这个问题困扰我很长时间了,刚刚在autodesk官方网站才看到的这种解决办法,供有同类问题的网友参考。以下为原文: Error 1406 during Inventor® installation Published date: 2006-10-25 ID: TS1056239 Applies to: Autodesk Inventor® 11 Autodesk Inventor® 10 Issue When you tried to install an Inventor® product, you received the following error message: Error 1406. Could not write value to key \Software\Classes\CLSID\{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000}\Programmable. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. Solution This error occurs if you have Macromedia Flash  layer 8a installed on your system. This version of Flash  layer is newer than the version that is installed with Inventor®. Before you install Inventor, you should check to see which version of Flash  layer is installed on your computer. If you have version 8a installed, you should uninstall it before you install Inventor. Because Flash  layer 8 is installed during the Inventor installation, you will have a working version. Future Flash  layer upgrades should not affect your Inventor environment. To correct this issue 1.Cancel the installation of Inventor. 2.Close all of the Internet browser windows you have open. 3.On the Start menu (Windows), click Run. 4.In the Run dialog box, enter C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\UninstFl.exe to clean all Flash 8a registries. Note: Make sure to enter the entire path. 5.On the Start menu (Windows), click Settings > Control  anel. 6.In Control  anel, double-click Add or Remove  rograms. 7.In the Add or Remove  rograms dialog box, select Macromedia Flash  layer 8. Click Remove. Note: Although Flash  layer is listed, this is really version 8a. 8.Retry Inventor installation. If you are still not able to install Inventor successfully, please contact  roduct Support for further assistance. ---------------------------------------------------------- 大意是说: 在安装过程中出现了如下问题: Error 1406. Could not write value to key \Software\Classes\CLSID\{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000}\Programmable. 这类问题是由于安装了Flash  layer 8a 而导致的。解决的办法为: .停止安装AIP; .关闭浏览器; .运命命令:C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\UninstFl.exe ,清除8a的注册; .在添加删除程序中删除Macromedia Flash  layer 8
这个问题困扰我很长时间了,刚刚在autodesk官方网站才看到的这种解决办法,供有同类问题的网友参考。以下为原文: Error 1406 during Inventor® installation Published date: 2006-10-25 ID: TS1056239 Applies to: Autodesk Inventor® 11 Autodesk Inventor® 10 Issue When you tried to install an Inventor® product, you received the following error message: Error 1406. Could not write value to key \Software\Classes\CLSID\{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000}\Programmable. