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楼主: topirol


发表于 2003-12-10 11:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-10 11:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-12-10 14:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
ssArray  返回包含于选择集中每一项目的变体数组  
 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-10 15:11:00 | 显示全部楼层

  1. '方法1
  2. Sub getdrawingbox1() '通过制作图块再求图块的boundingbox
  3. Dim bk As AcadBlock
  4. Dim bror As AcadBlockReference
  5. Dim ss As AcadSelectionSet
  6. Dim po(0 To 2) As Double
  7. On Error Resume Next

  8. po(0) = 0
  9. po(1) = 0
  10. po(2) = 0

  11. Dim boxp(0 To 1) As Variant
  12. Set bk = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Add(po, "tempb")

  13. Set ss = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets("ssss")
  14. If Err Then
  15. Err.Clear

  16. Set ss = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("ssss")

  17. End If

  18. ss.Select acSelectionSetAll

  19. ThisDrawing.CopyObjects ssArray(ss), bk
  20. Set bror = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(po, "tempb", 1, 1, 1, 0)

  21. bror.GetBoundingBox boxp(0), boxp(1)
  22. Dim poly1 As AcadPolyline
  23. Dim pllist(0 To 11) As Double
  24. pllist(0) = boxp(0)(0)
  25. pllist(1) = boxp(0)(1)
  26. pllist(2) = 0
  27. pllist(3) = boxp(0)(0)
  28. pllist(4) = boxp(1)(1)
  29. pllist(5) = 0
  30. pllist(6) = boxp(1)(0)
  31. pllist(7) = boxp(1)(1)
  32. pllist(8) = 0
  33. pllist(9) = boxp(1)(0)
  34. pllist(10) = boxp(0)(1)
  35. pllist(11) = 0
  36. ss.Clear
  37. bror.Delete
  38. bk.Delete
  39. Set poly1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPolyline(pllist)
  40. poly1.Closed = True
  41. poly1.Color = 1

  42. End Sub

  43. Function ssArray(ss As AcadSelectionSet)

  44.     Dim retVal() As AcadEntity, i As Long
  46.     ReDim retVal(0 To ss.Count - 1)
  48.     For i = 0 To ss.Count - 1
  49.         Set retVal(i) = ss.Item(i)
  50.     Next
  52.     ssArray = retVal

  53. End Function

  54. '******************************方法2
  55. Sub getdrawingbox2() '通过各个实体的boundingbox求出

  56. Dim acaddoc As AcadDocument
  57. Set acaddoc = ThisDrawing
  58. Dim ss As AcadSelectionSet
  59. On Error Resume Next

  60. Set ss = acaddoc.SelectionSets("ssss")
  61. If Err Then
  62. Err.Clear
  63. Set ss = acaddoc.SelectionSets.Add("ssss")
  64. End If

  65. ss.Clear

  66. ss.Select acSelectionSetAll

  67. Dim poinsss As Variant
  68. boxp = ssExtents(ss)

  69. Dim poly1 As AcadPolyline
  70. Dim pllist(0 To 11) As Double
  71. pllist(0) = boxp(0)(0)
  72. pllist(1) = boxp(0)(1)
  73. pllist(2) = 0
  74. pllist(3) = boxp(0)(0)
  75. pllist(4) = boxp(1)(1)
  76. pllist(5) = 0
  77. pllist(6) = boxp(1)(0)
  78. pllist(7) = boxp(1)(1)
  79. pllist(8) = 0
  80. pllist(9) = boxp(1)(0)
  81. pllist(10) = boxp(0)(1)
  82. pllist(11) = 0
  83. ss.Clear
  84. bror.Delete
  85. bk.Delete
  86. Set poly1 = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPolyline(pllist)
  87. poly1.Closed = True
  88. poly1.Color = 1
  89. ss.Clear
  90. ss.Delete
  91. End Sub

  92. Public Function ssExtents(ss As AcadSelectionSet) As Variant

  93.     Dim points(), c As Long

  94.     Dim min, max, util As AcadUtility
  96.     Set util = ThisDrawing.Utility
  98.     c = 0
  100.     For i = 0 To ss.Count - 1
  102.         ss.Item(i).GetBoundingBox min, max
  103.         min = util.TranslateCoordinates(min, acWorld, acUCS, False)
  104.         max = util.TranslateCoordinates(max, acWorld, acUCS, False)
  105.         ReDim Preserve points(0 To c + 1)
  106.         points(c) = min: points(c + 1) = max
  107.         c = c + 2
  109.     Next
  111.     ssExtents = Extents(points)

  112. End Function

  113. Public Function Extents(points)

  114.     Dim min, max
  115.     Dim i As Long, j As Long, pt, retVal(0 To 1)
  117.     min = points(LBound(points))
  118.     max = points(LBound(points))
  120.     For i = LBound(points) To UBound(points)
  121.         pt = points(i)
  122.         For j = LBound(pt) To UBound(pt)
  123.             If pt(j) < min(j) Then min(j) = pt(j)
  124.             If pt(j) > max(j) Then max(j) = pt(j)
  125.         Next
  126.     Next
  128.     retVal(0) = min: retVal(1) = max
  129.     Extents = retVal

  130. End Function

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