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- 2010-6-16
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发表于 2011-5-17 21:16:19
Private Sub BatchPlot(strReferenceName As String)
Dim pointRest As ADODB.Recordset
Dim ptMin As Variant, ptMax As Variant
Dim ent As AcadEntity
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, n As Integer
Dim min As Variant, max As Variant, util As AcadUtility
Dim points() As Variant
Dim PtMax_UCS(1) As Double, PtMin_UCS(1) As Double
Dim PaperWidth As Double, PaperHeight As Double
Dim wd As Double, gd As Double
Dim dxs As Integer, r As Integer
Dim SSet As AcadSelectionSet
' On Error Resume Next
If lstPlotFiles.ListCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "请先向列表框中添加文件!", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
' 对第i个图形的每一个打印区域进行打印
For i = 0 To lstPlotFiles.ListCount - 1
n = 1
If Len(Dir(lstPlotFiles.List(i))) = 0 Then
MsgBox "文件" & lstPlotFiles.List(i) & "不存在!"
End If
Call OpenFile(lstPlotFiles.List(i))
Set objDoc = ThisDrawing.Application.ActiveDocument
' 确保当前布局是模型空间
Set objLayout = objDoc.Layouts.Item("Model")
Set objPlot = objDoc.Plot
' 设置打印选项
Call SetPlotConfiguration
' 将打印设置应用到当前图形
objLayout.CopyFrom objPlotConfiguration
' objDoc.Regen acAllViewports
' 确保AutoCAD在前台进行打印,这样后一次打印会在前一次打印完成之后才开始,避免出现错误
objDoc.SetVariable "BACKGROUNDPLOT", 0
Call SelectBy(strReferenceName, SSet)
dxs = SSet.count - 1
ReDim points(dxs, 3) '定义2维数组
Set util = ThisDrawing.Utility
For r = 0 To dxs
SSet.Item(r).GetBoundingBox min, max
ptMin = util.TranslateCoordinates(min, acWorld, acDisplayDCS, False)
ptMax = util.TranslateCoordinates(max, acWorld, acDisplayDCS, False)
points(r, 0) = ptMin(0): points(r, 1) = ptMin(1): 'points(r, 2) = ptMin(2)
points(r, 2) = ptMax(0): points(r, 3) = ptMax(1): 'points(r, 5) = ptMax(2)
' 删除选择集
' 获取排序过的图块坐标点数据集
Set pointRest = objpoint(points())
objPlotConfiguration.GetPaperSize PaperWidth, PaperHeight
For j = 0 To dxs
Erase PtMin_UCS ' '清除二维点坐标数组
Erase PtMax_UCS
PtMin_UCS(0) = pointRest.Fields(0): PtMin_UCS(1) = pointRest.Fields(1)
PtMax_UCS(0) = pointRest.Fields(2): PtMax_UCS(1) = pointRest.Fields(3)
' 设置打印窗口(为显示坐标DCS)
objLayout.SetWindowToPlot PtMin_UCS, PtMax_UCS
wd = PtMax_UCS(0) - PtMin_UCS(0)
gd = PtMax_UCS(1) - PtMin_UCS(1)
' Debug.Print PtMax_UCS(0)
' Debug.Print PtMax_UCS(1)
' Debug.Print PtMin_UCS(0)
' Debug.Print PtMin_UCS(1)
' 设置图纸打印方向
If PaperWidth < PaperHeight And wd < gd Then '图纸宽<高
ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.Layout.PlotRotation = ac0degrees
ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.Layout.PlotRotation = ac90degrees
End If
ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.Layout.GetWindowToPlot PtMin_UCS, PtMax_UCS
ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.Layout.PlotType = acWindow
' 打印当前的区域
If chkPlotToFile.Value Then
objPlot.PlotToFile cboPlotPath.Text & objDoc.Name & "-" & n & ".dwf"
n = n + 1
objPlot.PlotToDevice objLayout.ConfigName
End If
Next j
' 恢复系统变量的值
objDoc.SetVariable "BACKGROUNDPLOT", 2
If ThisDrawing.Application.Documents.count > 1 Then
objDoc.Close False
End If
Next i
Set pointRest = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function objpoint(points As Variant) As ADODB.Recordset
Dim mArray As Variant
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
RstFiledsName = Array("ptMin0", "ptMin1", "ptMax0", "ptMax1")
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
With rst
.Fields.Append RstFiledsName(0), adDouble ', 20, adFldIsNullable
.Fields.Append RstFiledsName(1), adDouble
.Fields.Append RstFiledsName(2), adDouble
.Fields.Append RstFiledsName(3), adDouble ', , adFldMayBeNull
' .Fields.Append RstFiledsName(4), adDouble ', , adFldMayBeNull
' .Fields.Append RstFiledsName(5), adDouble ', , adFldMayBeNull
End With
With rst
For jj = 0 To UBound(points)
.Fields(0) = points(jj, 0)
.Fields(1) = points(jj, 1)
.Fields(2) = points(jj, 2)
.Fields(3) = points(jj, 3)
' .Fields(4) = points(jj, 4)
' .Fields(5) = points(jj, 5)
Next jj
' For ii = 0 To .RecordCount - 1
' Debug.Print .Fields(0), .Fields(1), .Fields(2)
' .MoveNext
' Next ii
End With
' 设置图纸打印顺序
If frmBatchPlot.optSortZ.Value Then
rst.Sort = ("ptMin1 desc ,ptMin0 asc")
rst.Sort = ("ptMin0 Asc,ptMin1 desc ")
End If
' 若选择倒序
If frmBatchPlot.chkSort.Value Then
If frmBatchPlot.optSortZ.Value Then '左右,上下
rst.Sort = ("ptMin1 asc ,ptMin0 desc")
rst.Sort = ("ptMin0 desc,ptMin1 asc ") '上下,左右
End If
End If
Set objpoint = rst
Set rst = Nothing
End Function
If Chk_fw = True Then
SSet.SelectOnScreen fType, fData '建立选择集并从屏幕选取
SSet.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , fType, fData
End If