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. Solution This error occurs if you have Macromedia Flash  layer 8a installed on your system. This version of Flash  layer is newer than the version that is installed with Inventor®. Before you install Inventor, you should check to see which version of Flash  layer is installed on your computer. If you have version 8a installed, you should uninstall it before you install Inventor. Because Flash  layer 8 is installed during the Inventor installation, you will have a working version. Future Flash  layer upgrades should not affect your Inventor environment. To correct this issue 1.Cancel the installation of Inventor. 2.Close all of the Internet browser windows you have open. 3.On the Start menu (Windows), click Run. 4.In the Run dialog box, enter C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\UninstFl.exe to clean all Flash 8a registries. Note: Make sure to enter the entire path. 5.On the Start menu (Windows), click Settings > Control  anel. 6.In Control  anel, double-click Add or Remove  rograms. 7.In the Add or Remove  rograms dialog box, select Macromedia Flash  layer 8. Click Remove. Note: Although Flash  layer is listed, this is really version 8a. 8.Retry Inventor installation. If you are still not able to install Inventor successfully, please contact  roduct Support for further assistance. ---------------------------------------------------------- 大意是说: 在安装过程中出现了如下问题: Error 1406. Could not write value to key \Software\Classes\CLSID\{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000}\Programmable. 这类问题是由于安装了Flash  layer 8a 而导致的。解决的办法为: .停止安装AIP; .关闭浏览器; .运命命令:C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\UninstFl.exe ,清除8a的注册; .在添加删除程序中删除Macromedia Flash  layer 8 .再重新安装inventor ------------------------------------------------------------------ 各位如遇到此类问题不妨一试。 |
jackie.lee | 2007-03-21 19:02 | 这样方法太繁琐,不如直接将regedit打开,在CLSID中修改权限,增加现用户名称,并将权限设为完全控制,然后将当前设置应用到下面所有的子项。这种方法,我已经使用了2回了,每次都成功。这种方法实际上是按图索骥的方法。 |
momo193 | 2007-03-21 23:36 | 謝喇~解決我問題~樓主謝謝 |
qwmwmb | 2007-03-22 09:03 | 2楼的能否解释的具体点,我已被此问题困扰多日,始终没有进展,现在弄得安装程序也不启动了,程序运行到“请等待,现在需要花几分钟时间”的位置,就停滞不前了。 |
liugeng116 | 2007-03-22 09:07 | 使用REGEDIT命令打开注册表-第3项-Software-Classes 右键单击此项选择权限---高级--最后一项 用在此显示的可以应用到子对象的项目替代所有子对象的权限项目(P) 在此项前面打上对号--应用,然后在安装界面上点击重试即可。 |
尚刚 | 2007-03-22 19:45 | 忽略就可以了 重复忽略5,6次 |
jackie.lee | 2007-03-22 21:02 | Quote: 引用第3楼qwmwmb于2007-03-22 09:03发表的: 2楼的能否解释的具体点,我已被此问题困扰多日,始终没有进展,现在弄得安装程序也不启动了,程序运行到“请等待,现在需要花几分钟时间”的位置,就停滞不前了。 做个教程! [attachment=424672] [attachment=424673] [attachment=424674] [attachment=424675] [attachment=424676] [attachment=424677] [attachment=424678] [attachment=424679] [attachment=424680] [attachment=424681] |
jackie.lee | 2007-03-22 21:04 | 继续: [attachment=424685] [attachment=424686] 接着继续查看这一项的父项,如果在权限用户中没有你登陆时的用户名,就用上面介绍的方法同样设置! [attachment=424687] [attachment=424688] 其中,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE这一项的权限用户中已经有了Everyone用户,就不需要再设置了。 [attachment=424697] |
woolf24 | 2007-03-22 23:35 | 忽略就可以了 重复忽略5,6次 ============== 出现此类错误采用“忽略”的方式虽然可以完成安装,但是可能有些插件不能正确运行。我试过,至少“应力分析”,"三维布管”,“三维布线”等插件不能正确运行。 |
