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多文档转换出来问题。自己电脑上要加msgbox "是否继续", 才能正常多文档打印,别人电脑上可以正常打印,为啥?
I write a code for CAD batch plot,the main code of the pass for different dwg is
 - Public Sub dylst(strPath, Flag As Boolean, Optional Mlstr1 As String = "忽略",
- Optional Mlstr2 As String = "忽略")
- Dim Mnew As AcadDocument
- Dim Tkdoc As AcadSelectionSet, Mstr As String
- Set Mnew = ThisDrawing.Application.Documents.Open(strPath, ReadOnly) '只
- 读方式打开图形
- ' MsgBox "是否继续打印?"
- BuildFilter pType, pData, 2, Mainfrm.TextBox1.Text '建立图块过滤器
- For Each Tkdoc In Mnew.SelectionSets
- If Tkdoc.Name = "Tkdoc" Then
- Tkdoc.Delete
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- Set Tkdoc = Mnew.SelectionSets.Add("Tkdoc")
- Mnew.SetVariable "REGENMODE", 1 '防止图纸大的时候缩放出现提示
- Mnew.Application.ZoomExtents
- Tkdoc.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , pType, pData
- If Mlstr1 = "忽略" Then
- Dy Tkdoc, Flag, Mnew
- Else
- 'Debug.Print "执行!"
- Dy Tkdoc, Flag, Mnew, Mlstr1, Mlstr2
- End If
- Mnew.Close False
- Tkdoc.Delete
- End Sub I my computer I test it in CAD 2008 and CAD 2012 ,It opens alll the
- dwg in the list and nothing of the code "dy" excute.
- Set Mnew = ThisDrawing.Application.Documents.Open(strPath, ReadOnly) '只读方式打
- 开图形
- "dy" is the module i write for plot a single dwg.
- But if i add the code of "MsgBox "Continue?" " i t works well ! and in some
- other computer it also works well without the code of "MsgBox "Continue?" " . I
- was so confused about this problem. do you have run into the same situation?
- Can you give me some advice? Thank you very very much!
- more code below:
- ' lstdic is a dictionary object of the dwg pathstr.
- For Each key In Lstdic
- i = i + 1
- Label1.Caption = "正在打印第" & i & "张图共(" & Lstdic.Count & "张)"
- & vbCrLf
- dylst key, True
- Next
I my computer I test it in CAD 2008 and CAD 2012 ,It opens alll the dwg in the list and nothing of the code "dy" excute.
Set Mnew = ThisDrawing.Application.Documents.Open(strPath, ReadOnly) '只读方式打开图形
"dy" is the module i write for plot a single dwg.
But if i add the code of "MsgBox "Continue?" " i t works well ! and in some other computer it also works well without the code of "MsgBox "Continue?" " . I was so confused about this problem. do you have run into the same situation? Can you give me some advice? Thank you very very much!
' dy module
 - Public Sub Dy(SSt As AcadSelectionSet, Flag As Boolean, Optional Doc As
- AcadDocument, Optional Mlstr1 As String = "忽略", Optional Mlstr2 As String = "忽
- 略")
- Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
- Dim Ent As AcadEntity, Mtk As AcadBlockReference
- Dim GTstr As String, Plotstr As String
- Dim Low As Variant, Upp As Variant
- Dim Mastr As String, Mistr As String, Mip, Map
- Dim ACADLayout As ACADLayout
- Dim Toustr As String '显示进度条
- Dim Att As AcadAttribute
- Dim Mydic As Scripting.Dictionary '创建属性字典,以句柄为主键,以一个储存此Id
- 内属性的字典为item
- Dim Filstr As String '输出的文件名
- Dim Setoutlst As Variant, Setoutstr(1 To 1) As String
- Dim ATTstr As String
- 'On Error Resume Next
- '在块没有改变前,以其句柄为key建立一个有关其属性的字典(因为所删非打印层也有属性
- )
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- Set Mydic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
- If Mlstr1 <> "忽略" Then '说明此参数没有被忽略,再进行分图或者批打到文件
- For Each Mtk In SSt
- ATTstr = ""
- Atts = Mtk.GetAttributes
- For i = 0 To UBound(Atts)
- ATTstr = ATTstr & Atts(i).TagString & Chr(174) &
- Atts(i).TextString & vbLf
- Next
- ATTstr = ATTstr & "块名" & Chr(174) & Mtk.EffectiveName &
- vbLf
- Mydic.Add Mtk.Handle, ATTstr
- Next
- End If
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- Doc.StartUndoMark '设置U回点
- '删除块内非打印层并进行同步
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- For Each Ent In Doc.Blocks(Mainfrm.TextBox1.Text)
- If Doc.Layers(Ent.Layer).Plottable = False Then
- Ent.Delete
- End If
- Next
- Doc.SendCommand "ATTSYNC N " & Mainfrm.TextBox1.Text & Chr(13)
- Doc.Regen acActiveViewport
- Doc.SetVariable "REGENMODE", 1 '防止图纸大的时候缩放出现提示
- Doc.SetVariable "BACKGROUNDPLOT", 0 ' 确保AutoCAD在前台进行打印,
- 这样后一次打印会在前一次打印完成之后才开始,避免出现错误
- Doc.Application.ZoomExtents
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- j = 0 '打印或者预览初始值
- Doc.ActiveLayout.CopyFrom Mpig '复制打印设置
- Doc.ActiveLayout.CenterPlot = True
- Doc.ActiveLayout.RefreshPlotDeviceInfo
- Doc.Regen acAllViewports
- '传递打印设置Mylayout到DOC.layouts("Model")
