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楼主: z-gia


发表于 2005-12-28 10:57:00 | 显示全部楼层

Build frames of stock materials

Frames are typically constructed of stock members such as steel or aluminum. You can design and model:

  • Internal frames such as those on which machines are built.

  • External frames such as platforms, access ways, and stairwells.

  • Modular frames using extruded structural members, standard fasteners and engineered corners. Their uses include modular workstations, machinery guards, and acoustic baffles.

Frame features

Frame Generator:

  • Uses the active style material and color scheme.

  • Creates parametric parts using pre-defined cross-sections of standard structural shapes and a skeleton part model.

  • Places a structural member into an assembly using two selected endpoints or edges from the skeletal model.

  • Positions the profile according to your selections. You can mirror the profile or offset vertically or horizontally.

  • Adjusts frame components by trimming profiles, making mitre cuts, cutting a profile with a face, notching, lengthening, or rebuilding profiles, and shows profile properties.

  • Includes a variety of end treatments for joining members together.

  • Includes lengths and consolidated counts of individual structural frame components in bills of materials, parts lists, balloons, and cut list roll-up.

发表于 2005-12-28 10:58:00 | 显示全部楼层

New UI of generators and calculators

Generators and calculators interface has been brought to Inventor-look-like design to unify the integration of former MechSoft technology. Also, many new improvements to work easier with generators and calcultors were made:

  • Resizable dialogs.

  • Options from Guide window were incorporated into main window.

  • Immediate availability of the Placement selection list.

  • An aligned selection set of arrows and prompts which match appropriately with the placement method chosen.

  • Ability to disable Calculator solving.

  • Ability to change the name of the sub-assembly.

  • Editable units in edit fields.

  • Expansion bar at the bottom of tabs to present reports about calculations.

  • Expansion bar on the side of tabs to present calculation results.

New workflows of generators and calculators

Functional Design Generators automate the whole workflow and require just few mouse clicks.

Insert Linked Object function was replaced by much faster workflow - users can select type of inserted components, they can insert various features at one time.

Integration with Content Centre

All Functional Design tools of Inventor will now share the same repository of Standard Components ? Content Center. When working with generators using Standard parts, parts are automatically offered from Content Center Library.

Author and Publish for generators

Users are now able to calculate and generate not only components delivered with Autodesk Inventor but also their own company standard parts.

Design Accelerator offers new Component Authoring dialog where you define iMates and Part parameters. All inserted values are transferred to the Content Center Publish tool so user can fluently author and publish user components.

Assistant Doctor

When an error occurs during modelling a new dialog called Assistant Doctor is displayed. There can be an error in model, constraint, calculation.

The Assistant Doctor dialog box enables to accept or reject the error.

Adjusting result of Generators

Generators and calculators are based on standard formula and factors. However there are use cases when users want to modify results of it. Users now can edit units in the Results area of generators and calculators.

Enhancements of Generators

Bolted Connection Generator:

  • Bolted Connection Generator now enables to insert unlimited number of holes/parts.

Key Generator:

  • Selection of more standards.

  • Support of three types of groove.

  • Ability to generate the key connection at one time.

Spur Gear Generator:

  • New ANSI tolerances.

  • Ability to change helix angle and direction during edit.

Bevel Gear Generator:

  • New ANSI tolerances.

Bearing Generator:

  • Ability to work with Category, not only with Family.

  • Two types of selection when calculating the Bearing Life.

  • Ability to choose values for Reguired Life from a table.

V-Belts Generator:

  • Enhanced belt placement.

  • Ability to insert unlimited number of pulleys.

Synchronous Belts Generator:

  • Ability to insert unlimited number of pulleys.

  • Completes the belt transmition including belt and pulleys.

Involute Spline Generator, Parallel Spline Generator:

  • Selection of more standards.

  • Ability to generate grooves with a hub.

Cam Generator:

  • Ability to design linear cams.

  • Ability to select Swinging Arm as a Follower type.

