



楼主: 革天明

[讨论] 如何提升此程序运行的速度?

 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-11 13:02:53 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-11 14:14:01 | 显示全部楼层
; QRCODE for Autocad
; © 2010 swisscad / Ian Vogel
; V 0.91 released 2010.08.22
(defun c:QRcode ( / str)
((not (validstr (setq str (getstring "\nEnter Text to encode :" T))))
(princ "\nNo text entered")
((QRcode str (setq name "QRCode") 0)
(command "_REGENALL")
(command "_INSERT" name)
(defun QRcode (string ; string to encode
blockname ; name of the block to create
options ; options
; 1 = perform only if block already exists
/ QR x y startx row)
((not (validstr blockname)))
((or (zerop (logand 1 options))
(tblsearch "BLOCK" blockname)
(setq baseurl "www.xcad.ch/tests/getqrcode.php")
(setq QR (valstr (gethttp (strcat baseurl"%3Fstring=" (urlencode (urlencode string))) 0)))
((eq (substr QR 1 6) "111111");response OK
(setq QR (split QR "-")
y 0)
;create Qrcode block
(entmake (list '(0 . "BLOCK")
(cons 2 blockname)
'(8 . "0")
'(70 . 0)
'(10 0.0 0.0 0.0)
(foreach row QR
(setq x 0)
(while (< x (strlen row))
((eq (substr row (1+ x) 1) "1")
;memorize start of filled zone
(if (not startx)(setq startx x))
(if (not (eq (substr row (+ x 2) 1) "1"))
;draw filled zone
(entmake (list (cons 0 "SOLID")
(cons 8 "0")
(cons 10 (list startx y))
(cons 11 (list (1+ x) y))
(cons 12 (list startx (1- y)))
(cons 13 (list (1+ x)(1- y)))
(cons 62 0)
(setq startx nil)
(setq x (1+ x))
(setq y (1- y))
;end of block
(setq bl_a (entmake '((0 . "ENDBLK"))))
; Get an URL
(defun gethttp (lien
/ fi line tmp util content)
(setq        util (vla-get-Utility
(vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
(if (eq (vla-isurl util lien) :vlax-true)
(if        (vl-catch-all-error-p
(list util lien 'tmp :vlax-true)
(princ "\nError getting http file.")
(setq fi (open tmp "r")
content "")
(while (setq line (read-line fi))
(setq content (strcat content line))
(close fi)
; Turn any var to a string
(defun valstr (val)
((eq (type val) 'STR) val)
((eq (type val) 'REAL) (rtos val))
((eq (type val) 'INT) (itoa val))
(T "")
; Check that a string is not empty
(defun validstr (str / tmp)
(if (> (strlen (setq tmp (trim (valstr str)))) 0) tmp nil)
; Remove blanks from a string
(defun trim ( str / )
(setq str (valstr str))
(while (eq (substr str 1 1) " ")
(setq str (substr str 2))
(while (and (> (strlen str) 1)
(eq (substr str (strlen str) 1) " ")
(setq str (substr str 1 (- (strlen str) 1)))

; Split a string
(defun split (str ; string to split
cara ; separator
/ n portion xstring seqstart chrcode portion)
((and (= (type str)(type cara) 'STR)(eq (strlen cara) 1))
(setq n -1 seqstart 1 chrcode (ascii cara))
(while (setq n (vl-string-position chrcode str (+ n 1) nil))
(setq xstring (append xstring (list (substr str seqstart (- n seqstart -1)))) seqstart (+ n 2) )
(setq xstring (append xstring (list (substr str seqstart))))
(if xstring xstring (list str))
((= (type str)(type cara) 'STR)
(setq portion "" n 1)
(if (<= (strlen cara) (strlen str))
(while (<= n (strlen str))
(if (eq (substr str n (strlen cara)) cara)
(setq xstring (append xstring (list portion))
portion ""
n (+ n (strlen cara))
(setq portion (strcat portion (substr str n 1))
n (+ 1 n)
(if (or (> (strlen portion) 0)
(eq (substr str (abs (- (strlen str)(strlen cara) -1))) cara)
(setq xstring (append xstring (list portion)))
(setq xstring (list str))
(if xstring xstring (list ""))
(T (list nil))
; See PHP function
; http://ch2.php.net/manual/fr/function.htmlentities.php
(defun urlencode (str / result n len )
(setq result ""
n 1
len (strlen str))