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- 'Debug.Print Doc.ActiveLayout.Name
- ' With Doc.ActiveLayout
- ' .CenterPlot = True '居中打印
- ' .ConfigName = Mylayout.ConfigName '打印机配置名称
- ' .PaperUnits = Mylayout.PaperUnits '纸张单位
- ' .PlotWithLineweights = Mylayout.PlotWithLineweights
- ' .PlotWithPlotStyles = Mylayout.PlotWithPlotStyles
- ' .ScaleLineweights = Mylayout.ScaleLineweights
- ' .StyleSheet = Mylayout.StyleSheet
- ' '.UseStandardScale = Mylayout.UseStandardScales
- ' End With
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- '批量打印的时候需要设置
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- ' If Flag = True Then
- ' Doc.Plot.QuietErrorMode = True
- ' Doc.Plot.StartBatchMode SSt.Count '调出批打模式
- ' Setoutstr(1) = "Model"
- ' Setoutlst = Setoutstr
- ' Doc.Plot.SetLayoutsToPlot Setoutlst
- ' End If
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- Toustr = Mainfrm.Label1.Caption '记录进度标签内容
- 'SSt是一个图框图块的选择集,遍历此选择集,建立打印窗口
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- For Each Mtk In SSt
- '批量打印的时候需要设置
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- If Flag = True Then
- ' Doc.Plot.QuietErrorMode = True
- Doc.Plot.StartBatchMode SSt.Count '调出批打模式
- Setoutstr(1) = Doc.ActiveLayout.Name
- Setoutlst = Setoutstr
- Doc.Plot.SetLayoutsToPlot Setoutlst
- End If
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- '打印pdf或者分图的时候需要传递此参数进行文件名字的设置
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- If Mlstr1 <> "忽略" Then '说明此参数没有被忽略,再进行分图或者批打到文件
- Dim Marr, Mi As Integer, Ui As Integer, Ni As Integer
- Dim Mtemstr As String, Thisatt As New Scripting.Dictionary
- Filstr = Mlstr1
- Marr = Split(Mydic(Mtk.Handle), vbLf) '取出字符串 0开头
- Ui = UBound(Marr)
- For Mi = 0 To Ui - 1
- Thisatt.Add Split(Marr(Mi), Chr(174))(0), Split(Marr(Mi),
- Chr(174))(1)
- Next
- For Mi = 0 To Ui - 1
- For Ni = Mi + 1 To Ui - 1
- If Len(Split(Marr(Ni), Chr(174))(0)) > Len(Split(Marr
- (Mi), Chr(174))(0)) Then
- Mtemstr = Marr(Mi)
- Marr(Mi) = Marr(Ni)
- Marr(Ni) = Mtemstr
- End If
- Next
- Next
- For Mi = 0 To Ui - 1
- Filstr = Replace(Filstr, Split(Marr(Mi), Chr(174))(0), Thisatt
- (Split(Marr(Mi), Chr(174))(0)))
- '此处会出现bug,比如前面一个Item后面一个key值一样
- '则会使item变成后面一个key的item(以后再消除此bug)
- Next
- Thisatt.RemoveAll
- Set Thisatt = Nothing '清空字典
- End If
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- '获得处理后的块box边界,设置窗口打印范围,并设置视口使打印或者预览范围可见
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- Mtk.GetBoundingBox Mip, Map
- 'Doc.ModelSpace.AddLine Mip, Map
- If Flag = False Then '是预览
- Mistr = "": Mastr = ""
- Mistr = Mip(0) & "," & Mip(1) & "," & Mip(2)
- Mastr = Map(0) & "," & Map(1) & "," & Map(2)
- Doc.SendCommand "zoom W" & Chr(13) & Mistr & Chr(13) & Mastr &
- Chr(13)
- Else '打印
- Doc.Application.ZoomWindow Mip, Map
- End If
- Upp = Doc.Utility.TranslateCoordinates(Map, acWorld, acDisplayDCS,
- False)
- Low = Doc.Utility.TranslateCoordinates(Mip, acWorld, acDisplayDCS,
- False)
- ReDim Preserve Low(0 To 1)
- ReDim Preserve Upp(0 To 1)
- With Doc.ActiveLayout
- .PlotRotation = Val(IIf(Pand(Mip, Map), 1, 0)) '设置横向竖向打印
- .SetWindowToPlot Low, Upp
- .PlotType = acWindow '窗口打印
- End With
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- j = j + 1 '记录打印或者预览次数
- '预览图形文件
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- If Flag = False Then '预览
- Doc.Plot.DisplayPlotPreview acFullPreview '预览图形
- If SSt.Count > j Then '说明不是最后一张
- Dim kwordList As String
- kwordList = "Y N"
- Doc.Utility.InitializeUserInput 0, kwordList
- GTstr = Doc.Utility.GetKeyword("是否预览下一张?[是(Y)/否(N)]
- <Y>")
- If GTstr = "" Then GTstr = "Y"
- If Err.Number = "-2147352567" Then GTstr = "N"
- End If
- If GTstr = "N" Then Exit For
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- '打印图形文件
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- Else '打印
- If Mainfrm.Frame5.Visible = True Then
- Doc.Plot.PlotToDevice
- ElseIf Mainfrm.Frame7.Visible = True Then
- Doc.Plot.PlotToFile Mlstr2 & Filstr & ".pdf"
- ShutDic Prodic
- End If
- Mainfrm.Label1 = Toustr & "打印进度:" & FormatPercent(Val(j /
- SSt.Count), 2)
- End If
- DoEvents
- Next
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- 'U回图形原来的状态
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- Doc.EndUndoMark
- Doc.SendCommand "U" & Chr(13)
- '********************************************************************************
- *******
- End Sub