sailorcwx发表于2008-8-13 0:56:00 用selsectbypolgon方法,将mode设置为acSelectionSetFence
我采用的就是这个办法,不过这个办法需要有一个由POINT组成的形状(不知道我的理解对不对),所以我才采用了偏移OFFSET来获得一个封闭的形状。另外我在实际的使用中对于selsectbypolgon方法的mode的几种方式有些不是很清晰。特别是acSelectionSetFence和acSelectionSetCrossingPolygon 这两者的区别。此外再问下defined by coordinates in Point1是说需要组成一个封闭区间还是只需要提供一个线段上的点就可以了啊。 Fence Selects all objects crossing a selection fence. The fence is defined by coordinates in Point1. WindowPolygon Selects objects within a polygon defined by Point1. CrossingPolygon Selects objects within and crossing an area defined by a polygon. Use Point1 to define the coordinates of the polygon. AutoCAD will close the last vector of the polygon. A polygon definition cannot cross itself. |