- 积分
- 5222
- 明经币
- 个
- 注册时间
- 2005-12-21
- 在线时间
- 小时
- 威望
- 金钱
- 个
- 贡献
- 激情
DH As String
x As String
y As String
End Type
Public Sub InsertJZDCGB_Batch_Run()
On Error GoTo errhdl
Dim pType, pData
BuildFilter pType, pData, 0, "LWPOLYLINE", 8, "JZD"
Dim sset As AcadSelectionSet
Set sset = CreateSelectionSet
sset.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , pType, pData
Dim pInsPt As Variant
pInsPt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, vbCr & "请确定界址点成果表的插入点:")
ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt vbCr & "请选择宗地:"
sset.SelectOnScreen pType, pData
Dim pEnt As AcadLWPolyline
Dim gType, gData
Dim TmpTxtObj As AcadText
For Each pEnt In sset
pInsPt(1) = pInsPt(1) - 300 '300为成果表之间的间距
InsertJZDCGB_Run pEnt, pInsPt
Next pEnt
Select Case Err.Number
Case 0
Case Else
If Not pEnt Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print pEnt.Handle
End If
MsgBox "错误:" & Err.Description & "(" & Err.Number & ")"
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub InsertJZDCGB_Run(pEnt As AcadLWPolyline, pInsPt As Variant)
On Error GoTo errhdl
' Dim pInsPt As Variant
' pInsPt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, vbCr & "请确定界址点成果表的插入点:")
Dim strName As String
strName = "XA_ZD_JZDCGB"
' Dim pEnt As AcadLWPolyline 'AcadEntity
' Dim varPt As Variant
' ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity pEnt, varPt, vbCr & "请选择宗地:"
Dim gType, gData
Dim strQLR As String, strDJH As String, strDLH As String
Dim strTF As String, dblArea_M1 As Double, dblArea_M2 As Double
pEnt.GetXData "South", gType, gData
strDJH = gData(2): strQLR = gData(3): strDLH = gData(4)
pEnt.GetXData "TUFU", gType, gData
If VarType(gType) = vbEmpty Then
MsgBox "请设置宗地的所在图幅", vbInformation, "界址点成果表"
'With ThisDrawing
' .SendCommand "SETJIEZHI "
'End With
'Dim strCmd As String
'strCmd = "(Handent""" & pEnt.Handle & """)"
' ThisDrawing.SendCommand strCmd & " "
Exit Sub
End If
strTF = gData(1)
dblArea_M1 = Format(pEnt.Area, "0.000")
dblArea_M2 = Format(dblArea_M1 * 0.0015, "0.000")
Dim numVer As Integer
numVer = (UBound(pEnt.Coordinates) + 1) / 2
Dim intTotalPage As Integer
Dim k As Integer
k = Int(numVer / 20)
Dim n As Integer
n = numVer Mod 20
If n = 0 Then
intTotalPage = k
intTotalPage = k + 1
End If
InsertJZDCGB pInsPt, strName
Dim tblLeftTop As Variant
tblLeftTop = pInsPt
tblLeftTop(1) = tblLeftTop(1) + 219.825 '219.824是表的高
Dim dblHG As Double
dblHG = 8.485 '行高
Dim tmpPt As Variant
Dim TmpTxtObj As AcadText
tmpPt = tblLeftTop
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 137
tmpPt(1) = tmpPt(1) - 5.4
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, "1", tmpPt, 3, "TK" '第1页
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(1) = tmpPt(1) - dblHG
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(str(intTotalPage)), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '共几页
tmpPt = tblLeftTop
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 32.793
tmpPt(1) = tmpPt(1) - 23.687
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, strQLR, tmpPt, 3, "TK"
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(1) = tmpPt(1) - dblHG
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, strDJH, tmpPt, 3, "TK"
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 102
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, "0" & strDLH, tmpPt, 3, "TK"
tmpPt = tblLeftTop
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 32.793
tmpPt(1) = tmpPt(1) - 40.228
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, strTF, tmpPt, 3, "TK"
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 62.152
