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本帖最后由 9701519 于 2012-4-3 00:35 编辑
 - ;;; 判断是否加载本文件
- (if (car (atoms-family 1 '("vl-load-com")))
- (vl-load-com)
- ;;else
- (progn
- (Alert
- "这个程序集是为AutoCAD 2000以及更高的版本设计的,许多程序有可能在没有Visual Lisp for R14支持的AutoCAD R14上不能正确地运行。"
- )
- (exit) ; 版本不符,退出加载。
- )
- )
- ;;; 以下定义文件中用到的函数
- ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;;; 取得本程序的路径
- ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (defun GetMyApplicationPath (AppID)
- (vl-registry-read
- (strcat
- "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\"
- AppID
- "_is1"
- )
- "Inno Setup: App Path"
- )
- )(defun GetLZToolsPath ()
- (GetMyApplicationPath "Leon's Tools")
- );;; 解析字符串为表(函数来自明经通道转载)
- ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (defun strParse (Str Delimiter / SearchStr StringLen return n char)
- (setq SearchStr Str)
- (setq StringLen (strlen SearchStr))
- (setq return '())
- (while (> StringLen 0)
- (setq n 1)
- (setq char (substr SearchStr 1 1))
- (while (and (/= char Delimiter) (/= char ""))
- (setq n (1+ n))
- (setq char (substr SearchStr n 1))
- ) ;_ end of while
- (setq return (cons (substr SearchStr 1 (1- n)) return))
- (setq SearchStr (substr SearchStr (1+ n) StringLen))
- (setq StringLen (strlen SearchStr))
- ) ;_ end of while
- (reverse return)
- ) ;_ end of defun;;; 反解析表为字符串(函数来自明经通道转载)
- ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (defun StrUnParse (Lst Delimiter / return)
- (setq return "")
- (foreach str Lst
- (setq return (strcat return Delimiter str))
- ) ;_ end of foreach
- (substr return 2)
- ) ;_ end of defun;;; 移除支持文件搜索路径
- ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (defun LZ_RemoveSupportPath (PathToRemove / supportlist)
- (setq supportlist (strparse (getenv "ACAD") ";"))
- (setq supportlist (vl-remove "" supportlist))
- (setq supportlist
- (vl-remove-if
- '(lambda (x) (= (strcase x) (strcase PathToRemove)))
- supportlist
- )
- )
- (setenv "ACAD" (strUnParse supportlist ";"))
- );;; 添加支持文件搜索路径
- ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;;; note: 第二个参数如果为真, 插最前,否则插最后
- ;;;
- (defun LZ_AddSupportPath (PathToAdd isFirst / supportlist)
- (LZ_RemoveSupportPath PathToAdd)
- (setq supportlist (strparse (getenv "ACAD") ";"))
- (setq supportlist (vl-remove "" supportlist))
- (if isFirst
- (setq supportlist (cons PathToAdd supportlist))
- (setq supportlist (append supportlist (list PathToAdd)))
- )
- (setenv "ACAD" (strUnParse supportlist ";"))
- )
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (defun Init_LZools ()
- ;; 添加支持路径
- (LZ_AddSupportPath (GetLZToolsPath) nil)
- (LZ_AddSupportPath (strcat (GetLZToolsPath) "\\LISP") nil) (princ))
用此命令 (LZ_AddSupportPath (GetLZToolsPath) nil) 可以导入安装路径添加到CAD支持文件搜索路径,但命令行会出现如附件图片显示
(defun Init_LZools ()
;; 添加支持路径
(LZ_AddSupportPath (GetLZToolsPath) nil)
(LZ_AddSupportPath (strcat (GetLZToolsPath) "\\LISP") nil) (princ))
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