(while (<= n len)
(setq result (strcat result (urlenc (substr str n 1)))
n (+ 1 n))
(defun urlenc (ch)
((eq ch " ") " ");+
((eq ch "!") "%21")
((eq ch "\"") "%22")
((eq ch "#") "%23")
((eq ch "$") "%24")
((eq ch "%") "%25")
((eq ch "&") "%26")
((eq ch "'") "%27")
((eq ch "(") "%28")
((eq ch ")") "%29")
((eq ch "*") "%2A")
((eq ch "+") "%2B")
((eq ch ",") "%2C")
((eq ch "/") "%2F")
((eq ch ":") "%3A")
((eq ch ";") "%3B")
((eq ch "<") "%3C")
((eq ch "=") "%3D")
((eq ch ">") "%3E")
((eq ch "?") "%3F")
((eq ch "@") "%40")
((eq ch "[") "%5B")
((eq ch "\\") "%5C")
((eq ch "]") "%5D")
((eq ch "^") "%5E")
((eq ch "`") "%60")
((eq ch "{") "%7B")
((eq ch "|") "%7C")
((eq ch "}") "%7D")
((eq ch "~") "%7E")
((eq ch "‘") "%91")
((eq ch "’") "%92")
((eq ch "&#161;") "%A1")
((eq ch "¢") "%A2")
((eq ch "£") "%A3")
((eq ch "¤") "%A4")
((eq ch "¥") "%A5")
((eq ch "|") "%A6")
((eq ch "§") "%A7")
((eq ch "¨") "%A8")
((eq ch "&#169;") "%A9")
((eq ch "a") "%AA")
((eq ch "&#171;") "%AB")
((eq ch "&#172;") "%AC")
((eq ch "-") "%AD")
((eq ch "&#174;") "%AE")
((eq ch "ˉ") "%AF")
((eq ch "°") "%B0")
((eq ch "±") "%B1")
((eq ch "2") "%B2")
((eq ch "3") "%B3")
((eq ch "′") "%B4")
((eq ch "μ") "%B5")
((eq ch "&#182;") "%B6")
((eq ch "·") "%B7")
((eq ch "&#184;") "%B8")
((eq ch "1") "%B9")
((eq ch "o") "%BA")
((eq ch "&#187;") "%BB")
((eq ch "&#188;") "%BC")
((eq ch "&#189;") "%BD")
((eq ch "&#190;") "%BE")
((eq ch "&#191;") "%BF")
((eq ch "à") "%C0")
((eq ch "á") "%C1")
((eq ch "&#194;") "%C2")
((eq ch "&#195;") "%C3")
((eq ch "&#196;") "%C4")
((eq ch "&#197;") "%C5")
((eq ch "&#198;") "%C6")
((eq ch "&#199;") "%C7")
((eq ch "è") "%C8")
((eq ch "é") "%C9")
((eq ch "ê") "%CA")
((eq ch "&#203;") "%CB")
((eq ch "ì") "%CC")
((eq ch "í") "%CD")
((eq ch "&#206;") "%CE")
((eq ch "&#207;") "%CF")
((eq ch "D") "%D0")
((eq ch "&#209;") "%D1")
((eq ch "ò") "%D2")
((eq ch "ó") "%D3")
((eq ch "&#212;") "%D4")
((eq ch "&#213;") "%D5")
((eq ch "&#214;") "%D6")
((eq ch "×") "%D7")
((eq ch "&#216;") "%D8")
((eq ch "ù") "%D9")
((eq ch "ú") "%DA")
((eq ch "&#219;") "%DB")
((eq ch "ü") "%DC")
((eq ch "Y") "%DD")
((eq ch "T") "%DE")
((eq ch "&#223;") "%DF")
((eq ch "à") "%E0")
((eq ch "á") "%E1")
((eq ch "a") "%E2")
((eq ch "&#227;") "%E3")
((eq ch "&#228;") "%E4")
((eq ch "&#229;") "%E5")
((eq ch "&#230;") "%E6")
((eq ch "&#231;") "%E7")
((eq ch "è") "%E8")
((eq ch "é") "%E9")
((eq ch "ê") "%EA")
((eq ch "&#235;") "%EB")
((eq ch "ì") "%EC")
((eq ch "í") "%ED")
((eq ch "&#238;") "%EE")
((eq ch "&#239;") "%EF")
((eq ch "e") "%F0")
((eq ch "&#241;") "%F1")
((eq ch "ò") "%F2")
((eq ch "ó") "%F3")
((eq ch "&#244;") "%F4")
((eq ch "&#245;") "%F5")
((eq ch "&#246;") "%F6")
((eq ch "÷") "%F7")
((eq ch "&#248;") "%F8")
((eq ch "ù") "%F9")
((eq ch "ú") "%FA")
((eq ch "&#251;") "%FB")
((eq ch "ü") "%FC")
((eq ch "y") "%FD")
((eq ch "t") "%FE")
((eq ch "&#255;") "%FF")
(T ch)
(princ "\nType QRCODE")