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(str(dblArea_M1)), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '平方米
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 42.05
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(str(dblArea_M2)), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '亩
tmpPt = pInsPt
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 107.881
tmpPt(1) = tmpPt(1) - 10.925
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(Year(Now)), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '年
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 21.3
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(Month(Now)), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '月
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 13.6
tmpPt(1) = tmpPt(1) - 0.6
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(Day(Now)), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '日
Dim i As Integer
Dim pInsPt_follow As Variant
pInsPt_follow = pInsPt
If intTotalPage > 1 Then
For i = 2 To intTotalPage
strName = "XA_ZD_JZDCGB1"
pInsPt_follow(0) = pInsPt_follow(0) + 200
InsertJZDCGB pInsPt_follow, strName
tblLeftTop = pInsPt_follow
tblLeftTop(1) = tblLeftTop(1) + 219.825 '219.824是表的高
tmpPt = tblLeftTop
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 137
tmpPt(1) = tmpPt(1) - 5.4
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(str(i)), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '第几页
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(1) = tmpPt(1) - dblHG
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(str(intTotalPage)), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '共几页
tmpPt = tblLeftTop
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 32.793
tmpPt(1) = tmpPt(1) - 23.687
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, strQLR, tmpPt, 3, "TK"
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(1) = tmpPt(1) - dblHG
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, strDJH, tmpPt, 3, "TK"
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 102
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, "0" & strDLH, tmpPt, 3, "TK"
tmpPt = pInsPt_follow
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 107.881
tmpPt(1) = tmpPt(1) - 10.925
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(Year(Now)), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '年
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 21.3
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(Month(Now)), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '月
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 13.6
tmpPt(1) = tmpPt(1) - 0.6
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(Day(Now)), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '日
Next i
End If
ReadJZDINFO_To_Txt pEnt
InsertJZD_Info TmpTxtObj, pInsPt, tmpPt
Kill "C:\JZDCGB.txt"
'Exit Sub '退出过程
Select Case Err.Number
Case 0
Case Else
MsgBox "错误:" & Err.Description & "(" & ")"
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub InsertJZD_Info(TmpTxtObj As AcadText, pInsPt As Variant, tmpPt As Variant)
Dim i As Integer
Dim totalRow As Integer
Dim strFile As String
strFile = "C:\JZDCGB.txt"
totalRow = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(strFile, 8).Line
Dim strJZDInfo As String
Dim varJZDInfo As Variant
Dim dblDis As Double
Dim Jzd_InsPt As Variant
If totalRow > 20 Then GoTo HereIsBiggerThan20
Jzd_InsPt = pInsPt
Jzd_InsPt(0) = Jzd_InsPt(0) + 6.612
Jzd_InsPt(1) = Jzd_InsPt(1) + 162.033 + 8.485
For i = 1 To totalRow - 1
tmpPt = Jzd_InsPt
tmpPt(1) = Jzd_InsPt(1) - i * 8.485
strJZDInfo = ReadFileLine(strFile, i)