  • Ability to insert user functions (according to user formula).

New calculators

Some of the existing calculators (Weld Calculator, Clamping Joint Calculator or Solder Joint Calculator for example) were split to separate commands to allow user to calculate the desired type of component. There is a list of new calculators:

  • Butt Weld Calculator

  • Filled Weld (Connection Plane Load) Calculator

  • Fillet Weld (Spatial Load) Calculator

  • Plug and Groove Weld Calculator

  • Spot Weld Calculator

  • Butt Solder Calculator

  • Bevel Solder Calculator

  • Lap Solder Calculator

  • Step Tube Solder Calculator

  • Step Solder Calculator

  • Separated Hub Joint Calculator

  • Slotted Hub Joint Calculator

  • Cone Joint Calculator

  • Disc Brake Calculator

  • Shoe Brake Calculator

  • Band Brake Calculator

发表于 2005-12-28 10:58:00 | 显示全部楼层

Move dimensions

You can move a dimension from one drawing view to another drawing view, as long as attachment points are available in the target view. Any dimension created with the General Dimension tool or recovered from a model can be moved.

You can move dimensions between views of the same model on one sheet:

  • Linear dimensions (aligned, vertical, and horizontal)

  • Diameter dimensions (both linear and those with leaders)

  • Radius dimensions

  • Angle dimensions

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Drawing/HTML/ann_dims_move_how.htm');">For More Information

Inspection dimensions

Inspection dimensions are accentuated dimensions that define a part and indicate that it is to be checked during quality control before the part is accepted. You can edit a dimension and set it as an inspection dimension, including the shape attributes, label text, and inspection rate.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Drawing/HTML/ann_dim_inspection_how.htm');">For More Information

Dimensions can be retained if they become invalid

Annotations may become invalid if the component they are attached to is deleted, promoted, demoted, or replaced. Settings on the Document Settings dialog box, Drawing tab, let you specify your preferences for handling invalid annotations. You can highlight the feature-based annotations in a special color and preserve orphaned annotations.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Common/HTML/doc_setdrawing_ref.htm');">For More Information

Flip dimension arrowhead direction

On drawing views, you can change the direction of one or both arrow heads to inside or outside the extension line.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Drawing/HTML/ann_dim_arrowflip_how.htm');">For More Information

Dimension to midpoint and intersection

On drawing views, you can select midpoints of geometry or intersections of overlapping model edges when creating or reattaching dimensions. A midpoint is indicated by a green dot and an intersection is indicated by a gray dot.

A midpoint is shown for non-closed geometry but an intersection is shown only for model edges on different objects.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Drawing/HTML/ann_dim_between_how.htm');">For More Information

Combine dimension text edit and tolerance dialog boxes

Use the Edit Dimension dialog box to edit dimension text, precision and tolerances, and inspection dimension format.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Drawing/html/ann_editDims_ref.htm');">For More Information

Copy dimension properties

You can copy one or more properties from the selected dimension to a target dimension. You can copy properties for these dimensions:

  • Linear dimensions (placed and recovered from model)

  • Angular dimensions (placed and recovered from model)

  • Radial and Diameter dimensions (placed and recovered from model)

  • Ordinate dimensions

  • Ordinate and baseline dimension sets

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Drawing/HTML/ann_dims_propPainter_ref.htm');">For More Information

Hole note in side views

In side views, you can select linear edges to position a hole or thread note.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Drawing/HTML/ann_holenotes_how.htm');">For More Information

Chamfer note

Use the Chamfer Note button on the Drawing Annotation panel bar to add a chamfer note to a drawing view. Chamfer notes may be attached to view and sketch chamfers. A chamfer edge and reference edge can be from different bodies, models, or sketches, but must be part of the same view.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Drawing/HTML/ann_chamfernote_how.htm');">For More Information

Ordinate dimensions can be selected by a window

Ordinate dimensions attachment points can be selected by window or individual points.