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-11 15:40:12 | 显示全部楼层
重复的内容改成子函数,对我们而言,似乎只是写法上的不同,但程序处理实际上完全不一样。另外,不是必须的,不必都使用函数,如(cons 8 "0")应该直接写成'(8 . "0"),这其实是一样的道理,就是让程序少调用几遍函数。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-11 16:10:26 | 显示全部楼层


言之有理,还不如直接用ARX NET等,更快  发表于 2013-3-11 18:06

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-14 15:12:23 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-14 15:29:48 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 革天明 于 2013-3-14 15:33 编辑
ll_j 发表于 2013-3-11 15:40
不懂二维码,也就不太想研究程序,粗看一下,生成solid的部分无疑是很费时的,对此有两点建议,一是把生成s ...

(defun YTM-QRcode-str (str                ; string to encode
                    blockname                ; name of the block to create
                    / QR x y startx row)
     (setq strlst '("1111111011101101001111111"
  (if (eq (substr (nth 0 strlst) 1 6) "111111") ;response OK
      (setq QR strlst
            y  0
      ;;create Qrcode block
      (entmake (list '(0 . "BLOCK")
                     (cons 2 blockname)
                     '(8 . "0")
                     '(70 . 0)
                     '(10 0.0 0.0 0.0)
      (foreach row QR
        (setq x 0)
        (while (< x (strlen row))
            ((eq (substr row (1+ x) 1) "1")
             ;;memorize start of filled zone
             (if (not startx)
               (setq startx x)
             (if (not (eq (substr row (+ x 2) 1) "1"))
                 ;;draw filled zone
                 (entmake (list        (cons 0 "SOLID")
                                (cons 8 "0")
                                (cons 10 (list startx y))
                                (cons 11 (list (1+ x) y))
                                (cons 12 (list startx (1- y)))
                                (cons 13 (list (1+ x) (1- y)))
                                (cons 62 0)
                 (setq startx nil)
          (setq x (1+ x))
        (setq y (1- y))
      ;;end of block
      (setq bl_a (entmake '((0 . "ENDBLK"))))

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-14 18:00:20 | 显示全部楼层
xiaxiang 发表于 2013-3-11 16:10
老外的程序是使用php脚本实现核心功能的,除非你能用别的语言重写这部分代码以供lisp调用并得到返回值。。。 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-15 15:30:04 | 显示全部楼层
  1. (defun DBarCode (p0 str / p00 ll aa tx i s1)
  2.   (setq p00 p0
  3.         ll  0
  4.   )
  5.   (defun aaa (ll p0)
  6.     (if        (> ll 0)
  7.       (xyp-LwPlWide (list p0 (polar p0 0 ll)) nil 1)
  8.     )
  9.   )
  10.   (foreach aa (xyp-Get-Str2Lstspr str "-")
  11.     (setq i 0)
  12.     (while (/= (setq tx (substr aa (setq i (1+ i)) 1)) "")
  13.       (cond ((= tx "1") (setq ll (1+ ll)))
  14.             ((= tx "0")
  15.              (setq s1 (aaa ll p0)
  16.                    p0 (polar p0 0 (1+ ll))
  17.                    ll 0
  18.              )
  19.             )
  20.       )
  21.     )
  22.     (setq s1  (aaa ll p0)
  23.           p00 (polar p00 (* pi -0.5) 1)
  24.           p0  p00
  25.           ll  0
  26.     )
  27.   )
  28. )

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-16 19:52:14 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-17 08:41:55 | 显示全部楼层
xyp1964 发表于 2013-3-15 15:30


使用道具 举报

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