Author: TheSwamp@Andrea
this allow user to select a closed polyline and scale in real time the hatch !
you can switch to the next Hatch patern by pressing the TAB key.
(setq mess1 "\nPlease pick Boundary or point inside hatch region")
(setq mess2 "\n- Hatch Pattern Switched to : ")
(setq mess3 "\nPress SPACE bar to Make a choice and than ENTER to edit:")
(setq mess4 "\nPlease select Hatch to edit : ")
(setq mess5 "\n(D)ynamic or (V)alue <D>: ")
(setq mess6 "\nDynamic Scale...")
(setq mess7 "\nEnter the Hatch Scale Value <")
(setq mess8 ";Scale: ")
(setq mess9 ";Angle: ")
(setq mess10 ";Pattern: ")
(setq mess11 ";Origin: ")
(setq mess12 ";PAT File: ")
(setq cmess0 "\nPress SPACE bar for select/ENTRER to activate/V to enter a Value:")