发表于 2005-12-28 10:59:00 | 显示全部楼层

View Trails in cut views

When creating section views of presentations with trails, the trail will be visible in the drawing view. If desired, right-click a view or a single trail and select Show Trails to turn trails on or off.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Drawing/HTML/drw_sectionview_CP.htm');">For More Information

Custom symbols

Sketched symbols can now have leaders, rotation angle, scale, and clipping preferences. A Sketched Symbols folder is available in the Drawing Resources in the browser.

If desired, you can set a Static option to retain legacy symbol behavior. Scale and rotation grip points are displayed when the static option is turned off.

A new Leader Visible check box specifies if model properties are available. If the leader is deleted, model properties are no longer available; if turned off, model properties are still associated with the symbol.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Drawing/HTML/UDS_symbol_ref.htm');">For More Information

View enhancements

Drawing views have been enhanced. You can:

  • Create a rectangular fence for a detail view.

  • Specify a scale when creating a drawing view.

  • Select an iAssembly member to include in a view.

  • Move dimensions from one view to another view.

  • Add or edit a chamfer note in a drawing view

  • Add thread or hole notes to a drawing view, including a hole note in a side view.

  • Express Scale in fractions.

  • Switch to a different representation or iPart or iAssembly member for a view.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Drawing/HTML/drw_view_component_ref.htm');">For More Information

Hole notes and chamfer notes

  • You can add a chamfer note to a drawing view by selecting a linear model edge or sketch line.

  • In side views, you can select linear edges to position a hole or thread note.

  • If a view update removes a circular edge that the note is attached to, it will reattach to the outermost circular edge of the hole feature. In a side view, the note reattaches to the nearest edge to the original attachment point.

  • The dimension style sets precision and tolerance attributes for hole and chamfer notes, as well as the default format. Options are specific for the note type.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Drawing/HTML/ann_chamfernote_how.htm');">For More Information

New column types for hole tables

Sixteen new column types may be specified in the Hole Table style. You can select the new column types by activating the Column Chooser when editing a hole table.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Drawing/HTML/ann_holetable_edit_ref.htm');">For More Information

Parts list style

You can specify individual text styles for Title, Column Header and Data in parts lists.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/styles/HTML/styles_editor_partsList_ref.htm');">For More Information

2D and 3D sketches in drawing views

  • You can include consumed and unconsumed 2D and 3D sketches in drawing views, even if there is no solid body in the part file.

  • In drawing views of parts that contain both solid bodies and sketches, the sketches are not visible by default. If the part file has no solid bodies, sketches are automatically visible in drawing views.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Drawing/HTML/draw_3Dsketch_how.htm');">For More Information

Overlay enhancements

A positional representation can be used in multiple overlays. In the assembly file, create as many positional representations as are needed to show different positions.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Drawing/HTML/drwView_overlay_cp.htm');">For More Information

Text enhancements

The Format Text dialog box for drawing sketch text has new capabilities.

  • You can rotate text any angle.

  • On the symbols list, you can use the Character Map to select characters not available on the standard keyboard.

  • On the symbols list, the top row has the most commonly used symbols (degrees, plus/minus, and diameter).

  • You can include text properties in any drawing sketch text (sheet, view and draft view sketches), not just in reusable sketches (border, title block and user-defined symbol). You can also include text properties in the view label.

  • Properties from the source model are available. The last-known values for model-based properties are preserved when the document is deferred or the source model is unresolved.

  • External properties can be included in any text that supports text properties (sketch text and view label and general notes and leader text).

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Drawing/HTML/ann_textbox_ref.htm');">For More Information

Plot multiple drawing sheets

You can use the Multi-sheet Plot wizard to plot multiple drawing sheets that include drawings of various sizes. You can select both IDW and 2D DWF files.

  • You can specify the project that contains the drawings to plot and select source files.

  • Change sheet size if necessary.

  • View the composite and page through multiple pages.

