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Minesweeper in AutoCAD using .NET

发表于 2011-7-7 17:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




Today’s post contains some fun code contributed by Stephen Preston which re-creates  the Minesweeper video game inside AutoCAD. Stephen tells me it needs a bit of polishing, but the game is certainly playable. I’ve reformatted some of Stephen’s code to fit this blog.

The implementation comprises two main files, which you can name as you wish. I’ve used the VS 2010 convention for line-breaks (which means you don’t need an underscore). If you’re using older versions of Visual Sudio or Visual Basic Express you may need to concatenate lines or insert underscores at the end of them.

Here’s the main VB.NET file implementation the commands:

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput

Imports System


' This line is not mandatory, but improves loading performance


<Assembly: CommandClass(GetType(Minesweeper.MyCommands))>


Namespace Minesweeper


  Public Class MyCommands


    'This is the main Minesweeper command.

    'It createas a new document, and invokes the worker

    'command(RUNMINESWEEPER) in the new document.



      "SGP_Minesweeper", "MINESWEEPER", "MINESWEEPER",



    Public Shared Sub Minesweeper()

      Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.Add("")

      Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument = doc

      doc.SendStringToExecute("RUNMINESWEEPER ", True, False, False)

    End Sub


    'This is the worker command invoked usign SendStringToExecute

    'It starts the game running in the new doc created by the

    ' MINESWEEPER command.


      "SGP_Minesweeper", "RUNMINESWEEPER", CommandFlags.Modal


    Public Shared Sub RunMinesweeper()


        'Make sure new document has the text style we need


        'Instantiate the game controller class and set game running

        Dim cls As New AcadMinesweeper


      Catch ex As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception


          WriteMessage(vbCrLf &

            "Sorry - An error occurred. Game aborted." & vbCrLf)

      End Try

    End Sub



    'Adds a new text style to the drawing (if not already there)


    Private Shared Sub DefineTextStyle()

      Dim db As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase

      Dim tm As Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.TransactionManager

      tm = db.TransactionManager

      Dim myT As Transaction = tm.StartTransaction()


        Dim st As TextStyleTable =



              db.TextStyleTableId, OpenMode.ForWrite, False),


        If Not st.Has("MinesweeperStyle") Then

          Dim str As TextStyleTableRecord =

            New TextStyleTableRecord()

          str.Name = "MinesweeperStyle"


          str.FileName = "txt.shx"

          str.TextSize = 1.0

          str.IsShapeFile = True

          tm.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(str, True)

        End If




      End Try

    End Sub

  End Class



  'This class governs our logic in AutoCAD.

  'It uses the MinesweeperMgr class to hold/query/edit the game data.

  '(Really needs a little more work to push more of the game logic

  'to Minesweeper Mgr).


  Public Class AcadMinesweeper


    'Links ObjectId of MText representing a mine cell to the row and

    ' column of the mine cell it represents


    Private Structure MineElement

      Public Id As ObjectId

      Public Row As Integer

      Public Col As Integer

    End Structure


    Private mMineMgr As New MinesweeperMgr 'Our manager class

    Private mMinefield() As MineElement ' Array of ObjectIds relating

                                        ' MText to their row and col


    'Main game controller function


    Public Sub DoIt()

      Dim ed As Editor =



      'Prompt user for values to setup minefield


      If Not PromptSetup() Then


          vbCrLf & "You cancelled setup - aborting command" & vbCrLf)

        Exit Sub

      End If


      'Tell manager class to setup its grid

      'I'm use this MinesweeperMgr class to keep the game data

      '(in MinesweeperMgr) separated from the UI logic

      '(in AcadMinesweeper), so I can re-use it in other apps




      'Transfer calculated grid from the manager to the current



      If Not SetupGrid() Then


          vbCrLf & "There was a problem setting up the minefield" &

          " - aborting command" & vbCrLf)

        Exit Sub

      End If


      Dim startTime As DateTime = DateTime.Now


      ' The game loop

      While PromptMineAction()

      End While


      ' Game over - tell user how long the game lasted.


