本帖最后由 xiaxiang 于 2011-1-9 17:11 编辑Author: TheSwamp@Andrea
this allow user to select a closed polyline and scale in real time the hatch !
you can switch to the next Hatch patern by pressing the TAB key.
(setq mess1 "\nPlease pick Boundary or point inside hatch region")
(setq mess2 "\n- Hatch Pattern Switched to : ")
(setq mess3 "\nPress SPACE bar to Make a choice and than ENTER to edit:")
(setq mess4 "\nPlease select Hatch to edit : ")
(setq mess5 "\n(D)ynamic or (V)alue <D>: ")
(setq mess6 "\nDynamic Scale...")
(setq mess7 "\nEnter the Hatch Scale Value <")
(setq mess8 ";Scale: ")
(setq mess9 ";Angle: ")
(setq mess10";Pattern: ")
(setq mess11";Origin: ")
(setq mess12";PAT File: ")
(setq cmess0"\nPress SPACE bar for select/ENTRER to activate/V to enter a Value:")
(setq cmess1"\nNew Scale Value :")
(setq cmess2"\nNew Angle Value :")
(setq cmess3"\nNew Pattern Name :")
(setq cmess4"\nNew Origin Coordinates (list) :")
(setq cmess5"\nNew Color Value :")
(setq var256"BYLAYER")
(setq var0 "BYBLOCK")
能不要明经币么... xyp1964 发表于 2011-1-9 14:44
(defun c:test933 ()
(if (setq s1 (car (entsel "\n选择: ")))
(xyp-Grread-Change s1 "比例" 41...
错误: no function definition: XYP-GRREAD-CHANGE请版主查看,谢谢(2006版本) teykmcqh 发表于 2011-4-19 01:46
我也是不会用呃,我在用的2016版,请赐教 程序不错,好用,比较有创意 CAD2011就有这个功能 楼主明经币大大的多 老外的有:
前一半;| ;;
H O S COMMAND -> Changed for DHATCH (Dynamic HATCH) ;;
(Hatch Object Scaling v. 2) ;;
By: Andrea Andreetti dec. 2009 ;;
Update 1 - By: Ronjonp (theswamp) ;;
Rotation angle revised ;;
Update 2 - By Andrea Andreetti ;;
ORTHOMODE added with F8 ;;
Color Switch from 1 to 9 ;;
Switch Hatch Pattern during Rotation ;;
Update 2.1 -By Andrea Andreetti ;;
Fix1 :ColorToggle variable added to fix ;;
Color Swaping without rescaling the Hatch ;;
Fix2 : PatternToggle Variable added for same reason ;;
when swapping the Hatch Pattern ;;
Fix3 : English and French message detection ;;
HOS became DHATCH (dynamic Hatch) ;;
Update 2.2 -By Andrea Andreetti ;;
- New Feature allowing to move the HatchOrigin ;;
Upgrade Dhatch v.3 -bY Andrea Andreetti 2008/12/23 ;;
-Solid Hatch accepted ;;
-Work for Ellipse ;;
-You can select object or click INSIDE a closed object ;;
-New Options: (S)cale/(H)atch/(O)rigin/(C)olor ;;
-You can change Origin in real time and continu the function.
-Osnap follow the SNAPANG variable. ;;
-Diffrent ggrdraw vector color when using the Origin option.
-Color option show the 256 autoCAD color dialog Box during the hatch.
-Auto-Language version detection. (French / English) ;;
Update Dhatch v.3.1.0 -by Andrea Andreetti 2008/12/23 ;;
-Undo Redo management ;;
Update dHATCH V.3.1.1 -by Andrea Andreetti 2008/12/23 ;;
-Case Sensitive when choosing options FIXED ;;
Upgrade Dhatch 4.0 by Andrea Andreetti 2008/12/25 ;;
-New function DHEDIT (editor) ;;
Update Dhatch 4.1 By A.A. 2008-12-28 ;;
DHSL DHatch String Language detection function ;;
Update Dhatch 4.2 By A.A. 2008-12-29 ;;
Scale option allow to put Number Value ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
(defun DHSL ()
(if (vl-string-search "(FR)" (strcase (ver)))
(setq mess1 "\nSelectionnez votre entit??Hachurer...")
