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Option Explicit
Dim 齿轮CAD As acadapplication
Private Sub form_load()
    Me.Caption = "齿轮加工三维动画仿真"
    Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width)
    Me.Top = 0
    Me.label1 = "齿数"
    Me.label2 = "模数"
    Me.label3 = "压力角"
    Me.commandl.Caption = "确定"
    Me.Command2.Caption = "取消"
    Me.Text1 = 18
    Me.Text2 = 5
    Me.Text3 = 20
    On Error Resume Next
    Set 齿轮CAD = GetObject(, "AutoCAD,application")
    If Err Then
       Set 齿轮CAD = CreateObject("autocad.application")
       If Err Then
          MsgBox ("请先安装autocad2007")
          Unload Me
          Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
    齿轮CAD.WindowState = acmax
End Sub
Private Sub commandl_click()
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim CZ, CM, CA, CR, CRb, CRa, CR, f, CSb, Umax, U, B
    Dim Th(3)
    Dim I
    CZ = Me.Text1
    CM = Me.Text2
    CA = Me.Text3 * 3.141 / 180
    Dim newdirection(0 To 2) As Double
    newdirection(0) = 1: newdirection(1) = 0.5: newdirection(2) = 0.5
    齿轮CAD.activedocument.activeviewport.direction = newdirection
    齿轮CAD.activedocument.activeewport = _
    齿轮CAD.activedocument.layers(0).Color = acred
    齿轮CAD.activedocument.sendcommand "_shademode" + vbCr + "_g" + vbCr
    CR = CM * CZ / 2
    CRf = (CR - 1.25 * CM)
    CRb = CR * Cos(CA)
    CRa = CR + CM
    Dim 齿轮3d As acad3dsolid
    Dim centerpoint(0 To 2) As Double
    centerpoint(0) = 0#: centerpoint(1) = 0#: centerpoint(2) = 0#
      Dim height As Double
    height = CRa / 3 / 3
    Set 齿轮3d = 齿轮CAD.activedocument.modeispace.addcylinder_(centerpoiny, CRa / 3, height)
    齿轮3d.Boolean acsubtraction, 轴孔
    齿轮3d.Color = acblue
    Dim plineobj(0) As acadlwpolyline
    CSb = Cos(CA) * (3.14 * CM / 2 + CM * CZ * (Tan(CA - (CA))))
    Th(1) = (3.14 * CM * Cos(CA) - CSb) / (2 * CRb)
    Th(0) = Th(1) / 3
    Th(2) = Th(1) + Tan(CA) - CA