      Dim timeInterval As TimeSpan = DateTime.Now - startTime


        vbCrLf & "Time taken = " & timeInterval.TotalSeconds &

        " seconds" & vbCrLf)

    End Sub



    ' Prompt user to perform an action - clear/mark/unmark a cell

    ' in the minefield


    Private Function PromptMineAction() As Boolean


      'bMarking governs behavior depending on whether we're

      'clearing mines or marking them


      Static bMarking As Integer

      Dim strMsg As String = ""

      Dim strKeyword As String = ""


      'Setup prompts and keywords according to bMarking


      Select Case bMarking

        Case False

          strMsg = "Select a cell to uncover:"

          strKeyword = "Mark"

        Case True

          strMsg = "Select a cell to mark/unmark:"

          strKeyword = "Uncover"

      End Select


      'Prompt user to perform action


      Dim ed As Editor =


      Dim opts As New PromptEntityOptions(vbCrLf & strMsg)


      opts.AppendKeywordsToMessage = True

      opts.AllowNone = True

      Dim res As PromptEntityResult = ed.GetEntity(opts)


      'If user cancelled the command prompt then we end the game

      '(returning false ends the game loop).


      If res.Status = PromptStatus.Cancel Then


          vbCrLf & "You cancelled the game. Byeee!" & vbCrLf)

        Return False

      End If


      ' Don't let user escape command by pressing enter -

      ' just loop around again


      If res.Status = PromptStatus.None Then

        Return True

      End If


      'If user entered keyword, then we're toggling between

      ' mine clearing and mine marking


      If res.Status = PromptStatus.Keyword Then

        Select Case res.StringResult

          Case "Mark"

            bMarking = True

          Case Else

            bMarking = False

        End Select

        Return True


        'If user selected an entity (which must be MText

        ' because this is a new document, and that's all

        ' we added to it), then we use the ObjectId to

        ' retrieve its row and column in the grid.


      ElseIf res.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then

        Dim elem As MineElement = FindInMinefield(res.ObjectId)

        'This next if statement should never be used.

        If elem.Id = ObjectId.Null Then


            vbCrLf & "You didn't select a cell in the minefield." &


          Return True

        End If


        'Check they didn't pick on a cell they already uncovered.


        If mMineMgr.CellIsUnCovered(elem.Row, elem.Col) Then


            vbCrLf & "This cell is already uncovered. " &

            "Pick another." & vbCrLf)

          Return True

        End If


        'If we got to here, then MText was picked, it is in the

        'grid, and it isn't uncovered yet.


        'If we're marking cells ...


        If bMarking Then


          'MarkCell toggles mark status


          Dim oldCellVal As MineCell =

            mMineMgr.MarkCell(elem.Row, elem.Col)

          If oldCellVal.Status = CellStatus.Covered Then


            'If cell was marked then we unmark it


            If oldCellVal.Status = CellStatus.Marked Then

              SetText(elem.Id, "X")

            Else 'If cell wasn't marked, we mark it.

              SetText(elem.Id, "M")

            End If


            'Go to next loop iteration


            Return True

          End If

        Else 'If we're clearing cells

          Dim oldCellVal As MineCell =

            mMineMgr.UncoverCell(elem.Row, elem.Col)

          If oldCellVal.isBomb Then


            'We hit a bomb -  game over


            SetText(elem.Id, "*")


              vbCrLf & "You hit a mine. Game Over!." & vbCrLf)

            Return False



            ' It wasn't a bomb


            SetText(elem.Id, oldCellVal.Value.ToString)


            ' If we've cleared all cells except the bombs,

            ' then we won - game over.


            If mMineMgr.AllEmptyCellsUncovered Then


                vbCrLf & "Congratulations. " &

                "You cleared all the mines." & vbCrLf)

              Return False

            Else 'Carry on game

              Return True

            End If

          End If

        End If

      End If

    End Function


    'Set the text for an MText entity with the provided ObjectId

    Private Sub SetText(

      ByVal objId As ObjectId, ByVal strText As String)


      Dim db As Database =


      Using tr As Transaction =



        Dim txt As MText = tr.GetObject(objId, OpenMode.ForWrite)

        txt.Contents = strText


      End Using

    End Sub


    'Retrieve text from the MText entity with the provided ObjectId

    Private Function GetText(ByVal objId As ObjectId)

