![](source/plugin/imc_colorcode/images/loading.gif) - ;; http://www.mjtd.com/BBS/dispbbs.asp?boardID=3&ID=25094&page=1
- ;; FREEWARE Program - you are free to make copies of this and supply it
- ;; to others as is. Author and company make no
- ;; warrenty on the fitness of this program for anything
- ;; other than using as an example when learning
- ;; AutoLISP.
- ;;
- ;; Adapted from the CADENCE January 1999 article by Bill Kramer
- ;;
- ;; Detail enlargement macro set.
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- ;; The Main Program
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- (defun C:DETAIL ( / P1 EN EL PTS SS1)
- (cond
- ;;Set up AutoCAD system variables
- ((DETAIL_0)
- (prompt "\nError in DETAIL_0"))
- ;;
- ;;Operator input of detail center
- ;;and radius.
- ((DETAIL_1) ;;set up EL, P1, RD
- (prompt "\nError in DETAIL_1"))
- ;;
- ;;Operator input of detail graphic location
- ;;and scale for detail display.
- ;;Copy detail area, remove non-detail objects
- ;;like dimensions and text, and scale as
- ;;input by the operator.
- ((DETAIL_2) ;;set up P2, SS1, EN, ENT, SCL
- (prompt "\nError in DETAIL_2"))
- ;;
- ;;Do the trimming of the detail display.
- ((DETAIL_3)
- (prompt "\nError in DETAIL_3"))
- ;;
- ;;Create the text tag and draw connecting
- ;;line between original area and detail
- ;;area.
- ((DETAIL_4) ;;Output text tag
- (prompt "\nError in DETAIL_4"))
- ('T (prompt "\nDetail finished okay."))
- )
- ;;
- ;;Reset system variables
- (mapcar '(lambda (X)
- (setvar (car X) (cadr X))) SYSVAR_LIST)
- (prompt "\nUse TRIM to complete if needed.")
- (princ)
- )
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- ;; Listing 2: Set up system variables
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- (defun DETAIL_0 ()
- (setq SYSVAR_LIST (mapcar '(lambda (X)
- (list X (getvar X)))
- )))
- (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
- (setvar "OSMODE" 0)
- (setvar "ORTHOMODE" 0)
- (setvar "HIGHLIGHT" 0)
- (if (zerop (getvar "TILEMODE")) ;;make sure we are mspace
- (if (= (getvar "CVPORT") 1) (progn ;;we are in paper space!
- (alert "You must be in Model Space for this routine to function!")
- (exit) ;;hard abort!
- ))
- )
- (if (zerop (getvar "WORLDUCS"))
- (command "_UCS" "_W"))
- nil
- )
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- ;; Listing 3: Establish area to detail
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- (defun DETAIL_1 ()
- (setq P1 (getpoint "\n指定中心: "))
- (if P1 (progn
- (prompt "\n指定范围: ")
- (command "_CIRCLE" P1 pause)
- (setq EN (entlast)
- EL (entget EN)
- RD (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 EL)) "CIRCLE")
- (cdr (assoc 40 (entget EN)))
- nil)
- )
- (if RD (progn
- (entdel EN)
- (command "_POLYGON" 15 P1 "I" RD)
- (setq EN (entlast)
- EL (entget EN)
- )
- nil ;return nil
- )
- 1 ;return error level 1.
- ) ;;level 1 is RD not set
- )
- 2 ;;return error level 2.
- ) ;level 2 is P1 not set
- )
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- ;; Listing 4: Copy objects to new location
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- (defun DETAIL_2 ()
- (while (setq TMP (assoc 10 EL))
- (setq EL (cdr (member TMP EL))
- PTS (cons (cdr TMP) PTS)
- )
- )
- (entdel EN)
- (setq SS1 (ssget "CP" PTS)
- P2 (getpoint P1 "\n 选择局部图插入点: ")
- CNT (if SS1 (sslength SS1) 0)
- )
- (if P2 (progn
- (repeat CNT
- (if (member
- (cdr (assoc 0
- (entget
- (ssname
- SS1
- (setq CNT (1- CNT))))))
- )
- )
- (ssdel (ssname SS1 CNT) SS1)
- )
- )
- (command "_CIRCLE" P1 RD
- "_CIRCLE" P2 RD)
- (setq EN (entlast)
- (command "_COPY" SS1 "" P1 P2)
- (setq SS1 (ssadd EN))
- (while (setq ENT (entnext ENT))
- (ssadd ENT SS1)
- )
- (setq SCL (getreal "\n请输入放大倍数 (2): "))
- (if (null SCL) (setq SCL 2.0))
- (if (/= SCL 1.0)
- (command "_SCALE" SS1 "" P2 SCL)
- )
- nil ;;return nil result, all okay.
- )
- 1 ;;return error code 1
- ) ;;error code, P2 not input.
