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3,点击 autocad 菜单 “工具” -》 “加载应用程序” ,加载 lockup.lsp。


5,在autocad中,键入 lockup ,回车。

6,英文提示“是否进行加密?” ,输入 y ,回车。



;;;Lockup.lsp - Locks all selected entities (except proxy objects) within a drawing.
;;;By: John D. Chapman
;;;With help from: Stig Madsen, Celie Dailey, Pat Starkey.
;;;Based on and expanded from AB.lsp by Brian Debelius (Make/Insert an Anonymous Block)
;;;and AB-Minsert.lsp by Rick McElvain (Make/MINSERT an Anonymous Block).
;;;Inspiration from Adam Conrath (MINSERT).
;;;Special mention to Jim Fisher.
;;;Last Revisions:
;;;March 5, 2002:  - Separate block made of solids before main routine runs.
;;;March 7, 2002:  - Separate Block made of background colours (8,9,251-255).
;;;March 22, 2002: - Improved error trapping.
;;;This routine turns on, thaws, and unlocks all layers before it starts the lock.
;;;The state of your layers prior to running LOCKUP will be restored
;;;in AutoCAD 2000i only.

        \n         RUN ONLY ON A COPY OF THE ORIGINAL."
  "\nLockup2.lsp - By John D. Chapman - Ainley and Associates Ltd.
        \n  with thanks to Brian Debelius, Adam Conrath, Rick McElvain,
        \n          Stig Madsen, Celie Dailey, Pat Starkey, Jim Fisher
        \n               and the Autodesk User Group International."

(defun lockerror (msg)
  (if (/= msg "Function cancelled")
      (strcat "\nError: " msg " [" (itoa (getvar "ERRNO")) "]")
  (command "UNDO" "End")
  (Abort "\nLockup was interrupted. Function Aborted!")
  (setq *error* olderr)

(defun Abort (msg)
  (setvar "filedia" fdia)
  (setvar "cmddia" cdia)
  (setvar "cmdecho" cmd)
  (alert msg)

(defun getlayers ()
  (setq lyr (tblnext "layer" t))
  (setq laylist "")
  (while lyr
    (if (or (and (= (cdr (assoc 62 lyr)) 8)
   (not (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 2 lyr)) "*|*"))
     (and (= (cdr (assoc 62 lyr)) 9)
   (not (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 2 lyr)) "*|*"))
     (and (= (cdr (assoc 62 lyr)) 251)
   (not (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 2 lyr)) "*|*"))
     (and (= (cdr (assoc 62 lyr)) 252)
   (not (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 2 lyr)) "*|*"))
     (and (= (cdr (assoc 62 lyr)) 253)
   (not (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 2 lyr)) "*|*"))
     (and (= (cdr (assoc 62 lyr)) 254)
   (not (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 2 lyr)) "*|*"))
     (and (= (cdr (assoc 62 lyr)) 255)
   (not (wcmatch (cdr (assoc 2 lyr)) "*|*"))
      (if (equal laylist "")
 (setq laylist (strcat laylist (cdr (assoc 2 lyr))))
 (setq laylist (strcat laylist "," (cdr (assoc 2 lyr))))
    (setq lyr (tblnext "layer"))