    Th(3) = Th(1) + Tan(Acos(CRb / CRa)) - Acos(CRb / CRa)
    Dim curves(0 To 5) As acadentily
    Dim points0(0 To 5) As Double
    Dim points1(0 To 8) As Double
    Dim points2(0 To 5) As Double
    points0(0) = 0: points0(1) = CRf
    points0(2) = CRf * Sin(Th(0)): points0(3) = CRf * Cos(Th(0))
    points0(4) = CRb * Sin(Th(1)): points0(5) = CRb * Cos(Th(1))
    Dim startTan(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim endtan(0 To 2) As Double
    start Tan(0) = 0: startTan(1) = 0: startTan(2) = 0
    endtan(0) = 0.5: endtan(1) = 0.5: endtan(2) = 0
    points1(0) = points0(4): points1(1) = points0(5): points1(2) = 0
    points1(3) = CR * Sin(Th(2)): points1(4) = CR * Cos(Th(2)): points1(5) = 0
    points1(6) = CRa * Sin(Th(3)): points1(7) = CRa * Cos(Th(3)): points1(8) = 0
    points2(0) = points1(6): points2(1) = points1(7)
    points2(2) = points1(6): points2(3) = points1(7) + 2.25 * CM
    points2(4) = 0: points2(5) = points2(3)
    If CRb < CRf Then
       points0(2) = points1(3) * 0.2: points0(3) = points0(1) + 0.25 * CM * 0.03
       points0(4) = points1(3) * 0.7: points0(5) = points0(1) + 0.25 * CM * 0.8
       points1(0) = points0(4): points1(1) = points0(5): points1(2) = 0
    End If
    Set curves(0) = 齿轮CAD.activedoument.modelspace.addlightweightpolyline(points0)
    curves(0).sotbulge1 , 0.2
    Set curves(1) = 齿轮CAD.activedocument.modelspace.addspline(points1, startTan, endtan)
    Set curves(2) = 齿轮CAD.activedocumentmodelspace.addlightweighpolyline(points2)
    Dim point1(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim point2(0 To 2) As Double
    point1(0) = 0: point1(1) = 0: point1(2) = 0
    point2(0) = 0: point2(1) = 1: point2(2) = 0
    Set curves(3) = curves(2).mirror(point1, point2)
    Set curves(4) = curves(1).mirror(point1, point2)
    Set curves(5) = curves(0).mirror(point1, point2)
    Dim 刀具 As Variant
    刀具 = 齿轮CAD.activedocument.modelspace.addregion(curves)
    Dim axispt(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim axisdir(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim angle As Double
    axispt(0) = 0: axispt(1) = points2(5) + 2 * CM: axispt(2) = 0
    axisdir(0) = 1: axisdir(1) = 0: axisdir(2) = 0
    angle = 6.29
    Dim 刀具3d As acad3dsolid
    Set 刀具3d = 齿轮CAD.activedocument.modelspace.addrevolvedsolid(刀具(0), axispt, axisdir, angle)
    Dim boxobj As acad3dsolid
    Dim center(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim taperangle As Double
    taperangle = 0
    center(0) = 0: center(1) = CRf: center(2) = 0
    Set boxobj = 齿轮CAD.activedocument.modelspace.addbox(center, CM / 2, 4 * CM, pints(0) * 2)
    Dim retobj As Variant
    retobj = boxobj.arraypolar(20, 6.28, 刀具3d.centroid)
    For I = 0 To 20 - 2
        retobj(I).rotate3dcenter , centerpoint, 3.14 / 2
        刀具3d.Boolean acsubtraction, retobj(I)
    Next I
    Dim 刀具bool As acad3dsolid
    Set 刀具bool = 齿轮CAD.activedocument.modelspaceaddextrudedsolid(刀具(0), height, taperangle)
    axispt(0) = 刀具bool.centroid(0)
    axispt(1) = 刀具bool.centroid(1)
    axispt(2) = 0
    刀具bool.move刀具bool.centroid , axispt
    刀具bool.Move.Visible = False
    axispt(0) = 刀具3d.centroid(0) + 10
    axispt(1) = 刀具3d.centroid(1)
    axispt(2) = 刀具3d.centroid(2)
    point1(0) = 刀具3d.centroid(0)
    point1(1) = 刀具3d.centroid(1)
    point1(2) = 刀具3d.centroid(2) + height
    刀具3d.move刀具3d.centroid , point1
    Dim entry As acadentity
    For Each entry In 齿轮CAD.activedocument.modelspace
        If entry.objectID <> 齿轮3d.objectID And entry.objectID <> 刀具3d.objectID And entry.objectID <> 刀具bool.objectID Then entry.Delete
      End If
    Dim 刀具复制 As acad3dsolid
    Dim k
    I = 0
    Dim 刀具3dz坐标 As Double
    刀具3dz坐标 = 刀具3d.centroid(2)
    Do Until I > 360
          For k = 刀具3dz坐标 To 刀具3dz坐标 - height Step -height / 3
                point1(2) = k
              刀具3d.move刀具3d.centroid , point1
              axispt(2) = 刀具3d.centroid(2)
              刀具3d.rotate3d刀具3d.centroid , axispt, 360 / 30 * 3.141 / 180
    Next k
    Set 刀具复制 = 刀具bool.Copy
    齿轮3d.Boolean acsubtraction, 刀具复制
    point1(2) = point1(2) + height
    刀具3d.move刀具3d.centroid , point1
    齿轮3d.rotate centerpoint, -360 / CZ * 3.141 / 180
    齿轮3d.Color = acblue
       I = 360 / CZ + I

End Sub

Private Sub command2_click()
Me.Text1 = 18
Me.Text2 = 5
Me.Text3 = 20
End Sub

option explicit
public function Acos(x)
dim sinx,cosx,tanx
     if x=0 then Acos=3.14159/2#
     if x>0 then
       if x<0 then
        end if
end function

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