varJZDInfo = Split(strJZDInfo, ",")
With myJZD
.DH = varJZDInfo(0)
.x = varJZDInfo(1)
.y = varJZDInfo(2)
End With
If i <> totalRow - 1 Then
strJZDInfo = ReadFileLine(strFile, i + 1)
varJZDInfo = Split(strJZDInfo, ",")
With myJZD1
.DH = varJZDInfo(0)
.x = varJZDInfo(1)
.y = varJZDInfo(2)
End With
dblDis = Distance(myJZD.x, myJZD1.x, myJZD.y, myJZD1.y)
End If
If i <> totalRow - 1 Then
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(str(i)), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '序号
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, "1", tmpPt, 3, "TK" '序号
End If
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 19.603
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(myJZD.DH), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '点号
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 24.002
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(myJZD.x), tmpPt, 3, "TK" 'X坐标
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 37.976
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(myJZD.y), tmpPt, 3, "TK" 'Y坐标
If i <> totalRow - 1 Then
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 40.417
tmpPt(1) = tmpPt(1) - 4.296
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Format(dblDis, "0.00"), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '边长
End If
Next i
Exit Sub
Jzd_InsPt = pInsPt
Jzd_InsPt(0) = Jzd_InsPt(0) + 6.612
Jzd_InsPt(1) = Jzd_InsPt(1) + 162.033 + 8.485
For i = 1 To 20
tmpPt = Jzd_InsPt
tmpPt(1) = Jzd_InsPt(1) - i * 8.485
strJZDInfo = ReadFileLine(strFile, i)
varJZDInfo = Split(strJZDInfo, ",")
With myJZD
.DH = varJZDInfo(0)
.x = varJZDInfo(1)
.y = varJZDInfo(2)
End With
strJZDInfo = ReadFileLine(strFile, i + 1)
varJZDInfo = Split(strJZDInfo, ",")
With myJZD1
.DH = varJZDInfo(0)
.x = varJZDInfo(1)
.y = varJZDInfo(2)
End With
dblDis = Distance(myJZD.x, myJZD1.x, myJZD.y, myJZD1.y)
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(str(i)), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '序号
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 19.603
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(myJZD.DH), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '点号
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 24.002
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(myJZD.x), tmpPt, 3, "TK" 'X坐标
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 37.976
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(myJZD.y), tmpPt, 3, "TK" 'Y坐标
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 40.417
tmpPt(1) = tmpPt(1) - 4.296
If i <> 20 Then
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Format(dblDis, "0.00"), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '边长
End If
Next i
Dim intDivi As Integer
intDivi = totalRow \ 20 '整除
Dim intMod As Integer
intMod = totalRow Mod 20 '取余
Dim TotalPage As Integer
If intMod = 0 Then
TotalPage = intDivi
TotalPage = intDivi + 1
End If
Dim m As Integer
For m = 1 To TotalPage - 1
Jzd_InsPt = pInsPt
Jzd_InsPt(0) = Jzd_InsPt(0) + 6.612 + m * 200
Jzd_InsPt(1) = Jzd_InsPt(1) + (m + 1) * 169.77
For i = m * 20 To (m + 1) * 20
tmpPt = Jzd_InsPt
tmpPt(1) = Jzd_InsPt(1) - i * 8.485
If i = totalRow Then Exit Sub '到了文件末尾
tmpPt = Jzd_InsPt
tmpPt(1) = Jzd_InsPt(1) - i * 8.485
strJZDInfo = ReadFileLine(strFile, i)
varJZDInfo = Split(strJZDInfo, ",")
With myJZD
.DH = varJZDInfo(0)
.x = varJZDInfo(1)
.y = varJZDInfo(2)
End With
If i <> totalRow - 1 Then
strJZDInfo = ReadFileLine(strFile, i + 1)
varJZDInfo = Split(strJZDInfo, ",")
With myJZD1
.DH = varJZDInfo(0)
.x = varJZDInfo(1)
.y = varJZDInfo(2)
End With