      Dim strText As String

      Dim db As Database =


      Using tr As Transaction =



        Dim txt As MText = tr.GetObject(objId, OpenMode.ForRead)

        strText = txt.Contents


      End Using

      Return strText

    End Function


    ' Find MineElement with provided ObjectId in our array of all

    ' mine cells. This is how we asociate row and column value

    ' with an MText entity


    Private Function FindInMinefield(

      ByVal objId As ObjectId) As MineElement


      For Each elem As MineElement In mMinefield

        If elem.Id = objId Then

          Return elem

        End If


      'If we didn't find it, we return a blank - calling function

      'should query for null ObjectId

      Return New MineElement

    End Function


    'Create all the MText entities in our grid and zoom to fill



    Private Function SetupGrid() As Boolean

      Dim bFlag As Boolean = False

      Dim db As Database =



        Using tr As Transaction =



          Dim tst As TextStyleTable =

            tr.GetObject(db.TextStyleTableId, OpenMode.ForRead)

          Dim textStyleId As ObjectId = tst.Item("MinesweeperStyle")

          Dim btr As BlockTableRecord =






          Dim rows As Integer = mMineMgr.MinefieldRows

          Dim cols As Integer = mMineMgr.MinefieldColumns

          ReDim mMinefield(rows * cols - 1)

          For i As Integer = 0 To rows - 1

            For j = 0 To cols - 1

              Using txt As MText = New MText


                txt.TextStyleId = textStyleId

                txt.Location = New Point3d(i, j, 0)

                txt.Width = 1.0

                txt.Height = 1.0

                txt.TextHeight = 0.8

                txt.Attachment = AttachmentPoint.MiddleCenter

                mMinefield(i * rows + j).Id = btr.AppendEntity(txt)

                mMinefield(i * rows + j).Row = i

                mMinefield(i * rows + j).Col = j

                txt.Contents = "X"

                tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(txt, True)

              End Using





        End Using

        bFlag = True

      Catch ex As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception

        bFlag = False

      End Try


      ' If bFlag is true, then all mtexts were added to

      'DB without problem


      Return bFlag

    End Function


    'Prompt user for grid size and number of mines, and pass those

    'to the MinesweeperMgr to initialize itself


    Private Function PromptSetup() As Boolean

      Dim ed As Editor =


      Dim opts1 As New PromptIntegerOptions(

        "Enter Minefield width:")

      opts1.LowerLimit = 1

      opts1.UpperLimit = 100

      opts1.DefaultValue = 10

      Dim res1 As PromptIntegerResult = ed.GetInteger(opts1)

      If res1.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then

        Return False

      End If

      mMineMgr.MinefieldRows = res1.Value


      opts1.Message = "Enter minefield height:"

      res1 = ed.GetInteger(opts1)

      If res1.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then

        Return False

      End If

      mMineMgr.MinefieldColumns = res1.Value


      opts1.Message = "Enter number of mines:"

      opts1.UpperLimit =

        mMineMgr.MinefieldRows * mMineMgr.MinefieldColumns

      opts1.DefaultValue =

        mMineMgr.MinefieldRows * mMineMgr.MinefieldColumns / 6

      res1 = ed.GetInteger(opts1)

      If res1.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then

        Return False

      End If

      mMineMgr.NumMines = res1.Value

      Return True

    End Function


    'The next two functions are helper functions to zoom to the grid.

    'Code copied from ADN DevNote

    Public Sub SetViewportToExtents(

      ByVal db As Database, ByVal vtr As ViewportTableRecord)


      'Let's update the database extents first

      'True gives the best fit but will take time




      'Get the screen aspect ratio to calculate the height and width


      Dim scrRatio As Double = (vtr.Width / vtr.Height)


      'Prepare Matrix for DCS to WCS transformation


      Dim matWCS2DCS As Matrix3d =



      'For DCS target point is the origin


      matWCS2DCS =

        Matrix3d.Displacement(vtr.Target - Point3d.Origin) *



      'WCS Xaxis is twisted by twist angle


      matWCS2DCS =


          -vtr.ViewTwist, vtr.ViewDirection, vtr.Target) *


      matWCS2DCS = matWCS2DCS.Inverse()


      'Tranform the extents to the DCS defined by the viewdir


      Dim extents As New Extents3d(db.Extmin, db.Extmax)



      'Width of the extents in current view


      Dim width As Double =

        (extents.MaxPoint.X - extents.MinPoint.X)


      'Height of the extents in current view


      Dim height As Double =

        (extents.MaxPoint.Y - extents.MinPoint.Y)