graph | 2007-04-22 18:04 | 将Macromedia Flash  layer 8 删掉就可以了! |
fujin51 | 2007-07-11 10:37 | 以前我是忽略了的. 下次按这个方法试一下. |
joewalker | 2007-07-19 15:23 | 忽略了能正常使用吗 |
nobel2005 | 2007-07-19 17:16 | 我也是忽略安装的,好像用起来也没什么问题,可能是还没有到该出问题的功能。我装的可是正版 |
syjianxiping | 2007-07-22 19:23 | 总是安装不上! |
苇鱼儿 | 2007-07-25 17:24 | 一直都被这个问题困扰着,总是用忽略处理,现在可以学着用另一种方法解决了.谢谢各位! [s:15] |
autodesk | 2007-07-25 22:12 | 试一试新的方法 |
cihill | 2008-03-17 15:39 | 我用忽略的方法安装了,但是在工程图里面的文字就没办法显示,不知道怎么办才好. [s:14] |
cihill | 2008-03-17 17:59 | 没办法了,标注的文字都显示不出来,我按你们的方法都试过了,文本都没办法用.请教! |
yegang_402 | 2008-03-25 09:14 | 4楼—liugeng116老兄......的方法很好,我装上了.谢谢!!!! |
delaz | 2008-03-25 12:25 | 先删除FLASH,再安装AIP,再重新安装FLASH---------------------这是最正确的方法 |
chiii | 2008-04-04 15:12 | 我用注册机注册好了,但是在工程图上的文字标注没有用,文档和引出标注都不显示文字.请教各位大侠. |
jackie.lee | 2007-03-21 19:02 | 这样方法太繁琐,不如直接将regedit打开,在CLSID中修改权限,增加现用户名称,并将权限设为完全控制,然后将当前设置应用到下面所有的子项。这种方法,我已经使用了2回了,每次都成功。这种方法实际上是按图索骥的方法。 |
momo193 | 2007-03-21 23:36 | 謝喇~解決我問題~樓主謝謝 |
qwmwmb | 2007-03-22 09:03 | 2楼的能否解释的具体点,我已被此问题困扰多日,始终没有进展,现在弄得安装程序也不启动了,程序运行到“请等待,现在需要花几分钟时间”的位置,就停滞不前了。 |
liugeng116 | 2007-03-22 09:07 | 使用REGEDIT命令打开注册表-第3项-Software-Classes 右键单击此项选择权限---高级--最后一项 用在此显示的可以应用到子对象的项目替代所有子对象的权限项目(P) 在此项前面打上对号--应用,然后在安装界面上点击重试即可。 |
尚刚 | 2007-03-22 19:45 | 忽略就可以了 重复忽略5,6次 |
jackie.lee | 2007-03-22 21:02 | Quote: 引用第3楼qwmwmb于2007-03-22 09:03发表的: 2楼的能否解释的具体点,我已被此问题困扰多日,始终没有进展,现在弄得安装程序也不启动了,程序运行到“请等待,现在需要花几分钟时间”的位置,就停滞不前了。 做个教程! [attachment=424672] [attachment=424673] [attachment=424674] [attachment=424675] [attachment=424676] [attachment=424677] [attachment=424678] [attachment=424679] [attachment=424680] [attachment=424681] |
jackie.lee | 2007-03-22 21:04 | 继续: [attachment=424685] [attachment=424686] 接着继续查看这一项的父项,如果在权限用户中没有你登陆时的用户名,就用上面介绍的方法同样设置! [attachment=424687] [attachment=424688] 其中,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE这一项的权限用户中已经有了Everyone用户,就不需要再设置了。 [attachment=424697] |
woolf24 | 2007-03-22 23:35 | 忽略就可以了 重复忽略5,6次 ============== 出现此类错误采用“忽略”的方式虽然可以完成安装,但是可能有些插件不能正确运行。我试过,至少“应力分析”,"三维布管”,“三维布线”等插件不能正确运行。 |
graph | 2007-04-22 18:04 | 将Macromedia Flash  layer 8 删掉就可以了! |
fujin51 | 2007-07-11 10:37 | 以前我是忽略了的. 下次按这个方法试一下. |
joewalker | 2007-07-19 15:23 | 忽略了能正常使用吗 |
nobel2005 | 2007-07-19 17:16 | 我也是忽略安装的,好像用起来也没什么问题,可能是还没有到该出问题的功能。我装的可是正版 |
syjianxiping | 2007-07-22 19:23 | 总是安装不上! |
苇鱼儿 | 2007-07-25 17:24 | 一直都被这个问题困扰着,总是用忽略处理,现在可以学着用另一种方法解决了.谢谢各位! [s:15] |
autodesk | 2007-07-25 22:12 | 试一试新的方法 |
cihill | 2008-03-17 15:39 | 我用忽略的方法安装了,但是在工程图里面的文字就没办法显示,不知道怎么办才好. [s:14] |
cihill | 2008-03-17 17:59 | 没办法了,标注的文字都显示不出来,我按你们的方法都试过了,文本都没办法用.请教! |
yegang_402 | 2008-03-25 09:14 | 4楼—liugeng116老兄......的方法很好,我装上了.谢谢!!!! |
delaz | 2008-03-25 12:25 | 先删除FLASH,再安装AIP,再重新安装FLASH---------------------这是最正确的方法 |
chiii | 2008-04-04 15:12 | 我用注册机注册好了,但是在工程图上的文字标注没有用,文档和引出标注都不显示文字.请教各位大侠. |
.再重新安装inventor ------------------------------------------------------------------ 各位如遇到此类问题不妨一试。 |