;;; ;;; EXTRIM.LSP - Written by Randy Kintzley ;;; ;;; Copyright (C) 1997 by Autodesk, Inc. ;;; ;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software ;;; for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided ;;; that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and ;;; that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and ;;; restricted rights notice below appear in all supporting ;;; documentation. ;;; ;;; AUTODESK PROVIDES THIS PROGRAM "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. ;;; AUTODESK SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ;;; MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE. AUTODESK, INC. ;;; DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM WILL BE ;;; UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. ;;; ;;; Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to ;;; restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (Commercial Computer ;;; Software - Restricted Rights) and DFAR 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) ;;; (Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software), as applicable. ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;GLOBAL INFO.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;Functions created as result of loading file: extrim.lsp ; ANOTHER_OFFSET ; ETRIM ; GET_FENCE_POINTS ; INTERSECT_CHECK ; TRUNCATE_2_VIEW ; ;Variables created as result of loading file: extrim.lsp ; ;Functions created as a result of executing the commands in: extrim.lsp ; ;Variables created as a result of executing the commands in: extrim.lsp ; BONUS_ALIVE ; BONUS_OLD_ERROR ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;GLOBAL INFO.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;Extended-TRIM - cookie-cutter routine ; ;Select a polyline, line, circle or arc and a side to trim on ; (defun c:et ( / dxf na p1 redraw_it)
(if (and (not init_bonus_error) (equal -1 (load "ac_bonus.lsp" -1)) );and (progn (alert "Error:\n Cannot find AC_BONUS.LSP.")(exit)) );if (init_bonus_error (list (list "cmdecho" 0 "highlight" 0 "regenmode" 1 "osmode" 0 "ucsicon" 0 "offsetdist" 0 "attreq" 0 "plinewid" 0 "plinetype" 1 "gridmode" 0 "celtype" "CONTINUOUS" ) T ;flag. True means use undo for error clean up. '(if redraw_it (redraw na 4)) );list );init_bonus_error
;local function (defun dxf (a b / ) (cdr (assoc a b)));defun
(princ "\nPick a POLYLINE, LINE, CIRCLE, or ARC for cutting edge..") (setq na (single_select '((-4 . "<OR") (0 . "CIRCLE") (0 . "ARC") (0 . "LINE") (0 . "LWPOLYLINE") (-4 . "<AND") (0 . "POLYLINE") (-4 . "<NOT") (-4 . "&") (70 . 112) (-4 . "NOT>") (-4 . "AND>") (-4 . "OR>") ) T );single_select );setq (if na (progn ;(setq e1 (entget na));;setq (redraw na 3) (setq redraw_it T)
(setq p1 (getpoint "\nPick the side to trim on:"));setq (redraw na 4) (setq redraw_it nil)
(if p1 (etrim na p1));if );progn );if
(restore_old_error) (princ) );defun c:extrim
;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;Entity-TRIM function ;takes: na - entity name ; a - a point, the side to trim on ;NOTE: This function does not allow for the possible miss of ; non-continuous linetypes. ; (defun etrim ( na a / la dxf b d e1 lst lst2 n j k m ss na2 na3 na4 x y z flag flag2 flag3 )
;local function (defun dxf (a b / ) (cdr (assoc a b)));defun
(setq e1 (entget na));setq (if (or (setq flag (equal (dxf 0 e1) "POLYLINE")) (setq flag (equal (dxf 0 e1) "LWPOLYLINE")) (equal (dxf 0 e1) "LINE") (equal (dxf 0 e1) "CIRCLE") (equal (dxf 0 e1) "ARC") );or (progn (if (and flag (equal 8 (logand 8 (dxf 70 e1))) );and (setq flag nil) );if (setq a (trans a 1 0));setq (command "_.ucs" "_View") (setq lst (ep_list na nil) ;;;find extents of selected cutting edge object lst (maxminpnt lst) x (- (car (cadr lst)) (car (car lst))) y (- (cadr (cadr lst)) (cadr (car lst))) x (* 0.075 x) y (* 0.075 y) z (list x y) x (list (+ (car (cadr lst)) (car z)) (+ (cadr (cadr lst)) (cadr z)) );list y (list (- (car (car lst)) (car z)) (- (cadr (car lst)) (cadr z)) );list );setq (command "_.zoom" "_w" x y) (entupd na) ;;;update the ent. so it's curves display smoothly