(setq mess2 "\n- Type de Hachure chang??: ")
(setq mess3 "\n(E)chelle/(H)achurage/(O)rigine/(C)couleur:")
(setq mess4 "\nS閘ectionnez l'hachure ?閐iter : ")
(setq mess5 "\n(D)ynamique ou (V)aleur <D>: ")
(setq mess6 "\n蒫helle Dynamique...")
(setq mess7 "\n蒫helle de votre hachurage <")
(setq var256"DUCALQUE")
(setq var0 "DUBLOCK")
(setq mess1 "\nSelect Entity to Hatch...")
(setq mess2 "\n- Hatch Pattern Switched to : ")
(setq mess3 "\n(S)cale/(H)atch pattern/(O)rigin/(C)olor:")
(setq mess4 "\nPlease select Hatch to edit : ")
(setq mess5 "\n(D)ynamic or (V)alue <D>: ")
(setq mess6 "\nDynamic Scale...")
(setq mess7 "\nEnter the Hatch Scale Value <")
(setq var256"BYLAYER")
(setq var0 "BYBLOCK")
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
(defun c:Dhatch (/ #DCswitch dr_sel1 entVLA OTD)
(setq HatchEdition nil)
(if (not #DCswitch)(setq #DCswitch 0))
(setq dr_sel1 nil)
(while (or
(= dr_sel1 nil)
(/= (cdr (assoc 0 (setq dr_sel1data (entget (car dr_sel1))))) "LWPOLYLINE")
(/= (cdr (assoc 0 (setq dr_sel1data (entget (car dr_sel1))))) "CIRCLE")
(/= (cdr (assoc 0 (setq dr_sel1data (entget (car dr_sel1))))) "ELLIPSE")
(setq dr_sel1 (entsel mess1))
(if (not dr_sel1)
(setq FicPoint (cadr (grread t 4 4)))
(vl-cmdf "._boundary" FicPoint "")
(if (> (getvar "cmdactive") 0)
(setq OTD nil)
(setq dr_sel1 (list (setq TD (entlast)) FicPoint))
(setq OTD T)
(setq entVLA (vlax-ename->vla-object (car dr_sel1)))
(if (or
(eq (vla-get-ObjectName entVLA) "AcDbEllipse")
(eq (vla-get-ObjectName entVLA) "AcDbCircle")
(eq (vla-get-ObjectName entVLA) "AcDbPolyline")
(eq (vla-get-Closed entVLA) :vlax-true)
(vla-GetBoundingBox entVLA 'x 'y)
(setq LLpoint(vlax-safearray->list x))
(setq URpoint(vlax-safearray->list y))
(setq centerpoint (polar LLpoint (angle LLpoint URpoint) (/ (distance LLpoint URpoint) 2)))
(vla-StartUndoMark (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-ACAD-Object)))
(setq hatchent nil)
(if OTD (entdel TD))
(vla-EndUndoMark (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-ACAD-Object)))
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
(defun c:Dhatchedit (/)
(setq hatchdata nil)
(setq HatchEdition T)
(setq OTD nil)
(setq dr_sel1 nil)
(while (or
(= dr_sel1 nil)
(/= (cdr (assoc 0 (setq hatchdata (entget (car dr_sel1))))) "HATCH")
(setq dr_sel1 (entsel mess4))
(setq entVLA (vlax-ename->vla-object (car dr_sel1)))
(vla-GetBoundingBox entVLA 'x 'y)
(setq LLpoint(vlax-safearray->list x))
(setq URpoint(vlax-safearray->list y))
(setq centerpoint (polar LLpoint (angle LLpoint URpoint) (/ (distance LLpoint URpoint) 2)))
(entdel (car dr_sel1))
(vla-StartUndoMark (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-ACAD-Object)))
(setq hatchent nil)
(vla-EndUndoMark (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-ACAD-Object)))
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
(defun HOSortho ()
(defun dtr (a)
(* pi (/ a 180.0))
(defun rtd (a)
(/ (* a 180) pi)
(setq distP (distance centerpoint cursorpoint))
(setq NorthP (polar centerpoint (+ snapA (dtr 90)) distP))
(setq WestP(polar centerpoint (+ snapA (dtr 180)) distP))
(setq EastP(polar centerpoint snapA distP))
(setq SouthP (polar centerpoint (- snapA (dtr 90)) distP))
(if (and
(< (distance cursorpoint NorthP) (distance cursorpoint WestP))
(< (distance cursorpoint NorthP) (distance cursorpoint EastP))
(< (distance cursorpoint NorthP) (distance cursorpoint SouthP))
(setq cursorpoint NorthP)
(if (and
(< (distance cursorpoint WestP) (distance cursorpoint NorthP))
(< (distance cursorpoint WestP) (distance cursorpoint EastP))
