Sub hqbz()
Dim SSet1 As AcadSelectionSet
Dim ct As Integer
Dim fType(0) As Integer
Dim fData(0) As Variant
fType(0) = 0
fData(0) = "DIMENSION"
On Error Resume Next
Set SSet = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("tes")
SSet.SelectOnScreen fType, fData '建立选择集并从屏幕选取
If SSet.Count = 0 Then
End If
ct = SSet.Count - 1
ReDim bzcc(0 To ct)
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To ct
bzcc(i) = FixDimMeas(SSet.Item(i)) '获取标注的尺寸到数组
For i = 0 To ct - 1 '对数组排降序,采用冒泡法
For j = 0 To ct - i - 1
If bzcc(j) < bzcc(j + 1) Then
swapDX = bzcc(j): bzcc(j) = bzcc(j + 1): bzcc(j + 1) = swapDX '交换
End If
Next j
Next i
Dim msg As String
msg = " 标注尺寸 " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf '输出标注尺寸
For n = 0 To UBound(bzcc)
msg = msg + " " & bzcc(n) & vbCrLf
msg = msg & vbCrLf + " 总数:" + Str$(n)
MsgBox msg
Function FixDimMeas(Dimension As AcadDimension) As Long
Dim BlockCount As Long
Dim bz As Long
BlockCount = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Count
Dim EntityInBlock As AcadEntity
For Each EntityInBlock In ThisDrawing.Blocks(BlockCount - 1)
If EntityInBlock.ObjectName = "AcDbMText" Then
Dimension.TextColor = acWhite '标注文字颜色设定为白色
bz = Dimension.Measurement
FixDimMeas = bz
Exit For
End If
End Function