(defun backblk (layoutName Mins)
  (if layoutName
      ((= layoutName "14MS")
       (setq blist (list '(-4 . "<NOT")
    '(-4 . "<OR")
    '(67 . 1)
    '(0 . "SOLID")
    '(2 . "SOLID")
    '(-4 . "OR>")
    '(-4 . "NOT>")
    '(-4 . "<OR")
    (cons 8 (getlayers))
    '(62 . 8)
    '(62 . 9)
    '(62 . 251)
    '(62 . 252)
    '(62 . 253)
    '(62 . 254)
    '(62 . 255)
    '(-4 . "OR>")
      ((= layoutName "14PS")
       (setq blist (list '(67 . 1)
    '(-4 . "<NOT")
    '(-4 . "<OR")
    '(0 . "SOLID")
    '(2 . "SOLID")
    '(0 . "VIEWPORT")
    '(-4 . "OR>")
    '(-4 . "NOT>")
    '(-4 . "<OR")
    (cons 8 (getlayers))
    '(62 . 8)
    '(62 . 9)
    '(62 . 251)
    '(62 . 252)
    '(62 . 253)
    '(62 . 254)
    '(62 . 255)
    '(-4 . "OR>")
       (setq blist (list (cons 410 layoutName)
    '(-4 . "<NOT")
    '(-4 . "<OR")
    '(0 . "SOLID")
    '(2 . "SOLID")
    '(0 . "VIEWPORT")
    '(-4 . "OR>")
    '(-4 . "NOT>")
    '(-4 . "<OR")
    (cons 8 (getlayers))
    '(62 . 8)
    '(62 . 9)
    '(62 . 251)
    '(62 . 252)
    '(62 . 253)
    '(62 . 254)
    '(62 . 255)
    '(-4 . "OR>")
    (setq blist (list '(-4 . "<NOT")
        '(-4 . "<OR")
        '(0 . "SOLID")
        '(2 . "SOLID")
        '(0 . "VIEWPORT")
        '(-4 . "OR>")
        '(-4 . "NOT>")
        '(-4 . "<OR")
        (cons 8 (getlayers))
        '(62 . 8)
        '(62 . 9)
        '(62 . 251)
        '(62 . 252)
        '(62 . 253)
        '(62 . 254)
        '(62 . 255)
        '(-4 . "OR>")
  (setq ssetb (ssget "X" blist))
  (setq viewsset (ssget "X" '((0 . "VIEWPORT"))))
  (if viewsset
      (setq n 0)
      (repeat (sslength viewsset)
 (if (setq clipent (assoc 340 (entget (ssname viewsset n))))
   (ssdel (cdr clipent) ssetb)
 (setq n (1+ n))
  (if ssetb
      (setq pt (list 0.0 0.0))
      (entmake ;;write block header
        (list '(0 . "BLOCK")
       '(2 . "*anon")
       '(70 . 1)
       (cons '10 pt)
      ;;add entities in selection set to block
      ;;repeat for every entity in the selection set
      (setq a 0)
      (repeat (sslength ssetb)
 (setq ent2 (entmake (entget (setq ent (ssname ssetb a)))))
 (if (null ent2)
   (princ (entget (setq ent (ssname ssetb a))))
 ;;if polyline or block reference with attributes,
 ;;walk down sub-entities until seqend is found
 (if (assoc 66 (entget ent))
     ;;add sub-entities until seqend is found
     (setq subent (entnext ent))
     (while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget subent))) "SEQEND")
       (entmake (entget subent))
       (setq subent (entnext subent))

     ;;add seqend sub-entity
     (setq ent3 (entmake (entget subent)))
     (if (null ent3)
       (princ (entget subent))
 ;;delete original entity
 (entdel ent)
 (setq a (1+ a))
 (c:spin "Making Block of background colours..")
      (setq nameb (entmake '((0 . "endblk"))))
      ;;write block end sub-entity
      (princ "\n  Inserting...\n")

      ;; Insert block reference at insertion point
      ;; Note: Check the argument Mins for the method to insert the block
      ;; Note: Mins=T means minsert the block, and Mins=nil means insert it.
      (if Mins
 ;;Minsert block reference at insertion point
   (list '(0 . "INSERT")
  (CONS '100 "AcDbMInsertBlock")
  (CONS '70 2)
  (CONS '71 2)
  (cons '2 nameb)
  (cons '10 pt)
   (list '(0 . "INSERT")
  (cons '2 nameb)
  (cons '10 pt)
 ;;Insert block reference at insertion point
      (setq bc (entlast))
      (setq bac "back")
      (command "_.draworder" bc "" (strcat "_" bac))
      (setq ssetb nil)
      (setq viewsset nil)

