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楼主 |
发表于 2003-7-2 15:02:00
; 可以将数据直接转换为点、直线、或多义线。
; 数据的每行开始与结尾处不能有空格。
; 修正:王敏 http://cadcam.126.com
(defun C:ASC ( / f bm hi format input read-point line plist ss)
(cond ( (eq "" (setq f (getstring "\nFile to read(文件名): "))))
( (not (setq f (open f "r")))
(princ "\nCan't open file for input."))
(t (initget "Space Comma")
(setq format
(cond ((getkword "\nComma(逗号)/Space(空格) delimited <Comma>: "))
(t "Comma")))
(initget "Copies Lines Nodes 3dpoly Pline")
(setq input
(cdr (assoc
( (getkword
"\nGenerate Lines/Nodes/3Dpoly/< line>: "))
(t " line"))
'(("Lines" . ".line")
("Copies" . ".copy")
("Nodes" . ".point")
("3Dpoly" . ".3dpoly")
(" line" . ".pline")))))
(setq read-point (cond ( (eq format "Comma") cdf)
(t sdf)))
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(command ".undo" "g")
(setq bm (getvar "blipmode"))
(setq hi (getvar "highlight"))
(setvar "blipmode" 0)
(princ "\nReading coordinate data...")
(while (setq line (read-line f))
(cond (
; (setq line (strtrim line))
(setq line (read-point line))
(setq plist (append plist
(cond ( (eq input ".pline")
(list (noz line)))
(t (list line))))))))
(close f)
(cond ( (eq input ".point")
(setvar "highlight" 0)
(command ".point" "0,0,0"
".copy" (setq ss (entlast)) "" "m" "0,0,0")
(apply 'command plist)
(entdel ss))
( (eq input ".copy")
(princ "\nSelect objects to copy,")
(while (not (setq ss (ssget)))
(princ "\nNo objects selected,")
(princ " select objects to copy,"))
(setvar "highlight" 0)
(command ".copy" ss "" "m" "0,0,0")
(apply 'command plist)
(t (command input)
(apply 'command plist)
(command ".undo" "e")
(setvar "highlight" hi)
(setvar "blipmode" bm)))
(defun cdf (l)
(command ".setvar" "lastpoint" l)
(getvar "lastpoint")
(defun sdf (l)
(read (strcat "(" l ")"))
(defun noz (p)
(list (car p) (cadr p))
(princ "\nC:ASC loaded. Start command with ASC(用ASC命令调入点). ")
(princ) |