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发表于 2011-11-7 08:59:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Option Base 1
Public Sub TIN_DEM()
Dim a, b, n As Long, i As Long, fname As String
Dim Point(), ordata() As Double
' 输入生成TIN网的数据
fname = InputBox("请输入高程文件位置如:D:\1.dat")

Open fname For Binary As #1
a = StrConv(InputB(LOF(1), 1), vbUnicode)
Close #1
b = Split(a, vbCrLf)
n = UBound(b)
ReDim ordata(n + 1, 5)
ReDim Point(n + 2, 3)
i = 1
Open fname For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, ordata(i, 1), ordata(i, 2), ordata(i, 3), ordata(i, 4), ordata(i, 5)
Point(i, 1) = ordata(i, 3)
Point(i, 2) = ordata(i, 4)
Point(i, 3) = ordata(i, 5)
i = i + 1
Close #1

'选取源点,并计算最近点 k1
ReDim Tri(1000, 4) As Long, cr_tri(4) As Long
Dim dist, distmin As Double, k1, k2, k3 As Long
distmin = 1E+17
For i = 2 To n + 1
dist = distance(Point(1, 1), Point(1, 2), 0, Point(i, 1), Point(i, 2), 0)
If dist < distmin Then
distmin = dist
k1 = i
End If
Next i
Dim MAXangle As Double
  MAXangle = 1
For i = 2 To n + 1
If i = k1 Then
i = i + 1
End If
If Cangle(Point(i, 1), Point(i, 2), Point(k1, 1), Point(k1, 2), Point(1, 1), Point(1, 2)) < MAXangle Then
  MAXangle = Cangle(Point(i, 1), Point(i, 2), Point(k1, 1), Point(k1, 2), Point(1, 1), Point(1, 2))
  k2 = i
End If
Next i
Tri(1, 1) = MIN(1, k1, k2): Tri(1, 2) = Sort2(k1, k2, 1): Tri(1, 3) = MAX(k1, k2, 1)
cr_tri(4) = 1

Dim j As Long
j = 1
Do While cr_tri(4) >= j
cr_tri(1) = Tri(j, 1): cr_tri(2) = Tri(j, 2): cr_tri(3) = Tri(j, 3)
j = j + 1
Dim judge, sign As Long, angle1, Mangle As Double
Mangle = 1
For i = 1 To n + 1
If i = cr_tri(1) Then
i = i + 1
End If
If i = cr_tri(2) Then
i = i + 1
End If
  judge = Judgement(Point(cr_tri(1), 1), Point(cr_tri(1), 2), Point(cr_tri(2), 1), Point(cr_tri(2), 2), Point(cr_tri(3), 1), Point(cr_tri(3), 2), Point(i, 1), Point(i, 2))
If judge = 0 Then
  angle1 = Cangle(Point(i, 1), Point(i, 2), Point(cr_tri(1), 1), Point(cr_tri(1), 2), Point(cr_tri(2), 1), Point(cr_tri(2), 2))
If angle1 < Mangle Then
  Mangle = angle1
  k3 = i
End If
End If
Next i
If Mangle < 0.9848 Then
Tri(cr_tri(4) + 1, 1) = MIN(cr_tri(1), cr_tri(2), k3): Tri(cr_tri(4) + 1, 2) = Sort2(cr_tri(1), cr_tri(2), k3): Tri(cr_tri(4) + 1, 3) = MAX(cr_tri(1), cr_tri(2), k3)
cr_tri(4) = cr_tri(4) + 1
sign = cr_tri(4)
For i = 1 To cr_tri(4) - 1
  If Tri(sign, 1) = Tri(i, 1) Then
   If Tri(sign, 2) = Tri(i, 2) Then
    If Tri(sign, 3) = Tri(i, 3) Then
     cr_tri(4) = cr_tri(4) - 1
     End If
    End If
   End If
Next i
End If

Mangle = 1
For i = 1 To n + 1
If i = cr_tri(1) Then
i = i + 1
End If
If i = cr_tri(3) Then
i = i + 1
End If
  judge = Judgement(Point(cr_tri(1), 1), Point(cr_tri(1), 2), Point(cr_tri(3), 1), Point(cr_tri(3), 2), Point(cr_tri(2), 1), Point(cr_tri(2), 2), Point(i, 1), Point(i, 2))
If judge = 0 Then
  angle1 = Cangle(Point(i, 1), Point(i, 2), Point(cr_tri(1), 1), Point(cr_tri(1), 2), Point(cr_tri(3), 1), Point(cr_tri(3), 2))
If angle1 < Mangle Then
  Mangle = angle1
  k3 = i
End If
End If
Next i
If Mangle < 0.9848 Then
Tri(cr_tri(4) + 1, 1) = MIN(cr_tri(1), cr_tri(3), k3): Tri(cr_tri(4) + 1, 2) = Sort2(cr_tri(1), cr_tri(3), k3): Tri(cr_tri(4) + 1, 3) = MAX(cr_tri(1), cr_tri(3), k3)
cr_tri(4) = cr_tri(4) + 1
sign = cr_tri(4)
For i = 1 To cr_tri(4) - 1
  If Tri(sign, 1) = Tri(i, 1) Then
   If Tri(sign, 2) = Tri(i, 2) Then
    If Tri(sign, 3) = Tri(i, 3) Then
     cr_tri(4) = cr_tri(4) - 1
     End If
    End If
   End If
Next i
End If