(defun solidblk (layoutName Mins)
  (if layoutName
      ((= layoutName "14MS")
       (setq slist (list '(-4 . "<NOT")       '(67 . 1)
    '(-4 . "NOT>")       '(-4 . "<OR")
    '(0 . "SOLID")       '(2 . "SOLID")
    '(-4 . "OR>")
      ((= layoutName "14PS")
       (setq slist (list '(67 . 1)
    '(-4 . "<OR")
    '(0 . "SOLID")
    '(2 . "SOLID")
    '(-4 . "OR>")
       (setq slist (list (cons 410 layoutName)
    '(-4 . "<OR")
    '(0 . "SOLID")
    '(2 . "SOLID")
    '(-4 . "OR>")
    (setq slist (list '(-4 . "<OR")
        '(0 . "SOLID")
        '(2 . "SOLID")
        '(-4 . "OR>")
  (setq ssets (ssget "X" slist))
  (if ssets
      (setq pt (list 0.0 0.0))
      (entmake ;;write block header
        (list '(0 . "BLOCK")
       '(2 . "*anon")
       '(70 . 1)
       (cons '10 pt)
      ;;add entities in selection set to block
      ;;repeat for every entity in the selection set
      (setq a 0)
      (repeat (sslength ssets)
 (setq ent2 (entmake (entget (setq ent (ssname ssets a)))))
 (if (null ent2)
   (princ (entget (setq ent (ssname ssets a))))
 ;;if polyline or block reference with attributes,
 ;;walk down sub-entities until seqend is found
 (if (assoc 66 (entget ent))
     ;;add sub-entities until seqend is found
     (setq subent (entnext ent))
     (while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget subent))) "SEQEND")
       (entmake (entget subent))
       (setq subent (entnext subent))

     ;;add seqend sub-entity
     (setq ent3 (entmake (entget subent)))
     (if (null ent3)
       (princ (entget subent))
 ;;delete original entity
 (entdel ent)
 (setq a (1+ a))
 (c:spin "Making Block of solids..")
      (setq names (entmake '((0 . "endblk"))))
      ;;write block end sub-entity
      (princ "\n  Inserting...\n")

      ;; Insert block reference at insertion point
      ;; Note: Check the argument Mins for the method to insert the block
      ;; Note: Mins=T means minsert the block, and Mins=nil means insert it.
      (if Mins
 ;;Minsert block reference at insertion point
   (list '(0 . "INSERT")
  (CONS '100 "AcDbMInsertBlock")
  (CONS '70 2)
  (CONS '71 2)
  (cons '2 names)
  (cons '10 pt)
   (list '(0 . "INSERT")
  (cons '2 names)
  (cons '10 pt)
 ;;Insert block reference at insertion point
      (setq so (entlast))
      (setq ba "back")
      (command "_.draworder" so "" (strcat "_" ba))
      (setq ssets nil)