dblDis = Distance(myJZD.x, myJZD1.x, myJZD.y, myJZD1.y)
End If
If i <> totalRow - 1 Then
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(str(i)), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '序号
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, "1", tmpPt, 3, "TK" '序号
End If
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 19.603
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(myJZD.DH), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '点号
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 24.002
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(myJZD.x), tmpPt, 3, "TK" 'X坐标
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 37.976
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Trim(myJZD.y), tmpPt, 3, "TK" 'Y坐标
If i <> totalRow - 1 Then
tmpPt = TmpTxtObj.InsertionPoint
tmpPt(0) = tmpPt(0) + 40.417
tmpPt(1) = tmpPt(1) - 4.296
If i <> (m + 1) * 20 Then
InsertTxt TmpTxtObj, Format(dblDis, "0.00"), tmpPt, 3, "TK" '边长
End If
End If
Next i
Next m
End Sub
Public Sub InsertTxt(pTxtObj As AcadText, ByVal strTxt As String, ByVal pBasePt As Variant, ByVal Height As Double, ByVal strLyr As String)
Set pTxtObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(strTxt, pBasePt, Height)
pTxtObj.Layer = strLyr
pTxtObj.Alignment = acAlignmentBottomLeft
pTxtObj.TextAlignmentPoint = pBasePt
pTxtObj.ScaleFactor = 1 '宽度比例设为1
End Sub
Public Sub InsertJZDInfo(pTxtObj As AcadText, ByVal strTxt As String, ByVal pBasePt As Variant, ByVal Height As Double, ByVal strLyr As String)
Set pTxtObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(strTxt, pBasePt, Height)
pTxtObj.Layer = strLyr
pTxtObj.Alignment = acAlignmentBottomLeft
pTxtObj.TextAlignmentPoint = pBasePt
pTxtObj.ScaleFactor = 1 '宽度比例设为1
End Sub
Public Sub InsertJZDCGB(pBasePt As Variant, ByVal strName As String)
Dim strPath As String
strPath = "D:\Program Files\CASS70\BLOCKS\" & strName & ".dwg"
Dim pBlock As AcadBlockReference
Set pBlock = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(pBasePt, strPath, 1, 1, 1, 0)
End Sub
Public Function ReadFileLine(fFile As String, numLine As Integer) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim myFSO As New FileSystemObject, myFile As File, myTs As TextStream
Set myFile = myFSO.GetFile(fFile)
Set myTs = myFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading)
i = 1
Do While Not myTs.AtEndOfStream
If i <> numLine Then
ReadFileLine = myTs.ReadLine
End If
i = i + 1
Set myTs = Nothing
End Function
Public Sub ReadJZDINFO_To_Txt(pLwpObj As AcadLWPolyline)
Dim gType, gData
pLwpObj.GetXData "SOUTH", gType, gData
Dim strDJH As String
strDJH = gData(2)
Dim myPointlist As Variant
myPointlist = Pt2wTo3w(pLwpObj)
Dim pType, pData
BuildFilter pType, pData, 0, "Circle", 8, "JZP"
Dim sset As AcadSelectionSet
Set sset = CreateSelectionSet2
sset.SelectByPolygon acSelectionSetFence, myPointlist, pType, pData
Dim strData As String
Dim tmpData As String
Dim numVer As Integer
Dim i As Integer '循环Index
Dim pCirObj As AcadCircle
Dim cenPt As Variant
numVer = (UBound(pLwpObj.Coordinates) + 1) / 2 - 1
Dim intWNVer As Integer '左上角
intWNVer = TheLeftTopVer(pLwpObj)
If IsClockWise(pLwpObj) Then '顺时针
If intWNVer = 0 Then '第一个点
For Each pCirObj In sset
Next pCirObj
Set pCirObj = sset.Item(0)
ElseIf intWNVer = numVer Then '最后一个点
Set pCirObj = sset.Item(numVer)
For Each pCirObj In sset
Next pCirObj
Else '左上角不是首、尾点
For i = intWNVer To numVer
Set pCirObj = sset.Item(i)
Next i
For i = 0 To intWNVer
Set pCirObj = sset.Item(i)
Next i
End If
Else '逆时针
If intWNVer = 0 Then '如果坐上角为第一个点
Set pCirObj = sset.Item(0)
For i = numVer To 0 Step -1