Mangle = 1
For i = 1 To n + 1
If i = cr_tri(2) Then
i = i + 1
End If
If i = cr_tri(3) Then
i = i + 1
End If
  judge = Judgement(Point(cr_tri(2), 1), Point(cr_tri(2), 2), Point(cr_tri(3), 1), Point(cr_tri(3), 2), Point(cr_tri(1), 1), Point(cr_tri(1), 2), Point(i, 1), Point(i, 2))
If judge = 0 Then
  angle1 = Cangle(Point(i, 1), Point(i, 2), Point(cr_tri(2), 1), Point(cr_tri(2), 2), Point(cr_tri(3), 1), Point(cr_tri(3), 2))
If angle1 < Mangle Then
  Mangle = angle1
  k3 = i
End If
End If
Next i
If Mangle < 0.9848 Then
Tri(cr_tri(4) + 1, 1) = MIN(cr_tri(2), cr_tri(3), k3): Tri(cr_tri(4) + 1, 2) = Sort2(cr_tri(2), cr_tri(3), k3): Tri(cr_tri(4) + 1, 3) = MAX(cr_tri(2), cr_tri(3), k3)
cr_tri(4) = cr_tri(4) + 1
sign = cr_tri(4)
For i = 1 To cr_tri(4) - 1
  If Tri(sign, 1) = Tri(i, 1) Then
   If Tri(sign, 2) = Tri(i, 2) Then
    If Tri(sign, 3) = Tri(i, 3) Then
      cr_tri(4) = cr_tri(4) - 1
     End If
    End If
   End If
Next i
End If

Dim line As AcadLine
Dim startpoint(3) As Double, endpoint(3) As Double
For i = 1 To cr_tri(4) - 1
startpoint(1) = Point(Tri(i, 1), 1): startpoint(2) = Point(Tri(i, 1), 2): startpoint(3) = Point(Tri(i, 1), 3)
endpoint(1) = Point(Tri(i, 2), 1): endpoint(2) = Point(Tri(i, 2), 2): endpoint(3) = Point(Tri(i, 2), 3)
Set line = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(startpoint, endpoint)
startpoint(1) = Point(Tri(i, 1), 1): startpoint(2) = Point(Tri(i, 1), 2): startpoint(3) = Point(Tri(i, 1), 3)
endpoint(1) = Point(Tri(i, 3), 1): endpoint(2) = Point(Tri(i, 3), 2): endpoint(3) = Point(Tri(i, 3), 3)
Set line = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(startpoint, endpoint)
startpoint(1) = Point(Tri(i, 2), 1): startpoint(2) = Point(Tri(i, 2), 2): startpoint(3) = Point(Tri(i, 2), 3)
endpoint(1) = Point(Tri(i, 3), 1): endpoint(2) = Point(Tri(i, 3), 2): endpoint(3) = Point(Tri(i, 3), 3)
Set line = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(startpoint, endpoint)
Next i

End Sub
Function distance(ByVal x1 As Double, ByVal y1 As Double, ByVal z1 As Double, ByVal x2 As Double, ByVal y2 As Double, ByVal z2 As Double) As Double
distance = Sqr((x1 - x2) ^ 2 + (y1 - y2) ^ 2 + (z1 - z2) ^ 2)
End Function
Function Cangle(ByVal a1 As Double, ByVal a2 As Double, ByVal b1 As Double, ByVal b2 As Double, ByVal c1 As Double, ByVal c2 As Double) As Double
Dim AA As Double, BB As Double, CC As Double
  AA = distance(b1, b2, 0, c1, c2, 0)
  BB = distance(a1, a2, 0, c1, c2, 0)
  CC = distance(a1, a2, 0, b1, b2, 0)
  Cangle = (BB ^ 2 + CC ^ 2 - AA ^ 2) / (2 * BB * CC)
End Function
Function Judgement(ByVal x1 As Double, ByVal y1 As Double, ByVal x2 As Double, ByVal y2 As Double, ByVal x3 As Double, ByVal y3 As Double, ByVal d1 As Double, ByVal d2 As Double) As Long
  Dim F(2), a, b, c As Double
  If x2 <> x1 Then
a = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
b = (y1 * x2 - y2 * x1) / (x2 - x1)
F(1) = y3 - a * x3 - b
F(2) = d2 - a * d1 - b
c = F(1) * F(2)
  End If
If c >= 0 Then
Judgement = 1
ElseIf c < 0 Then
Judgement = 0
End If
End Function
Function Sort2(ByVal a1 As Long, ByVal a2 As Long, ByVal a3 As Long) As Long
Dim t As Long
If a1 < a2 Then
t = a1: a1 = a2: a2 = t
End If
If a1 < a3 Then
t = a1: a1 = a3: a3 = t
End If
If a2 < a3 Then
t = a2: a2 = a3: a3 = t
End If
Sort2 = a2
End Function
Function MIN(ByVal a1 As Long, ByVal a2 As Long, ByVal a3 As Long) As Long
Dim t As Long
If a1 < a2 Then
t = a1: a1 = a2: a2 = t
End If
If a1 < a3 Then
t = a1: a1 = a3: a3 = t
End If
If a2 < a3 Then
t = a2: a2 = a3: a3 = t
End If
MIN = a3
End Function
Function MAX(ByVal a1 As Long, ByVal a2 As Long, ByVal a3 As Long) As Long
Dim t As Long
If a1 < a2 Then
t = a1: a1 = a2: a2 = t
End If
If a1 < a3 Then
t = a1: a1 = a3: a3 = t
End If
If a2 < a3 Then
t = a2: a2 = a3: a3 = t
End If
MAX = a1
End Function

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