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[企业招聘] Assistant needed

发表于 2011-1-11 09:47:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Assistant  needed.
Hi, I'm looking for someone in the Shanghai area to do CAD related translations, and other odd jobs. Primarily, the duties will be translating English text, to simplified Chinese.  Web pages, sales and promotional materials, emails. etc.  

Be proficient with, MS office tools.
Have a basic understanding of AutoCAD.
Should be able to read and translate English text, that may contain technical language, to Chinese.
Oral English skills are not as important, but should have enough English skill to communicate with me.

This is a "part time" position, maybe 8-16 hours per week, and you can work from your location. This might be a perfect for  a Student.

Danielm103#yahoo.com   .. replace # with @
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