(defun anonBlock (layoutName Mins)
  (if layoutName
      ((= layoutName "14MS")
       (setq alist (list '(-4 . "<NOT")
    '(-4 . "<OR")
    '(67 . 1)
    '(0 . "ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY")
    '(0 . "AEC_*")
    '(0 . "AECS_*")
    '(0 . "RTEXT")
    '(0 . "WIPEOUT")
    ;;'(8 . "LAYCFG")
     (0 . "SOLID")
    '(2 . "SOLID")
    (cons 8 (getlayers))
    '(62 . 8)
    '(62 . 9)
    '(62 . 251)
    '(62 . 252)
    '(62 . 253)
    '(62 . 254)
    '(62 . 255)
    '(-4 . "OR>")
    '(-4 . "NOT>")
      ((= layoutName "14PS")
       (setq alist (list '(67 . 1)
    '(-4 . "<NOT")
    '(-4 . "<OR")
    '(0 . "VIEWPORT")
    '(0 . "ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY")
    '(0 . "AEC_*")
    '(0 . "AECS_*")
    '(0 . "RTEXT")
    '(0 . "WIPEOUT")
    ;;'(8 . "LAYCFG")
     (0 . "SOLID")
    '(2 . "SOLID")
    (cons 8 (getlayers))
    '(62 . 8)
    '(62 . 9)
    '(62 . 251)
    '(62 . 252)
    '(62 . 253)
    '(62 . 254)
    '(62 . 255)
    '(-4 . "OR>")
    '(-4 . "NOT>")
       (setq alist (list (cons 410 layoutName)
    '(-4 . "<NOT")
    '(-4 . "<OR")
    ;;'(8 . "LAYCFG")
     (0 . "VIEWPORT")
    '(0 . "ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY")
    '(0 . "AECC_*")
    '(0 . "AEC_*")
    '(0 . "AECS_*")
    '(0 . "RTEXT")
    '(0 . "WIPEOUT")
    '(0 . "SOLID")
    '(2 . "SOLID")
    (cons 8 (getlayers))
    '(62 . 8)
    '(62 . 9)
    '(62 . 251)
    '(62 . 252)
    '(62 . 253)
    '(62 . 254)
    '(62 . 255)
    '(-4 . "OR>")
    '(-4 . "NOT>")
    (setq alist (list '(-4 . "<NOT")
        '(-4 . "<OR")
        ;;'(8 . "LAYCFG")
         (0 . "VIEWPORT")
        '(0 . "ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY")
        '(0 . "AECC_*")
        '(0 . "AEC_*")
        '(0 . "AECS_*")
        '(0 . "RTEXT")
        '(0 . "WIPEOUT")
        '(0 . "SOLID")
        '(2 . "SOLID")
        (cons 8 (getlayers))
        '(62 . 8)
        '(62 . 9)
        '(62 . 251)
        '(62 . 252)
        '(62 . 253)
        '(62 . 254)
        '(62 . 255)
        '(-4 . "OR>")
        '(-4 . "NOT>")
  (setq sset (ssget "X" alist))
  (setq viewsset (ssget "X" '((0 . "VIEWPORT"))))
  (if viewsset
      (setq n 0)
      (repeat (sslength viewsset)
 (if (setq clipent (assoc 340 (entget (ssname viewsset n))))
   (ssdel (cdr clipent) sset)
 (setq n (1+ n))
  (if sset
      (setq pt (list 0.0 0.0))
      (entmake ;;write block header
        (list '(0 . "BLOCK")
       '(2 . "*anon")
       '(70 . 1)
       (cons '10 pt)
      ;;add entities in selection set to block
      ;;repeat for every entity in the selection set
      (setq a 0)
      (repeat (sslength sset)
 (setq ent2 (entmake (entget (setq ent (ssname sset a)))))
 (if (null ent2)
   (princ (entget (setq ent (ssname sset a))))
 ;;if polyline or block reference with attributes,
 ;;walk down sub-entities until seqend is found
 (if (assoc 66 (entget ent))
     ;;add sub-entities until seqend is found
     (setq subent (entnext ent))
     (while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget subent))) "SEQEND")
       (entmake (entget subent))
       (setq subent (entnext subent))

     ;;add seqend sub-entity
     (setq ent3 (entmake (entget subent)))
     (if (null ent3)
       (princ (entget subent))
 ;;delete original entity
 (entdel ent)
 (setq a (1+ a))
 (c:spin "Making Block..")
      (setq name (entmake '((0 . "endblk"))))
      ;;write block end sub-entity
      (princ "\n  Inserting Block..\n")

      ;; Insert block reference at insertion point
      ;; Note: Check the argument Mins for the method to insert the block
      ;; Note: Mins=T means minsert the block, and Mins=nil means insert it.
      (if Mins
 ;;Minsert block reference at insertion point
   (list '(0 . "INSERT")
  (CONS '100 "AcDbMInsertBlock")
  (CONS '70 2)
  (CONS '71 2)
  (cons '2 name)
  (cons '10 pt)
   (list '(0 . "INSERT")
  (cons '2 name)
  (cons '10 pt)
 ;;Insert block reference at insertion point
      (setq sset nil)
      (setq viewsset nil)
    ;; Note: This statement is just a debug string and can be deleted
    (if layoutName
      (princ (strcat "\nNo entities to lock in " layoutName))

(defun Finish (vers)
  (setvar "clayer" cla)
  (setvar "tilemode" space)
  (if (= vers 2)
    (command "-layer" "state" "restore" "lockup" "" "")
  (command "-layer" "lock" "*" "")
  (setvar "proxyshow" 1)
  (command "regen")
    ((= cont "Yes")
       "\nPaper space only has been locked.
                                \nTo lock model space, run Lockup
                                \nagain and do NOT skip to paper space."
    ((= answer2 "Model")
     (alert "\nAll selected entities have been locked.")
    ((= answer2 nil)
     (alert "\nAll selected entities have been locked.")
  (setq cont nil
 answer2 nil
  (princ "\nLockup has completed. ")

