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楼主: xiaokk


发表于 2005-2-20 10:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
xiaokk发表于2005-2-19 19:41:00楼主能不能具体点 这.ArrowHead1Type=acArrowOblique '细斜杠.ArrowHead2Type=acArrowArchTick '粗斜杠小数点\".\"前的内容是什么? 谢谢
这个可以看一下AutoCAD VBA的帮助,先把ArrowHead1Type粘贴到代码窗口里面,然后帮光标挪到ArrowHead1Type前面,按“F1”。 帮助里面对于各种对象、方法、属性等等其实都有介绍,一般还有例子可以看,对写程序是很有帮助的,ArrowHead1Type的例子就是: Sub Example_ArrowHead1Type()
' This example creates a Dim3PointAngular object in model space
' and then alters the visible appearance (shape) of its arrow heads
' using the ArrowHead1Type and ArrowHead2Type properties

Dim DimPointAngularObj As AcadDim3PointAngular
Dim AngleVertex(0 To 2) As Double
Dim FirstPoint(0 To 2) As Double, SecondPoint(0 To 2) As Double
Dim TextPoint(0 To 2) As Double

' Define the new Dim3PointAngular object
AngleVertex(0) = 0: AngleVertex(1) = 0: AngleVertex(2) = 0
FirstPoint(0) = 2: FirstPoint(1) = 2: FirstPoint(2) = 0
SecondPoint(0) = 1: SecondPoint(1) = 4: SecondPoint(2) = 0
TextPoint(0) = 6: TextPoint(1) = 6: TextPoint(2) = 0

' Create the new Dim3PointAngular object in model space
Set DimPointAngularObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddDim3PointAngular(AngleVertex, FirstPoint, SecondPoint, TextPoint)

' Read and display current arrow head type
MsgBox "The arrow head type for the first arrow of this object is: " & DimPointAngularObj.Arrowhead1Type & vbCrLf & _
"The arrow head type for the second arrow of this object is: " & DimPointAngularObj.Arrowhead2Type

' Alter the arrow head type property for both arrows of this object
DimPointAngularObj.Arrowhead1Type = acArrowBoxBlank
DimPointAngularObj.Arrowhead2Type = acArrowBoxBlank
ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports

' Read and display current arrow head type
MsgBox "The arrow head type for the first arrow of this object is now set to: " & DimPointAngularObj.Arrowhead1Type & vbCrLf & _
"The arrow head type for the second arrow of this object is now set to: " & DimPointAngularObj.Arrowhead2Type
End Sub
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