  • Schedule the plot job with Task Scheduler, if desired.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','plot_multi_sheet_how');">For More Information

Templates now preserve sheet contents

You can create a template from a drawing, preserving annotations on drawing sheets, such as custom symbols, notes, and revision tables. In addition, your borders, title blocks and view definitions can be retained in the template. View annotations and general notes are not saved in a template.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Drawing/HTML/ttem_drawtemps_how.htm');">For More Information

Hidden line control improves performance

You can control hidden line visibility for components after drawing view has been created using the new Hidden Lines command accessed from the context menu. The property suppresses hidden line display of the specified component and also suppresses the hidden lines of components that overlap in assemblies. Click the Hidden Lines context menu option to toggle between views.

发表于 2005-12-28 11:00:00 | 显示全部楼层

Plot Multi-Sheet

You can schedule a task to perform a batch plot of multiple drawing sheets.

For more details about multi-sheet plot, see javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMInvTools_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/InvTools/HTML/plot_multi_sheet_ref.htm');">Multi-sheet plot in the Inventor Help. Files of type .xml are saved out of Multi-Sheet Plot only.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMSched_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Studio/HTML/task_print_ref.htm');">For More Information


You can create or edit a migration task that includes one or more files, all files of a specified type in a folder, or a project either in or outside the Vault. When you choose vaulted files for a migration task, the files are automatically checked out, migrated, and checked back in.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMSched_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Studio/HTML/task_migrate_ref.htm');">For More Information

Check into and out from Vault

You can schedule an upload of local files to the Vault when a vault project is active, and when you have the Vault mapping set up for the project root and any libraries.

You can schedule a download of files from the Vault for edit when you are an authorized user of the Vault.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMSched_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Studio/HTML/task_vault_in_out_ref.htm');">For More Information

Export files

The file type JTWrite is added to the output file types IGES, STEP, and DWG you can specify when you export files.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMSched_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Studio/HTML/task_export_ref.htm');">For More Information

Task progress reporting

A Progress bar that shows the percentage completed is displayed whenever a task is running . If preprocessing is required, the Progress bar reports on the preprocessing. When the actual task begins, the Progress bar reports on the progress of the task. You can close the Progress bar while a task is running.

You can:

  • Close the Progress bar while a task is running.

  • Pause a task. The status reads Paused.

  • Stop a task. The status reads Stopped.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMSched_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Studio/HTML/task_progress_ref.htm');">For More Information

Task status

When a task is completed, the progress reports either a successful completion, or one with errors. The total number of errors is reported. A Red Cross indicates a warning and denotes a situation that needs to be corrected. A green light icon indicates positive results.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMSched_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Studio/HTML/task_progress_ref.htm');">For More Information

Column configuration

You can reorganize the columns that appear in the main Task Scheduler dialog box using two different methods:

  • Drag and drop. Drag columns to new positions.

  • Column Chooser dialog box. On the main menu in Task Scheduler, click Settings > Column Chooser.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMSched_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Studio/HTML/task_sched_cp.htm');">For More Information

Task Scheduler icon in system tray

If you open Task Scheduler and then minimize it on your screen, a Task Scheduler icon is placed in the system tray for easy access.

发表于 2005-12-28 11:00:00 | 显示全部楼层

Enhanced 3D sketch tools

Use enhanced 3D sketch tools to define and control 3D splines.

  • Import points from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet into a 2D sketch, 3D sketch, or drawing sketch to represent items such as inspection points, locations for spot welds, and points on a spline.

  • Project 3D curves to a face along a vector or wrapped around a cylindrical face.

  • Create work axes using work points and reference edges.

  • Create work axes normal to any face.

  • Add work points to any loop center.

Enhanced surfacing tools

Use the comprehensive shape modeling tools for precise control of curvature.