(setq lst (ep_list na (/ (pixel_unit) 2.0) ) );setq (if (or (not flag) (not (p_isect lst nil)) );or (progn ;then the object is valid and not a self intersecting polyline. (if (and flag (equal (car lst) (last lst) 0.0001) );and (setq flag3 T);then the polyline could potentialy need a second offset );if (if (setq la (b_layer_locked (getvar "clayer"))) (command "_.layer" "_unl" (getvar "clayer") "") );if (command "_.pline") (setq b nil) (setq n 0);setq (repeat (length lst) (setq d (nth n lst)) (if (not (equal d b 0.0001)) (progn (command d) (setq lst2 (append lst2 (list d)));setq (setq b d);setq );progn );if (setq n (+ n 1)) );repeat (command "") (setq na2 (entlast) ss (ssadd) ss (ssadd na2 ss) lst nil );setq (ss_visible ss 1) (setq lst2 (get_fence_points na2 a lst2 flag3 flag));setq (if la (command "_.layer" "_lock" (getvar "clayer") "") );if (command "_.ucs" "_p") ;Move the ents to force a display update of the ents to avoid viewres problems. (setvar "highlight" 0) (if (setq ss (ssget "f" (last lst2))) (command "_.move" ss "" "0,0,0" "0,0,0") );if (if flag (progn (if (setq la (b_layer_locked (dxf 8 e1))) (command "_.layer" "_unl" (dxf 8 e1) "") );if (ucs_2_ent (dxf 210 e1)) (command "_.copy" na "" "0,0,0" "0,0,0") (entdel na) (setq na3 na na (entlast) );setq (command "_.pedit" na "_w" "0.0" "_x") (command "_.ucs" "_p") (if la (command "_.layer" "_lock" (dxf 8 e1) ""));if );progn );if (command "_.trim" na "") (setq m (- (length lst2) 1));setq (setq k 0) ;@rk (repeat (length lst2) (setq lst (nth k lst2)) (setq a (trans (car lst) 0 1)) (setq n 1) (repeat (- (length lst) 1) ;repeat each fence list (setq b (trans (nth n lst) 0 1)) (if (equal a b 0.0001) (setq flag2 T) (setq flag2 nil) );if (setq na4 nil);setq (setq j 0);setq (while (not flag2) ;repeat each segment of the fence until no new ents are created. (setq na4 (entlast));setq (command "_F" a b "") (if (and (equal na4 (entlast)) (or (not (equal k m)) (> j 0) );or );and (setq flag2 T) );if (setq j (+ j 1));setq );while (setq a b);setq (setq n (+ n 1));setq );repeat (setq k (+ k 1)) );repeat (command "") (if flag (progn (if (setq la (b_layer_locked (dxf 8 e1))) (command "_.layer" "_unl" (dxf 8 e1) "") );if (entdel na) ;get rid of the copy (entdel na3);bring back the original (if la (command "_.layer" "_lock" (dxf 8 e1) ""));if );progn );if );progn (progn (command "_.ucs" "_p") (princ "\nSelf intersecting edges are not acceptable.") );progn else invalid self intersecting polyline );if (command "_.zoom" "_p") );progn then it's a most likely a valid entity. );if );defun etrim
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun another_offset ( pl1 pl2 a1 a2 b na2 lst2 a lst3 lst4 / na ss lst da1 da2)
(setq da1 (abs (- a2 a1)));setq (setq da2 (- (* b (max pl2 pl1)) (/ (* b (abs (- pl2 pl1))) 2.0 ) ) );setq (if (> (abs (- da2 da1)) (* 0.01 (max a1 a2)) ) (progn
(pline (list lst2)) (setq na (entlast) na2 (entlast) ss (ssadd) ss (ssadd na ss) );setq (ss_visible ss 1) (command "_.offset" b na2 a "") (if (and (not (equal na (entlast))) (setq lst3 (vtlist (entlast))) (setq lst3 (intersect_check lst2 lst3 lst4)) );and (progn (ss_visible (ssadd (entlast) (ssadd)) 1) (command "_.area" "_ob" (entlast)) (setq pl2 (getvar "perimeter") a2 (getvar "area") );setq (setq lst (list (vtlist (list (entlast) 0))));setq (entdel (entlast));then offset was a success so delete the ent after getting it's info );progn then (if (not (equal na (entlast))) (entdel (entlast)));if else );if (entdel na2) );progn then let's do that second offset );if
