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[求助] 这几个LSP是什么意思? 请各位看看。

发表于 2009-11-11 14:53:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

(defun c:QW(/  x x1 x2 t nn )
           (prompt "\n Select On Layer:")  
           (setq x (ssget))
           (setq i 0)
                   (setq x1 (entget (ssname x i)))
                   (setq x2 (assoc 8 x1))
                   (command "layer" "off" "*" "y" )
                   (command "on" (cdr x2)) 
                    (setq i 1)
                    (setq t (sslength x))
                    (setq nn (- t 1))
                    (repeat nn 
                      (setq x1 (entget (ssname x i)))
                      (setq x2 (assoc 8 x1))
                      (command  "on" (cdr x2) )
                      (setq i (+ i 1))
                      (command  "" )

;Y2 ****** explore layout dwg to parts dwg

(defun c:Y2()
   (princ "\n\n")
   (setq e1 (getstring "\n\n\n INPUT THE PATH FOR BLOCKS TO BE WRITTEN : "))
   (setq x (getint "\n FROM LAYER (No) :"))
   (setq x1 (getint "\n TO LAYER (No) :"))
   (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
   (command "_filedia" "0")
   (command "layer" "t" "*" "")
   (setq i x)
   (repeat (+ (- x1 x) 1)
      (setq e2 (strcat e1 "\\000" (itoa i)))
      (if (> i 9)
         (setq e2 (strcat e1 "\\00" (itoa i)))  
      (if (> i 99)
         (setq e2 (strcat e1 "\\0" (itoa i)))  
      (command "clayer" i)
      (command "layer" "f" "*" "")
      (command "select" "all" "")
      (command "wblock" e2 "" "0,0" "p" "")
      (command "oops")
      (setq i (+ 1 i))
      (command "layer" "t" i "")
   (command "_filedia" "1")
   (command "layer" "t" "*" "")
;Y3****** wblock a part

(defun c:Y3()
   (princ "\n\n")
   (setq e1 "H:\\SLOT\\B-LOCK\\PARTS")
   (setq i (getint "\n INPUT THE LAYER NUMBER TO BE WRITTEN :"))
      (command "layer" "t" "*" "") 
      (setq e2 (strcat e1 "\\000" (itoa i)))
      (if (> i 9)
         (setq e2 (strcat e1 "\\00" (itoa i)))  
      (command "_filedia" "0")
      (command "clayer" i)
      (command "layer" "f" "*" "")
      (command "select" "all" "")
      (command "wblock" e2 "" "0,0" "p" "")
      (command "oops")
      (command "layer" "t" "*" "")
      (command "_filedia" "1")

发表于 2009-11-12 09:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-5-1 12:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
qw  只显示一个层
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