;;; Note:
;;; Separate routine still for r14, because paper space is a whole different
;;; ballgame in later versions. It supplies the keyword "14PS" to be recognized
;;; by anonBlock in order to select all entities that have group code 67 = 1
(defun goLock14PS ()
  (setvar "tilemode" 0)
  (anonBlock "14PS" nil)  ; make anon insert - on paper space
  (backblk "14PS" nil)   ; make anon insert - on paper space
  (solidBlk "14PS" nil)   ; make anon insert - on paper space
  (anonBlock "14PS" T)   ; make anon minsert - on paper space
  (command "zoom" "extents")
  (prompt "\n  Paper Space has been locked.")
  (Finish 0)

(defun goLockPS (vers)
  (if (= vers 0)
      (princ "\nType in Layout Name to make current: ")
      (command "layout" "set" pause) ;type in whatever layout to set current
      (while (> (getvar "cmdactive") 0) (command pause))
      (anonBlock (getvar "CTAB") nil) ; make anon insert in named layout
      (backblk (getvar "CTAB") nil) ; make anon insert in named layout
      (solidblk (getvar "CTAB") nil) ; make anon insert in named layout
      (anonBlock (getvar "CTAB") T) ; make anon minsert in named layout
      (command "zoom" "extents")
      (initget "Yes No")
 (strcat "\n  Layout " (getvar "ctab") " has been locked.")
      (setq answer
      (getkword "\nAre there more layouts to lock? Y/<N>: ")
 ((or (null answer) (= answer "No"))
  (Finish vers)
 ((= answer "Yes")
  (goLockPS vers)
 (T nil)

(defun goLock (vers)
  (setvar "tilemode" 1)
  (if (= vers 2)
    (command "-layer" "state" "save" "lockup" "" "" "")
  (command "-layer" "thaw" "*" "on" "*" "unlock" "*" "")
  (command "zoom" "extents")
  (if (/= vers 0)
      (anonBlock "Model" nil)  ; make anon insert in model space
      (backblk "Model" nil)  ; make anon insert in model space
      (solidblk "Model" nil)  ; make anon insert in model space
      (anonBlock "Model" T)  ; make anon minsert in model space
      (anonBlock "14MS" nil)
      (backblk "14MS" nil)
      (solidblk "14MS" nil)
      (anonBlock "14MS" T)
  (prompt "\n  Model Space has been locked.")
  (initget "Yes No")
  (setq answer
  (getkword "\nDo you want to lock Paper Space? Y/<N>: ")
    ((or (null answer) (= answer "No")) (Finish vers))
    ((= answer "Yes") (goLockPS vers))
    (T nil)

(defun states ()
  (if (= vers 2)
    (command "-layer" "state" "save" "lockup" "" "" "")
  (command "-layer" "thaw" "*" "on" "*" "unlock" "*" "")
  (command "graphscr")
  (command "zoom" "extents")
  (goLockps vers)

(defun continue ()
  (initget "Yes No")
  (setq cont (getkword
        "\nModel Space will not be locked! Continue? Y/<N>: "
  (cond ((= cont "Yes") (states))
 ((= cont "No") (skip))
 ((= cont nil) (skip))

(defun skip ()
  (initget "Skip Model")
  (setq answer2
    "\nStart in Model Space or Skip to Paper Space? Skip/<Model>:"
  (cond ((= answer2 "Skip") (continue))
 ((= answer2 "Model") (goLock vers))
 ((= answer2 nil) (goLock vers))

(defun 14or2k (/ answer)
  (initget "14 2000 2000i")
  (setq answer
    "\nWhat version of AutoCAD are you in? 14/2000<2000i>: "
    ((= answer "14") (setq vers 0))
    ((= answer "2000") (setq vers 1))
    ((= answer "2000i") (setq vers 2))
    ((= answer nil) (setq vers 2))

(defun goexp ()
    (repeat (sslength sset)
      (command "_explode" (ssname sset CNT))
      (setq CNT (1+ CNT))
      (c:spin "Exploding..")
    (alert (strcat "\n    " (itoa CNT) " Entities Exploded."))
  (setq sset nil)

(defun xpproxy (/ xpl)
    "\n     Proxy Entities have been found.
    If they are not exploded, they will
  be omitted from the lockup process."
  (initget "Yes No")
  (setq xpl (getkword "\nExplode Proxy Entities? Y/<N>: "))
  (if (or (= xpl "No") (= xpl nil))
  (if (= xpl "Yes")