- )
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- ;; Listing 5: Trim the objects copied
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- (defun DETAIL_3 ()
- (setq TTT 0) ;;change counter
- (while (setq ENT (ssname SS1 0))
- (ssdel ENT SS1)
- (if (not (equal ENT EN)) (progn
- (setq EL (entget ENT)
- )
- (if (and PT
- (> (distance P2 PT)
- (+ 0.2 (* RD SCL))))
- (progn
- (setq TTT (1+ TTT))
- (command "_TRIM" EN ""
- (list ENT PT) "")
- ))
- ))
- (DETAIL_3B) ;;loop again check
- )
- nil
- )
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- ;; Listing 6: Find point on object for trim
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- (defun DETAIL_3A (EL / TY)
- (setq TY (cdr (assoc 0 EL)))
- (cond
- ((= TY "LINE")
- (if (> (distance (cdr (assoc 10 EL)) P2)
- (distance (cdr (assoc 11 EL)) P2))
- (cdr (assoc 10 EL))
- (cdr (assoc 11 EL))
- )
- )
- ((= TY "ARC")
- (setq PC (cdr (assoc 10 EL))
- PR (cdr (assoc 40 EL))
- PA (cdr (assoc 50 EL))
- PB (cdr (assoc 51 EL))
- )
- (if (> (distance (polar PC PA PR) P2)
- (distance (polar PC PB PR) P2))
- (polar PC PA PR)
- (polar PC PB PR)
- )
- )
- ((= TY "CIRCLE")
- (setq PC (cdr (assoc 10 EL))
- PR (cdr (assoc 40 EL))
- )
- (cond
- ((> (distance P2
- (polar PC 0.0 PR))
- (* RD SCL))
- (polar PC 0.0 PR))
- ((> (distance P2
- (polar PC PI PR))
- (* RD SCL))
- (polar PC PI PR))
- ((> (distance P2
- (polar PC (* 0.5 PI) PR))
- (* RD SCL))
- (polar PC (* 0.5 PI) PR))
- (t (polar PC (* 1.5 PI) PR))
- )
- )
- (setq PR nil)
- (while (and (null PR)
- (setq PA (assoc 10 EL)))
- (setq EL (cdr (member PA EL))
- PA (cdr PA)
- )
- (if (> (distance P2 PA) (* RD SCL))
- (setq PR PA)))
- )
- ((= TY "SPLINE")
- (setq PR nil)
- (while (and (null PR)
- (setq PA (assoc 11 EL))
- EL (cdr (member PA EL))
- PA (cdr PA))
- (if (> (distance P2 PA) (* RD SCL))
- (setq PR PA)))
- )
- ((= TY "POLYLINE")
- (setq EL (entget
- (entnext
- (cdr (assoc -1 EL))))
- PR nil)
- (while (and (null PR)
- (= (cdr (assoc 0 EL))
- "VERTEX"))
- (setq PA (cdr (assoc 10 EL))
- EL (entget
- (entnext
- (cdr (assoc -1 EL))))
- )
- (if (> (distance P2 PA)
- (* RD SCL))
- (setq PR PA)
- )
- )
- )
- ;;add more objects here
- ) ;;end COND for PT assignment
- )
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- ;; Listing 7: Loop control options for user
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- (defun DETAIL_3B ()
- (if (= (sslength SS1) 0)
- (if (> TTT 0) (progn
- (initget 0 "Yes No")
- (setq TTT (getkword (strcat
- "\nChange"
- (itoa TTT)
- " 修剪范围外的对象吗? Yes/No<Yes>")))
- (if (or (null TTT) (= TTT "Yes"))
- (progn
- (setq SS1 (ssadd EN)
- (while (setq ENT (entnext ENT))
- (ssadd ENT SS1)
- )
- (setq TTT 0)
- ))
- ))
- )
- )
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- ;; Listing 8: Finishing touches
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- (defun DETAIL_4 ()
- (command "_TEXT"
- "_Justify" "_Center"
- (polar P2
- (* PI 1.5)
- (+ (* SCL RD)
- (* 2.5
- (getvar "TEXTSIZE"))))
- )
- (if (zerop (cdr (assoc 40
- (tblsearch
- (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")))))
- (command "") ;;text height output option
- )
- (command 0 ;;finish the TEXT command sequence.
- (strcat "Enlarged "
- (rtos SCL 2
- (Best_Prec SCL 0 4))
- "x")
- )
- ;;
- ;; Construct line between detail circles.
- ;;
- (command "_LINE" (polar P1 (angle P1 P2) RD)
- (polar P2 (angle P2 P1) (* RD SCL))
- "")
- nil
- )
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- ;; Listing 9: Utility Routine from toolbox
- ;;-----------------------------------------------
- ;; Best_Prec - Given a number (NUM) and the
- ;; minimum and maximum precision, this function
- ;; returns the precision in the range that will
- ;; best fit the number.
- ;;
- (defun Best_Prec (Num Mn Mx)
- (while (and (<= Mn Mx)
- (/= Num (atof (rtos Num 2 Mn))))
- (setq Mn (1+ Mn))
- )
- Mn
- )