lst );defun another_offset
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun get_fence_points ( na2 a lst2 flag plflag / a1 a2 pl1 pl2 b c d n lst lst2 lst3 lst4 na )
(if flag (progn (setq lst2 (cdr lst2));setq (repeat (fix (/ (length lst2) 2)) (setq lst2 (append (cdr lst2) (list (car lst2)));append );setq );repeat (setq lst2 (append lst2 (list (car lst2))));setq (command "_.area" "_ob" na2) (setq pl1 (getvar "perimeter") a1 (getvar "area") );setq );progn );if
(setq a (trans a 0 1) b (* (getvar "viewsize") 0.05);initial offset distance n 3.0 ;number of offsets d (/ b (- n 1)) ;delta offset c (pixel_unit) lst4 (viewpnts) );setq
(while (> b c) (setq na (entlast)) (command "_.offset" b na2 a "") (if (and (not (equal na (entlast))) (setq lst3 (vtlist (entlast))) (or (not plflag) (setq lst3 (intersect_check lst2 lst3 lst4)) );or );and (progn (setq lst3 (lsttrans lst3 1 0)) (ss_visible (ssadd (entlast) (ssadd)) 1) (if flag (progn (command "_.area" "_ob" (entlast)) (setq pl2 (getvar "perimeter") a2 (getvar "area") );setq );progn );if (setq lst (append lst (list lst3)));setq (entdel (entlast)) ;delete the ent after getting it's vertex info (if flag (setq lst (append lst (another_offset pl1 pl2 a1 a2 b na2 lst2 a lst3 lst4) );append );setq );if );progn then offset was a success (if (not (equal na (entlast))) (entdel (entlast)));if else );if (setq b (- b d));setq );while (setq na (entlast)) (command "_.offset" c na2 a "") (if (and (not (equal na (entlast))) (setq lst3 (vtlist (entlast))) (or (not plflag) (setq lst3 (intersect_check lst2 lst3 lst4)) );or );and (progn (setq lst3 (lsttrans lst3 1 0)) (ss_visible (ssadd (entlast) (ssadd)) 1) (if flag (progn (command "_.area" "_ob" (entlast)) (setq pl2 (getvar "perimeter") a2 (getvar "area") );setq );progn );if (setq lst (append lst (list lst3)));setq (entdel (entlast));then offset was a success so delete the ent after getting it's info (if flag (setq lst (append lst (another_offset pl1 pl2 a1 a2 c na2 lst2 a lst3 lst4) );append );setq );if );progn then (if (not (equal na (entlast))) (entdel (entlast)));if else );if (entdel na2)
lst );defun get_fence_points
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;returns a list of points on screen if the first two lists do not ;contain segments that intersect each other. ; (defun intersect_check ( lst lst2 lst3 / x x2 y y2 lst4 flag len len2 a aa b bb c d n j)
(setq len (length lst) len2 (length lst2) x (car (car lst3)) x2 (car (cadr lst3)) y (cadr (car lst3)) y2 (cadr (cadr lst3)) );setq
(setq n 0);setq (while (and (not flag) (< (+ n 1) len2) );and (setq aa (nth n lst2) bb (nth (+ n 1) lst2) a (truncate_2_view aa bb x y x2 y2) b (truncate_2_view bb aa x y x2 y2) lst4 (append lst4 (list a)) );setq (if (or (not (equal a aa)) (not (equal b bb)) );or (setq lst4 (append lst4 (list b))) );if (setq j 0);setq (while (and (not flag) (< (+ j 1) len) );and (setq c (nth j lst) d (nth (+ j 1) lst) flag (inters a b c d) );setq
(setq j (+ j 1));setq );while
(setq n (+ n 1));setq );while (if (not (equal b (last lst4))) (setq lst4 (append lst4 (list b)));setq );if (if (not flag) (setq flag lst4) (setq flag nil) );if flag );defun intersect_check
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun truncate_2_view ( a b x y x2 y2 / int) (if (and (< (car a) x) (setq int (inters a b (list x y 0.0) (list x y2 0.0))) );and (setq a int) (if (and (> (car a) x2) (setq int (inters a b (list x2 y 0.0) (list x2 y2 0.0))) );and (setq a int) );if else );if (if (and (< (cadr a) y) (setq int (inters a b (list x y 0.0) (list x2 y 0.0))) );and (setq a int) (if (and (> (cadr a) y2) (setq int (inters a b (list x y2 0.0) (list x2 y2 0.0))) );and (setq a int) );if else );if
a );defun truncate_2_view
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (princ "\n \"EXTRIM\" loaded.") (princ)