(< (distance cursorpoint WestP) (distance cursorpoint SouthP))
(setq cursorpoint WestP)
(if (and
(< (distance cursorpoint EastP) (distance cursorpoint WestP))
(< (distance cursorpoint EastP) (distance cursorpoint NorthP))
(< (distance cursorpoint EastP) (distance cursorpoint SouthP))
(setq cursorpoint EastP)
(if (and
(< (distance cursorpoint SouthP) (distance cursorpoint WestP))
(< (distance cursorpoint SouthP) (distance cursorpoint EastP))
(< (distance cursorpoint SouthP) (distance cursorpoint NorthP))
(setq cursorpoint SouthP)
) 后一半 ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; DHATCH function ;;
;; ;;
(defun oHexecute (/ fi si LP A_hps)
(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
(setq orthm (getvar "ORTHOMODE"))
(setq snapa (getvar "SNAPANG"))
(setq #dcswitch 0)
(setq Operation nil)
(setq hatchlist (gethatchlin (findfile "acad.PAT")))
(setq hatch# (1- (vl-list-length hatchlist)))
(if (not HatchEdition)
(vl-cmdf "_-hatch" "_S" (car dr_sel1) "" "")
(setq hatchdata (entget (entlast)))
(if (eq (cdr (assoc 0 hatchdata)) "HATCH")
(entdel (entlast))
(setq A_cecolor (getvar "CECOLOR")
A_hpang (getvar "HPANG")
A_hpscale (getvar "HPSCALE")
A_hpname (getvar "HPNAME")
A_hporigin centerpoint)
(if (assoc 62 hatchdata)
(setq A_cecolor (itoa (cdr (assoc 62 hatchdata))))
(setq A_cecolor var256)
(setq A_hpscale (cdr (assoc 41 hatchdata)))
(setq A_hpang (getvar "HPANG"))
(setq A_hpname (cdr (assoc 2 hatchdata)))
(setq A_hporigin centerpoint)
(princ mess3)
(while (and (setq input (grread t 4 4))
(or (= (car input) 5) ; *cursor
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 15)) ; F8 Orthomode
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 104)); h = Hatch
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 72)) ; H
;(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 14)) ; R = Rotation
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 115)); s = Scale
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 83)) ; S
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 101)); e = Echelle
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 69)) ; E
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 111)); o = Origin
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 79)) ; O
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 99)) ; c = Color
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 67)) ; C
(if (= (car input) 5) (setq cursorpoint (cadr input)))
(if (or
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 104))
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 72))
(setq Operation "HATCH" Thatch T)
(if (and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 15)) (setq Operation "ORTHO"))
(if (or
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 115));S
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 83))
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 101));E
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 69))
(setq Operation "SCALE")
(if (or
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 111))
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 79))
(setq Operation "ORIGIN")
(if (or
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 99))
(and (= (car input) 2) (= (cadr input) 67))
(setq Operation "COLOR")
(if (eq Operation "COLOR")
(setq ccol (read A_cecolor))
(if (eq (strcase A_cecolor) "BYBLOCK") (setq ccol 0))
(if (eq (strcase A_cecolor) "BYLAYER") (setq ccol 256))
(setq Ncol (acad_colordlg ccol 8))
(if Ncol
(setq A_cecolor (itoa Ncol))
(if (eq A_cecolor 256)(setq A_cecolor var256))
(if (eq A_cecolor 0)(setq A_cecolor var0))
