20:39:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Sub tfcr()
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim hct As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim sqllj As String
Dim tfm As String
Dim objUtil As AcadUtility
Dim varPnt As Variant
Dim strPrmt As String
Dim zjpoint(0 To 2) As Double
Dim x As String, y As String
Dim blockobject As AcadBlock
On Error Resume Next
  'strPrmt = "Left click to confirm, right click to cancel"
  strPrmt = "请选择图形插入位置!"
ii:  Set objUtil = ThisDrawing.Utility
  varPnt = objUtil.GetPoint(Prompt:=strPrmt)
  'No error? Then they "left clicked" (or typed a point on
  'The command line. Meh. Users are crazy.
  ClickConfirm = True
        zjpoint(0) = varPnt(0)
        zjpoint(1) = varPnt(1)
        zjpoint(2) = varPnt(2)
sqllj = "provider=sqloledb.1;password= ;persist security info=true;user id=sa;initial catalog=wzdjsj ;data source=huangbin"
cn.Open sqllj
hct.Open "select * from hct where x< " & zjpoint(1) & " order by x desc", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic
If Not hct.EOF Then
  x = hct.Fields("x")
End If
hct.Open "select * from hct where y< " & zjpoint(0) & " order by y desc", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic
If Not hct.EOF Then
  y = hct.Fields("y")
End If
tfm = Left(x, 3) + Left(y, 3)'此时插入的图形坐标就是正确的。

'tfm="D\航测图\"+Left(x, 3) + Left(y, 3)'此时插入的图形坐标就不正确的。
' ThisDrawing.SendCommand "-insert" & vbCr & blockname & vbCr & point.Fields("x") & "," & point.Fields("y") & vbCr & ljj.Fields("xs") & vbCr & ljj.Fields("ys") & vbCr & ljj.Fields("zs") & vbCr & ljj.Fields("jd") & vbCr
 ThisDrawing.SendCommand "-insert" & vbCr & tfm & vbCr & 0# & vbCr & 1 & vbCr & 1 & vbCr & 0 & vbCr & 0 & vbCr
End Sub

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