xinghesnak发表于2006-5-13 8:31:00
Dim p(0 To 200) As pointinfo Dim ps(0 To ...
Option Explicit Private Type pointinfo x As Single '点的x 坐标值 y As Single '点的y 坐标值 q As Single '与水平线的夹角 End Type Dim p0 As pointinfo Dim p(0 To 200) As pointinfo '点集 Dim pl(0 To 200) As pointinfo '求出起始点 Dim ps(0 To 200) As pointinfo '排序后的点集 Dim pi(0 To 200) As pointinfo '极点 Dim n, m, d As Integer Dim x0, y0 As Single Dim l, e As Integer
Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single) DrawWidth = 4 If n = 0 Then p(0).x = x p(0).y = y Circle (x, y), 100, RGB(255, 0, 255) Else '输入点集 p(n).x = x p(n).y = y Circle (x, y), 10, RGB(255, 255, 0) End If n = n + 1 x0 = x y0 = y End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim i As Integer Dim q As Single p(n).x = x0 p(n).y = y0 Const pi = 3.14 Dim u, j As Integer Dim k, r, f As Integer Dim term As pointinfo For u = 0 To n term = p(l) k = 0 r = u - 0 Do While k <= r f = Int((k + r) / 2) If term.y < pl(f).y Or (term.y = pl(f).y And (Abs(term.x) > Abs(pl(f).x))) Then r = f - 1 Else k = f + 1 End If Loop For j = u - 1 To k Step -1 pl(j + 1) = pl(j) Next j pl(k) = term Next u