(setq Operation nil)
(if (eq Operation "HATCH")
(setq Operation nil)
(setq input (grread t 4 4))
(if (>= #dcswitch hatch#)
(setq #dcswitch 0)
(setq #dcswitch (1+ #dcswitch))
(setvar "HPNAME" A_hpname)
(princ (strcat mess2
(setq A_hpname (nth #dcswitch hatchlist))
(princ mess3)
(if (eq Operation "ORTHO")
(if (eq orthm 1)
(progn (setvar "ORTHOMODE" 0) (setq orthm 0))
(progn (setvar "ORTHOMODE" 1) (setq orthm 1))
(setq Operation nil)
(if (eq orthM 1)
(if (eq Operation "SCALE")
(initget "D V")
(setq gkw (getKword mess5))
(if (eq gkw "D")
(princ mess6)
(while (and (setq inputX (grread t 5 0))
(= (car inputX) 5)
(setq cursorpoint (cadr inputX))
(setq A_hpscale (distance cursorpoint centerpoint))
(MODIFHATCH A_hpname A_cecolor A_hpang A_hpscale A_hporigin)
(setq Operation nil)
(princ mess3)
(setq A_hps (getreal (strcat mess7
(rtos A_hpscale)
">: "
(if A_hps
(setq A_hpscale A_hps)
(setq Operation nil)
(princ mess3)
(if (eq Operation "ORIGIN")
(while (and (setq input (grread t 4 4))
(or (= (car input) 5)
(setq cursorpoint (cadr input))
(setq cursorX (car cursorpoint))
(setq cursorY (cadr cursorpoint))
(grdraw cursorpoint centerpoint 12 1)
(if hatchent
(setq A_hpang A_LastAng)
(setq hatchentData (entget hatchent))
(setq hatchdatax (subst (cons 43 cursorX)(assoc 43 hatchentData) hatchentData))
(setq hatchdatax (subst (cons 44 cursorY)(assoc 44 hatchdatax) hatchdatax))
(entmod hatchdatax)
(setq hatchent (cdr (car hatchdatax)))
(setq centerpoint (cadr input))
(MODIFHATCH A_hpname A_cecolor A_hpang A_hpscale A_hporigin)
(if (not (eq Operation "ORIGIN"))
(setq rangle (+ (angle cursorpoint centerpoint) (angtof "135")))
(grdraw cursorpoint centerpoint 4 1)
(setq entVLA (vlax-ename->vla-object hatchent))
(vla-put-PatternAngle entVLA rangle)
(setq Operation nil)
;; ;;
;; H O S function ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
(defun MODIFHATCH (hatch col Rot sca orig)
(if hatchdata
(grdraw cursorpoint centerpoint 4 1)
(setq orig A_hporigin)
(setq cursorX (car orig))
(setq cursorY (cadr orig))
(setq hatchdatax (subst (cons 43 cursorX)(assoc 43 hatchentData) hatchdata))
(setq hatchdatax (subst (cons 44 cursorY)(assoc 44 hatchdatax) hatchdatax))
(setq hatchdatax (subst (cons 41 sca) (assoc 41 hatchdatax) hatchdatax))
(setq hatchdatax (subst (cons 2 hatch) (assoc 2 hatchdatax) hatchdatax))
(if (eq (strcase col) var256);BYLAYER
(setq hatchdatax(vl-remove (assoc 62 hatchdatax) hatchdatax))
(if (eq (strcase col) var0);BYBLOCK
(setq col 0)
(if (numberp (read col))
(if (not (assoc 62 hatchdatax))
(setq hatchdatax (append hatchdatax (list (cons 62 (read col)))))
(setq hatchdatax (subst (cons 62 (read col)) (assoc 62 hatchdatax) hatchdatax))
(if hatchent
(progn (command "._erase" hatchent "") (setq hatchent nil))
(setq hatchent (entmakex hatchdatax))
(setq hatchdata hatchdatax)
;; ;;
;; ;;
;| ;;
PAT or LIN file reader ;;
(defun getHatchLIN (acadftype / lino acadftype l1 commaPos ALLLIST)
(setq HATCHLIST nil
(if (findfile acadftype)
(setq lino (open acadftype "r"))
(while (setq l1 (read-line lino))
(if (and
(eq (substr l1 1 1) "*")
(setq commaPos (vl-string-search "," l1))
(setq ALLLIST (append ALLLIST (list (substr l1 2 (1- commaPos)))))
(close lino)
(if (eq (strcase (vl-filename-extension acadftype)) ".PAT")
(setq HATCHLIST (mapcar 'strcase ALLLIST))
(setq LINESLIST (mapcar 'strcase ALLLIST))
;| |;
很好的程序,谢谢,可惜在2010上用不了 (defun c:test933 ()
(if (setq s1 (car (entsel "\n选择: ")))
(xyp-Grread-Change s1 "比例" 41 0)
) 回复 xyp1964 的帖子
回版主,试了下,选择填充时,CAD提示"选择: ; 错误: no function definition: XYP-GRREAD-CHANGE",烦请版主看下,谢谢!