  • Loft includes enhanced preview and centerline loft, loft to a point, G2 continuity control.

    javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Parts/HTML/loft_cp.htm');">For More Information
  • Sweep includes enhanced preview and two rail sweep with XY scaling, sweep normal to surface, sweep normal and parallel to profile.

    javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Parts/HTML/sweep_cp.htm');">For More Information
  • Boundary Patch now works in 3D and enables you to set varying boundary conditions including Tangent (G1) and Contact (G0).

    javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Parts/HTML/feat_boundarypatch_cp.htm');">For More Information
  • Pattern operations can now use surface features such as sweep or stitch surface. For both rectangular and circular patterns, you can also choose Midplane to model the feature in a centered location, and then create a pattern where the occurrences are distributed on both sides of the original.

    javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Parts/HTML/feat_pattern_cp.htm');">For More Information
  • Mirror operations can now use surface features such as sweep or stitch surface.

    javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Parts/HTML/feat_mirror_cp.htm');">For More Information
  • Use the new Trim Surface tool to trim surfaces with sketch geometry or other surfaces.

    javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Parts/HTML/surf_trim_how.htm');">For More Information
  • Use the new Extend Surface tool to extend one or more edges of a surface by a specified distance or to a termination face.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Parts/HTML/surf_extend_how.htm');">For More Information

New Sculpt tool

Use Sculpt to quickly define competitive product shapes by easily and reliably combining surfaces.

  • Create 3D solids from untrimmed surfaces, trimmed surfaces, model faces, and work planes.

  • Remove material using untrimmed surfaces, trimmed surfaces, model faces, and work planes.

  • Incorporate imported surface data from industrial designers.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Parts/HTML/surf_sculpt_how.htm');">For More Information

Advanced fillet control

Use new fillet types and enhancements to add fillets and blends to models with complex face and edge conditions.

  • New Face to Face fillet with small feature consumption, non-adjacent faces.

  • New Full Round fillet.

  • Improved performance and reliability.

  • New Smooth (G2) Edge fillet.

  • Enhanced preview.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Parts/HTML/feat_fillet_cp.htm');">For More Information

New and improved analysis tools

Use new and improved analysis tools to validate geometric quality before release to manufacturing.

  • Enhanced zebra analysis now provides better display and controls over spacing and density.

  • New Gaussian curvature analysis uses a color gradiant to represent the Gaussian curvature of a surface and provides control over display quality.

  • Curvature comb analysis now works on faces, surfaces, and edges and provides control for surface density, comb density, and comb scale.

  • New cross section analysis evaluates one or more 'slices' of a solid and provides a graphic display and detailed information on areas that fall inside or outside of the minimum and maximum thickness.

  • Enhanced draft angle analysis now applies to surfaces and uses a color gradient display to show the draft angle of surfaces.

  • Easily create new analyses and manage saved analyses from the browser or standard toolbar.

  • All analysis tools, with the exception of cross section analysis, have also been extended to the Construction environment.

javascript :CallHelpTopic('ADMMain_11_0.chm','HelpSystem/Parts/HTML/analyze_cp.htm');">For More Information

Enhanced work features

Set up points and axes to define locations of tools and fixtures. Enhancements include:

  • Work point from center of analytic and non-analytic loops.

  • Work point from torus at center point.

  • Work plane from torus, sliced through the body from a selected surface.

  • Work planes show a normal direction. The non-normal side of the work plane is darker than normal.

  • Drag a work axis or work plane to resize it.

  • A work axis through surface normal.

  • Auto-resize prevents resizing of work features, but you can turn it off on the context menu, and then drag to resize work axes and workplanes, including origin axes and planes.

Enhanced part modeling

General enhancements to the part modeling features include:

  • Ability to assign surface color properties

  • Simplified browser including dual consumption of sketches and additional nesting

  • New Rib and Web taper

  • Approximate Shell, Thicken, Offset

  • Enhanced Pattern and Mirror

  • New selection options for Replace Face

See the Part Modeling What's New topic for more details on these items.

发表于 2005-12-28 13:33:00 | 显示全部楼层
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