      'Get the view center point


      Dim center As New Point2d(

        (extents.MaxPoint.X + extents.MinPoint.X) * 0.5,

        (extents.MaxPoint.Y + extents.MinPoint.Y) * 0.5)


      'Check if the width 'fits' in current window

      'If not then get the new height as per the viewport's



      If width > (height * scrRatio) Then

        height = width / scrRatio

      End If

      vtr.Height = height

      vtr.Width = height * scrRatio

      vtr.CenterPoint = center

      vtr.IconEnabled = False

    End Sub


    Public Sub ModelZoomExtents()

      Dim doc As Document =


      Dim db As Database = doc.Database

      Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor

      Using Tx As Transaction =




        Dim viewportTableRec As ViewportTableRecord =



              ed.ActiveViewportId, OpenMode.ForWrite),


        SetViewportToExtents(db, viewportTableRec)



      End Using

    End Sub

  End Class


End Namespace

The second file implements – among other things – a MinesweeperMgr class that takes care of the main implementation of the game (aiding portability). This is a good technique to follow, where possible, as AutoCAD may not be the only (even if by some bizarre twist of fate it somehow ends up being the best ;-) environment for playing the Minesweeper game.

Here’s the MinesweeperMgr implementation file:

Namespace Minesweeper


  Public Class MinesweeperException

    Inherits Exception

  End Class


  'Each cell can have one of these three statuses


  Public Enum CellStatus




  End Enum



  Public Structure MineCell

    Public Sub New(

      ByVal status As CellStatus, ByVal val As Integer,

      ByVal bomb As Boolean, ByVal marked As Boolean)


      status = status

      isBomb = bomb

      Value = val

    End Sub

    Public Status As CellStatus 'Covered/Uncovered/Marked

    Public Value As Integer 'No of neighboring cells containing bombs

    Public isBomb As Boolean 'Is this cell a bomb?

  End Structure



  Public Class MinesweeperMgr


    Private mRows As Integer 'Rows in grid

    Private mCols As Integer 'Columns in grid

    Private mMineArray(,) As MineCell 'The grid

    Private mNumMines As Integer 'Number of mines hidden in grid

    Private mNumCellsUncovered 'Number of cells currently uncovered


    Public ReadOnly Property NumCellsUncovered() As Integer


        Return mNumCellsUncovered

      End Get

    End Property


    Private Function IncrementNumCellsUncovered() As Integer

      mNumCellsUncovered = mNumCellsUncovered + 1

      Return mNumCellsUncovered

    End Function


    Public Property MinefieldRows() As Integer


        Return mRows

      End Get

      Set(ByVal value As Integer)

        If value > 0 Then

          mRows = value

          If NumMines > mRows * MinefieldColumns Then

            NumMines = mRows * MinefieldColumns

          End If


          Throw New MinesweeperException

        End If

      End Set

    End Property


    Public Property MinefieldColumns() As Integer


        Return mCols

      End Get

      Set(ByVal value As Integer)

        If value > 0 Then

          mCols = value

          If NumMines > MinefieldRows * mCols Then

            NumMines = MinefieldRows * mCols

          End If


          Throw New MinesweeperException

        End If

      End Set

    End Property


    Public Property NumMines() As Integer


        Return mNumMines

      End Get

      Set(ByVal value As Integer)

        If mNumMines <= (mCols * mRows) Then

          mNumMines = value


          mNumMines = mCols * mRows

        End If

      End Set

    End Property


    Public ReadOnly Property MineArray() As MineCell(,)


        Return mMineArray

      End Get

    End Property


    Public Function GetCell(

      ByVal row As Integer, ByVal col As Integer) As MineCell


      If row >= 0 And row < MinefieldRows And

         col >= 0 And col < MinefieldColumns Then

        Return mMineArray(row, col)


        Throw New MinesweeperException

      End If

    End Function

    Public Function SetCell(

      ByVal row As Integer, ByVal col As Integer,

      ByVal value As MineCell) As Boolean


      If row >= 0 And row < MinefieldRows And

         col >= 0 And col < MinefieldColumns Then

        mMineArray(row, col) = value

        Return True


        Throw New MinesweeperException

      End If

    End Function


    Public Function UncoverCell(

      ByVal row As Integer, ByVal col As Integer) As MineCell


      Dim curCellVal As MineCell = MineArray(row, col)

      If curCellVal.Status <> CellStatus.Uncovered Then

        MineArray(row, col).Status = CellStatus.Uncovered


      End If

      Return curCellVal

    End Function


    'Toggle cell between Covered and Marked Status.

