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[基础] [求助]Automatic create layer, text style & dim style

发表于 2010-6-16 19:46:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Dear All,

How to

Automatic create layer, text style & dim style in startup or create new drawing

Layer - 1, Layer-2 etc.

Tx-1, Tx-2 etc.

Dim-1, Dim-2 Etc

& Set unit automatic

发表于 2010-6-16 20:14:00 | 显示全部楼层
You can save settings to acad.dwt
发表于 2010-6-17 00:22:00 | 显示全部楼层

ding 2L


UP second floor


2L shuode dui


second floor has the right point


biao de chaxun he chuangjian, bu nan


it is merely about the records that are to be enquired or established, which i dont think hard


发表于 2010-6-17 10:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 crazylsp 于 2011-4-21 11:36 编辑

if you use CAD2004, after finish set layer work

 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-17 14:32:00 | 显示全部楼层
  1. The following is a quotemasterlongStatements in 2010-6-16 20:14:00:
  2. You can save settings to acad.dwt
dear sir

thx for reply
i'm already create acad.dwt
but i want some existing file not load layer & dim style & text style
because create a lisp
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-17 15:10:00 | 显示全部楼层

dear all



 ;;;/////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////
(Defun c: SLS (); Define function
(Setq ROL (getvar "clayer")); Set ROL to current layer
(SET_LAYER); Goto SET_LAYER Function
(Princ); Exit quietly
); End of define function
;;;/////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////
(Defun SET_LAYER (); Define function
(CREATE_LAYER "Const" "1" "CONTINUOUS"); Goto CREATE_Layer Function, Layer Name, Color, LineType
(CREATE_LAYER "Steel" "2" "CONTINUOUS"); Goto CREATE_Layer Function, Layer Name, Color, LineType
(CREATE_LAYER "Dimension" "4" "CONTINUOUS"); Goto CREATE_Layer Function, Layer Name, Color, LineType
(CREATE_LAYER "Hidden" "1" "HIDDEN"); Goto CREATE_Layer Function, Layer Name, Color, LineType
(CREATE_LAYER "Text" "7" "CONTINUOUS"); Goto CREATE_Layer Function, Layer Name, Color, LineType
(CREATE_LAYER "Welds" "6" "CONTINUOUS"); Goto CREATE_Layer Function, Layer Name, Color, LineType
(CREATE_LAYER "Ref" "8" "CONTINUOUS"); Goto CREATE_Layer Function, Layer Name, Color, LineType
); End define function
;;;/////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////
(Defun CREATE_LAYER (NLAY CLR LT / LAY FRZ); Define function, Declare variables and arguments
(Setq LAY (tblsearch "layer" NLAY)); Search drawing to find layer
(If; If the following returns true
(Not LAY); Layer not in drawing
(Command "_.layer" "m" NLAY "c" CLR "" "lt" LT "" ""); Layer command ~ make new layer with color and linetype
(Progn; Then do the following
(Setq FRZ (cdr (assoc 70 LAY))); Variable FRZ is frozen layer
(If (= FRZ 65); Layer frozen from last edit
(Progn; Then do the following
(Command "_.layer" "t" NLAY ""); Thaw new layer if frozen
(Command "_.layer" "s" NLAY ""); Set new layer
); End progn (otherwise. ..)
(Command "_.layer" "s" NLAY ""); Set new layer
); End if
); End progn (otherwise. ..)
); End if
); End define function
;;;/////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////
(Defun RESET_ORIGINAL_LAYER (); Define function
(Command "_.layer" "s" ROL ""); Layer command ~ Reset original layer
); End define function
;;;/////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////

[/ Quote]



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