(defun goerase ()
    (repeat (sslength wsset)
      (entdel (ssname wsset WCNT))
      (setq WCNT (1+ WCNT))
      (c:spin "Erasing..")
    (alert (strcat "\n    " (itoa WCNT) " Wipeouts Erased."))
  (setq wsset nil)

(defun goaskerase (/ del)
    "\n     Wipeouts have been found."
  (initget "Yes No")
  (setq del (getkword "\nErase Wipeouts? Y/<N>: "))
  (if (or (= del "No") (= del nil))
  (if (= del "Yes")

(defun gowipeout (/ where wlist)
  (setq where (getvar "tilemode"))
  (setq cs 67)
  (if (= where 0)
    (setq sp 1)
  (if (= where 1)
    (setq sp 0)
  (setq wlist (list (cons cs sp)
      '(0 . "wipeout")
  (setq WCNT 0)
  (setq wsset (ssget "x" wlist))
  (if (= wsset nil)
  (if (not (= wsset nil))

(defun proxy (/ where plist)
  (setq where (getvar "tilemode"))
  (if (= where 0)
    (setq plist '((-4 . "<NOT")
    (67 . 0)
    (-4 . "NOT>")
    (-4 . "<OR")
    (0 . "AECC_*")
    (0 . "AEC_*")
    (0 . "AECS_*")
    (0 . "RTEXT")
    (-4 . "OR>")
  (if (= where 1)
    (setq plist '((-4 . "<NOT")
    (67 . 1)
    (-4 . "NOT>")
    (-4 . "<OR")
    (0 . "AECC_*")
    (0 . "AEC_*")
    (0 . "AECS_*")
    (0 . "RTEXT")
    (-4 . "OR>")
  (setq CNT 0)
  (setq sset (ssget "x" plist))
  (if (= sset nil)
  (if (not (= sset nil))

(defun c:undolock ()
  ;;Undo and Reset variables
  (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
  (princ "\nPlease wait while Lockup is undone.")
  (command "undo" "end")
  (command "undo" "back")
  (setvar "cmdecho" 1)
  (setvar "filedia" 1)
  (setvar "cmddia" 1)
  (setvar "clayer" cla)
  (princ "\nLockup has been undone.")

(defun c:look (/ alist CNT sset)
  (setq alist '((-4 . "<OR")
  (0 . "AECC_*")
  (0 . "AEC_*")
  (0 . "AECS_*")
  (0 . "RTEXT")
  (0 . "WIPEOUT")
  (-4 . "OR>")
  (setq CNT 0)
  (if alist
      (setq sset (ssget "X" alist))
      (if sset
 (repeat (sslength sset)
   (setq CNT (1+ CNT))
      (if (= CNT 1)
 (alert (strcat "\n        " (itoa CNT) " Entity found."))
      (if (> CNT 1)
 (alert (strcat "\n       " (itoa CNT) " Entities found."))
  (if (= sset nil)
    (alert "\nNo Entities were found.")

(defun c:spin (wh)
  (prompt (strcat "\r  "
    (cond ((= sp "|") (setq sp "/"))
   ((= sp "/") (setq sp "-"))
   ((= sp "-") (setq sp "\\"))
   (T (setq sp "|"))

(defun Cockup (/ start answer)
  (setq fdia (getvar "filedia")
 cdia (getvar "cmddia")
 cmd (getvar "cmdecho")
 cla (getvar "clayer")
 space (getvar "tilemode")
 olderr *error*
 *error* lockerror
 cont nil
 answer2 nil
  (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
  (command "UNDO" "Begin")
  (setvar "filedia" 0)
  (setvar "cmddia" 0)
  (command "undo" "mark")
  (command "-layer" "make" "LOCKUP" "")
  (command "color" "bylayer")
  (setvar "proxyshow" 0)
  (command "regen")
  (initget "Yes No")
  (setq answer
    "\nThis routine will lock the drawing! Do you really want to proceed? Y/<N>: "
    ((or (= answer "No") (null answer))
     (Alert "LOCKUP aborted!")
    ((= answer "Yes") (14or2k))
  (command "UNDO" "End")
  (setq *error* olderr)
  (setvar "filedia" fdia)
  (setvar "cmddia" cdia)
  (setvar "cmdecho" cmd)
(princ "\nLOCKUP is loaded.")
(princ "\nType LOCKUP to start.")

发表于 2012-1-5 10:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
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