    'Does nothing for Uncovered cells.

    'Returns previous MineCell values.


    Public Function MarkCell(

      ByVal row As Integer, ByVal col As Integer) As MineCell


      Dim curCellVal As MineCell = MineArray(row, col)

      If curCellVal.Status = CellStatus.Covered Then

        MineArray(row, col).Status = CellStatus.Marked

      ElseIf curCellVal.Status = CellStatus.Marked Then

        MineArray(row, col).Status = CellStatus.Covered

      End If

      Return curCellVal

    End Function


    'Returns true if cell is uncovered

    Public Function CellIsUnCovered(

      ByVal row As Integer, ByVal col As Integer) As Boolean


      Dim curCellVal As MineCell = MineArray(row, col)

      If MineArray(row, col).Status = CellStatus.Uncovered Then

        Return True


        Return False

      End If

    End Function


    'Returns true if we've cleared all our non-mine cells


    Public Function AllEmptyCellsUncovered() As Boolean

      Return NumCellsUncovered =

         MinefieldColumns * MinefieldRows - NumMines

    End Function


    Public Sub InitMinefield()

      InitMinefield(MinefieldRows, MinefieldColumns, NumMines)

    End Sub


    Private Sub ResetNumCellsUncovered()

      mNumCellsUncovered = 0

    End Sub


    'Initialize grid, and put the mines in random locations


    Public Sub InitMinefield(

      ByVal rows As Integer, ByVal cols As Integer,

      ByVal num As Integer)


      If rows < 1 Or cols < 1 Or num < 1 Then

        Throw New MinesweeperException

      End If

      MinefieldRows = rows

      MinefieldColumns = cols

      If num > rows * cols Then

        NumMines = rows * cols


        NumMines = num

      End If



      'Initialize grid (array) to represent minefield


      ReDim mMineArray(rows - 1, cols - 1)


      ' Add mines to grid (value of -1 means a mine is at

      ' that location)



      Dim i As Integer = 0


        Dim rndRow As Integer = Rnd() * (MinefieldRows - 1)

        Dim rndCol As Integer = Rnd() * (MinefieldColumns - 1)

        If mMineArray(rndRow, rndCol).isBomb = False Then

          mMineArray(rndRow, rndCol).Value = -1

          mMineArray(rndRow, rndCol).isBomb = True

          mMineArray(rndRow, rndCol).Status = CellStatus.Covered

          i = i + 1

        End If

      Loop While i < num


      ' Now mines are added, we populate the rest of the grid

      ' with the numbers to indicate how many mines are in

      ' neighbouring(cells)


      For i = 0 To MinefieldRows - 1

        For j As Integer = 0 To MinefieldColumns - 1


          ' If this cell contains a mine then don't process it


          If mMineArray(i, j).isBomb = True Then

            Continue For

          End If

          Dim mineCounter As Integer = 0


          'Check grid cells around this one looking for mines ...

          ' i-1,j-1 | i,j-1 | i+1,j-1

          '   i-1,j |  i,j  | i+1,j

          ' i-1,j+1 | i,j+1 | i+1,j+1


          For k As Integer = -1 To 1

            For l As Integer = -1 To 1


              ' Skip over cells outside bounds of minefield


              If (i + k < 0) Or (i + k > MinefieldRows - 1) Or

                 (j + l < 0) Or (j + l > MinefieldColumns - 1) Then

                Continue For

              End If

              'Don't include cell (i,j)

              If k = 0 And l = 0 Then

                Continue For

              End If

              If mMineArray(i + k, j + l).isBomb = True Then

                mineCounter = mineCounter + 1

              End If



          mMineArray(i, j).Value = mineCounter

          mMineArray(i, j).Status = CellStatus.Covered



    End Sub

  End Class

End Namespace

When we run the MINESWEEPER command, it asks you for the size of the grid and the number of mines to hide inside it. It then displays a blank game:

As you uncover cells, you see the number of adjacent (straight and diagonal) cells containing mines. You continue to select cells until you hit a mine:

I’d show you a successfully completed game, but I’m clearly too far from my student days (and no longer have the requisite skills ;-).

Thanks for the “blast from the past” (boom boom… ouch – the puns are never-ending :-) and for the fun implementation, Stephen!


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