Set pCirObj = sset.Item(i)
Next i
ElseIf intWNVer = numVer Then '如果左上角为最后一个点
For i = numVer To 0 Step -1
Set pCirObj = sset.Item(i)
Next i
Set pCirObj = sset.Item(numVer)
Else '如果左上角既不为第一个点也不为最后一个点
For i = intWNVer To 0 Step -1
Set pCirObj = sset.Item(i)
Next i
For i = numVer To intWNVer Step -1
Set pCirObj = sset.Item(i)
Next i
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub ReadJZDINFO(pCirObj As AcadCircle)
Dim cenPt As Variant
Dim strData As String
Dim gType, gData
cenPt = pCirObj.Center
pCirObj.GetXData "SOUTH", gType, gData
strData = ""
strData = Trim(str(gData(3))) & "," & Format(cenPt(1), "0.000") & "," & Format(cenPt(0), "0.000")
Open "C:\JZDCGB.txt" For Append As #1
Print #1, strData
Close #1
End Sub
Sub testReadJzdin()
Dim p As AcadEntity
Dim pp As Variant
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity p, pp
ReadJZDINFO_To_Txt p
End Sub
' 和最大的就是最左上角的点
Public Function TheLeftTopVer(ByVal pLwpObj As AcadLWPolyline) As Integer
Dim extMin, extMax
pLwpObj.GetBoundingBox extMin, extMax
Dim numVer As Integer
numVer = (UBound(pLwpObj.Coordinates) + 1) / 2
Dim tmpVer As Variant
tmpVer = pLwpObj.Coordinate(0)
Dim pDis As Double
Dim pTmp_Dis As Double
Dim No_LeftTop As Integer
pDis = Abs((tmpVer(0) - extMax(0))) + Abs((tmpVer(1) - extMin(1)))
No_LeftTop = 0
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To numVer - 1
tmpVer = pLwpObj.Coordinate(i)
pTmp_Dis = Abs((tmpVer(0) - extMax(0))) + Abs((tmpVer(1) - extMin(1)))
If pTmp_Dis > pDis Then
pDis = pTmp_Dis
No_LeftTop = i
End If
Next i
TheLeftTopVer = No_LeftTop
End Function
Public Function IsClockWise(ByVal pLwpObj As AcadLWPolyline) As Boolean
IsClockWise = False '初始化,多段线节点旋转方向为逆时针
Dim pLwpObj_Offset As AcadLWPolyline
Dim varOffset As Variant
varOffset = pLwpObj.Offset(2)
Set pLwpObj_Offset = varOffset(0)
Dim Area As Double, Area_Offset As Double
Area = pLwpObj.Area: Area_Offset = pLwpObj_Offset.Area
If Area_Offset < Area Then
IsClockWise = True
IsClockWise = False
End If
End Function
Public Function Pt2wTo3w(ByVal Lwp As AcadLWPolyline) As Variant
Dim CoorLwp As Variant
CoorLwp = Lwp.Coordinates
Dim k As Integer
k = UBound(CoorLwp) + 1
Dim c As Integer
c = k * 3 / 2 - 1
Dim points() As Double '定义动态坐标点
ReDim points(0 To c) As Double
Dim g As Integer, v As Integer
For g = 0 To k - 1
v = g \ 2
points(g + v) = CoorLwp(g)
Next g
Pt2wTo3w = points
End Function
Public Sub BuildFilter(TypeArray, DataArray, ParamArray gCodes())
Dim fType() As Integer, fData()
Dim index As Long, i As Long
index = LBound(gCodes) - 1
For i = LBound(gCodes) To UBound(gCodes) Step 2
index = index + 1
ReDim Preserve fType(0 To index)
ReDim Preserve fData(0 To index)
fType(index) = CInt(gCodes(i))
fData(index) = gCodes(i + 1)
TypeArray = fType: DataArray = fData
End Sub
Public Function CreateSelectionSet(Optional ssName As String = "ss") As AcadSelectionSet
Dim ss As AcadSelectionSet
On Error Resume Next
Set ss = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets(ssName)
If Err Then Set ss = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add(ssName)
Set CreateSelectionSet = ss
End Function
Public Function CreateSelectionSet2(Optional ssName As String = "ss2") As AcadSelectionSet
Dim ss2 As AcadSelectionSet
On Error Resume Next
Set ss2 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets(ssName)
If Err Then Set ss2 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add(ssName)
Set CreateSelectionSet2 = ss2
End Function
Public Function Distance(x0 As Variant, x1 As Variant, y0 As Variant, y1 As Variant) As Double
Dim d As Double
d = Sqr((x0 - x1) ^ 2 + (y0 - y1) ^ 2)
Distance = d
End Functio